To be completely honest, this morning’s Tap In felt a bit “uncomfortable” for me…
This whole “nature attunement” stuff is so new to me and I wasn’t sure I was confident enough to bring it into our tap in & intention setting this week. Don’t get me wrong – I always knew the benefits of communing with nature but I have never felt it or understood it like I do now.
Studying Ayurveda (which is Sanskrit for “The Science of Life”) with the Chopra Center has opened my senses completely to the benefits and power of nature and the 5 elements.
So, why did I feel uncomfortable in the Tap In today? Because the old “ego-perfectionist” in me came out and was in the back of my mind telling me I don’t know enough about all this to teach it yet. However, my intuition was louder and nudged me to do it anyway. This is powerful information.
I decided to honor my intuition by listening to it today (instead of my ego) and even though I felt a bit vulnerable, went with it anyway.
My own recent practice of tuning into the connection that nature has with my body has definitely brought me many;
- aha moments
- flashes of insights, and
- goosebumps
So, this week we are;
Tuning into the 5 Elements of Nature that are within all of us
These 5 elements are the building blocks of nature and although this is barely even scratching the surface of this powerful science of life (Ayurveda teachings) I figured it was a good place to start. Since last week we learned that by tuning into our five senses, opening up our awareness, and practicing yoga & breathwork will summon, exercising, strengthen & honor our intuition… this week will lead us to our next step.
Tuning into Nature
There is an expression in Ayurveda that is fundamental to the teachings of Ayurveda…
“As is the human body, so is the cosmic body. As is the human mind, so is the cosmic mind”
What this expression basically refers to is that our human intelligence – both our body and our mind are NOT separate from nature’s intelligence.
The same brilliant force that oversees the expansion of one cell into the 50 trillion cells currently in our mind & body, is the exact same intelligence that manages all of nature. From the change of seasons to the earth which spins on its axis & revolves around the sun, to the migration of animals.
EVERY cell in our body flows with the same intelligence as nature flows.
When we understand that these 5 elements of nature are also within each of us, we have the ability to better understand ourselves.
Here are the 5 Elements (known in Sanskrit as Mahabhutas)
Let’s explore each element further and the affects they have on both our physical body and on our mind.
Space represents potential. For anything to happen in the external world – space is necessary. Think of an empty room and all the potential for that space! Space is open, it is expansive, it is pure potentiality & it is full of possibility. Within our physical body, space is between & within every single cell & molecule that carries information. Within our minds this space is between each thought that we have and the more often we practice meditation the more expansive this space becomes. It is a gap that holds all the potential & possibility for every thought & every intention that we have. When we set daily intentions, we are accessing this space, where anything is possible. (Pure potentiality)
In this space we welcome in air
Air is movement & change. Air in the external world is represented as wind, as we observe nature, we can see and feel wind move throughout nature creating change all around us. Within our physical body, air is represented by the movement within our lungs (our breath). This breath & movement impacts our circulation & nervous system as well. Within our minds it is the movement of thoughts. We have one thought & then another…when we are aware of these movements of thoughts, we have the opportunity to change them. We can change them into new possibilities.
Space & air are necessary for fire to be created
Fire represents transformation. In the external world fire expresses itself as the Sun. Both fire & sun creates heat, light & transformation. Within our physical body, fire express itself as our digestive system & metabolism. Within our minds this fire, this heat, this transformation can move our thoughts in the direction of creativity and solutions.
Fire and heat can be condensed into water
Water represents lubrication, cohesion & continuity. Our bodies and the Earth are made up of approximately 70% water. In the external world it is obviously rain, snow, rivers, lakes, oceans etc. Within our physical body our organs are surrounded and nourished by plasma, our joints are nourished by synovial fluid & our central nervous system is protected by fluid. Within our minds the element of water helps with our memory and keeping our thoughts and memories together.
As things become more cohesive, they become more solid
Earth represents anything we can touch and interact with. In the external world of nature, it is the trees, plants, mountains and any & all solid structures. Within our physical body, our bones, muscles, organs etc. are the earth element. Within our minds the element of earth is the structure of our thoughts and the stories we tell.
Not only are these 5 elements in nature
we all have each of these elements within us and now we can see how they get carried out in our every day lives.
With this knowledge and awareness, we can tap into a vast amount of potential with our intuition.
Let’s take our practice of strengthening our intuition one step further this week by setting a daily intention of tuning all of our 5 senses (sight, sound, smell, taste & touch) into nature and all of these 5 elements within us and all around us.
This Week’s Intention;
“Today, I tune into the 5 elements of nature within me and all around me.”
Tips to help you “tune in”
- Go out for a quiet/silent walk-in nature. Tune into all your 5 senses and all 5 elements both within you & around you.
- Stand (or walk) barefoot and connect into the earth’s natural healing vibration. Few benefits of earthing; reduces stress & inflammation. Improves sleep & blood flow.
- Sit in stillness in nature. Tune into all your 5 senses and bring your attention to; the space all around you and the space between your thoughts. The wind, movement & change happening all around you and within you physically and mentally. The sun, heat & transformation of nature (ex. snow melting), the warmth on your skin, fire in your belly, the energy of your thoughts (creativity, curiosity) The water, rain, snow, any bodies of water around you and a deep appreciation for the nourishment & protection of the cohesive fluids within you. The earth, the beauty of nature all around you and the beauty within you.
If circumstances do not allow you to be outside, make sure you take the time to sit and visualize being in nature. The mind does not know the difference, so if you can visualize these elements around you and tune into the elements within you on a daily basis you will reap the healing benefits of nature and open access to your intuition, insights and aha moments 😊
Let’s Tap It In…