Cardio HIIT

High Intensity Interval Training

This is a 30-minute class of high-intensity interval training.

  • Simple moves intensified to create a workout that allows you to push your heart rate up to higher levels than you are normally used to.
  • The heart is a muscle. We need to strengthen this muscle just like any other muscle we work to strengthen. Once fatigued, our muscles break down and then instinctively repair themself stronger.
  • That is what this class is doing, working, and strengthening the heart.

In all my classes – there are always options.  I will give and demonstrate BOTH these options.

  • You can choose to go high intensity if you want and I will give you those tools or
  • You can choose to keep it more of an aerobic level workout, where your heart rate is still up and your breathing heavy but you’re not pushing yourself to that higher intensity anaerobic level.

The majority of this class timed:

  • We either set times of work vs rest with the repetition of movements or
  • cardio moves are put together with the opportunity and options to reach a high-intensity level at your own discretion.

This is an effective class for everyone and all levels, as it strengthens your heart, gets your heart rate up, and allows you to test your own limits.  Come join us!

Time: 8:45 a.m.
Class Length: 30 minutes


Feb 25 2025


8:45 am - 9:15 am
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