If you truly want to make some changes in your life, whether that is in your health, your relationships, your finances or any other aspect of your life – then open your awareness to the energy you are putting out into the world. This awareness can shift everything!

Chakra Energy, Vibration and Transformation


What comes up for you when you hear the word transformation? The word and concept of transformation scares, intimidates and confuses some people.

What I have come to know though; is that transformation is possible for everyone and it does not need to be a daunting process or an uphill battle.

It begins with the understanding that you have an energy system within you. It then follows a desire to welcome in change and a willingness to shift any energy that doesn’t feel authentically yours. Ultimately this is about reaching for a higher vibrational energy.

If you want something to change – whether that be your health, a relationship, your finances or all of the above, know that nothing changes until your energy changes. Energy comes in many forms.


Everything is energy

Energy is what makes up the Universe and is the essence of all that is

Quantum physics has proven that when matter (let’s use a chair for example) is broken down into its most basic component, there is “no matter” and only energy exists.

Life is not about managing matter (people and things) but managing or rather understanding and balancing energy. Your energy to be specific. The vibration you put out into the world is what you are ultimately attracting back into your reality.

If you can think of energy in this way, you get a clearer picture of how much you actually have control over your life and current situation. When you see energy in this way you can begin to manage, understand and balance your relationships, your physical, mental and emotional health, your finances, and ultimately your reality.

With this understanding transformation is the next logical step. It is not scary, confusing or unreachable.

Everything IS energy but for the sake of applying the necessary changes needed in your life – let’s keep this simple.

Energy is your;

  • Thoughts
  • Beliefs
  • Words
  • Actions
  • Feelings

If you truly want to transform anything in your life YOU NEED TO TRANSFORM your thoughts, beliefs, words and actions – your feelings will follow as a result. Once you practice shifting the way you think, believe and speak – your actions will also shift and eventually begin to unfold into the direction of the change you want to experience in your life.

Whether you want to transform; a relationship, an illness, injury, how you see yourself, your finances or your physical, mental and emotional health you have an internal energy system that once you become aware of and tap into it – you can balance your life and experience abundance in all areas of your life.

This internal energy system is your Chakra System and this system carries your urges, emotions, habits, patterns and behaviors as well as the memories of all that you have experienced in your life so far. Left unattended these centers get unbalanced, blocked and over-charged creating a lot of anxiety, depression, worry and suffering which can leave you feeling like your life is either stuck, running out of control or a mixture of both.

In becoming aware of these centers and discovering how to bring balance to them, you can learn to calm down the over-charged energy, remove many blocks and find some balance in your life. As with all energy, it is always shifting – so understanding these centers is an empowering way for you to take control of your life.

The 7 Main Chakra Centers

There are 7 main chakras centers. Bringing awareness to these centers is the best place to begin your energy balancing journey.

Here is a very brief description of each of these centers

  1. Root Chakra; this is the energy center where survival instincts reside. Here you identify with your physical body and everything to do with the physical human existence. When this center is balanced you can easily ground and center yourself. You trust, feel safe and secure in your body, your life and your relationships. When this center is out-of-balance you experience fear.
  2. Navel/Sacral Chakra; this is the energy center where desires, emotions, passions and creation resides. This center is all about feeling and finding your creativity, sexuality and ultimately your happiness. When this center is balanced you flow with the experience of life and with less effort. When this center is out-of-balance you experience emotional imbalances stemming primarily from guilt and doubt.
  3. Solar Plexus Chakra; this is the center where your ego-personality resides. This center is where you cultivate your personal power. The journey of balancing this chakra is all about finding your confidence, personal power, self-esteem, self-worth and the inspiration to set intentions and take action to follow through with them. When this center is out-of-balance you will experience shame, feelings of unworthiness and an intense desire to control your outer environment.
  4. Heart Chakra; this is the center where unconditional love, compassion, gratitude and forgiveness resides. When in balance you can transform anything in your life! First and foremost this heart chakra energy is all about the life-long journey to loving yourself. When this center is out-of-balance you experience grievances, sadness and regret – all which blocks the energy of giving and receiving and ultimately throws the energy of all the energy centers out of balance. Self-love and the heart chakra is the bridge and the gateway to access balance in all of these centers.
  5. Throat Chakra; this is the center where your ability to communicate resides. The quality of your life depends on the quality of your communication… with yourself. Being able to detach from the outer world and go inward for your internal truth is when you can create balance in this center and transform your life with the power of your words. When this center is out-of-balance you can’t see the truth and will tend to distort your reality in order to gain acceptance or love from the outer world. This disconnects you from your true self.
  6. Third Eye Chakra; this is the center where your intuition and insights reside. This center is all about how you see the world and yourself. When this center is in balance you can see beyond obstacles and into the deeper meaning of life. You can see what your unique gifts and talents are that you came here to share with the world. When this center is out-of-balance you get stuck in both your own limiting beliefs and the limiting beliefs of others.
  7. Crown Chakra; this is the energy where your freedom resides. This center when in balance brings you clarity, wisdom, self-knowledge and an understanding of a higher consciousness. You can transform any aspect of your life when you tap into the energy of this chakra. This is the energy of pure potentiality and possibilities. When this energy is out-of-balance you are stuck in your head with limiting thoughts and worst case scenario’s.

In the learning of these energy systems and how they relate to you and your circumstances any transformation is possible.

Weight can be lost, injuries and illnesses can be healed, addictions can be overcome, relationships can be mended and problems can be solved.

This is true for everyone. Become aware of the vibrations you are putting out into the world. Shift your vibrational energy by shifting your thoughts, beliefs, words and actions by choosing to consciously start your days with an intention of how you are going to show up for yourself and others in your day. And so the transformation begins.

This Week’s Intention

  1. Be consciously aware of the energy you are putting out into the world. Be mindful, non-judgmental and curious of others and their energy too.
  2. Set an intention every morning to purposely “show up” in a particular way throughout your day. Ask yourself every morning “How am I going to show up for my day today?”
  3. Be curious and play with this concept. Try shifting your thoughts around a relationship or a person and notice the shift that occurs when you let go of any complaining or judgements.
  4. Bring love and healing to all of your thoughts, beliefs, relationships and words.

If you are interested in diving deeper into the Chakra’s I offer group classes, recordings, workshops and private sessions throughout the year. Contact me at leslie@wellnessdefined.ca for availability and more information.

Below is the unfolding of awareness that occurs once one opens to the teachings of these energy centers within.

Awareness of the Chakras

  1. Through the unfolding of the root chakra, you learn to feel safe, grounded and essentially trust in the life energy of your physical body.
  2. When you awaken the navel/sacral chakra, you learn to FEEL and experience your emotions in a healthy way – opening to the flow of life and to your desires, passions, sexuality and creativity.
  3. Developing the solar plexus chakra allows you to find the inner strength, confidence and courage to take inspired action in the direction of following through with your intentions, goals and desires.
  4. By activating the heart chakra, you learn the most important aspect of this human experience – self-love! Through self-love you develop gratitude, compassion and the ability to forgive.
  5. With the unfolding of the throat chakra, the quality of your communication with yourself improves drastically! Leading to living your truth and effectively communicating with others.
  6. Developing the third eye chakra sparks your power of intuition, insight & visualization.
  7. Through the unfolding of the crown chakra, you learn to surrender, let go and tap into higher consciousness – leading to living your life with pure potential.

Have an amazing week my friends






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