Free “Try It” Days – January 2022

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Come Join Us And Please Invite A Friend

  • Do you know someone who would enjoy my classes? Invite them to try my classes! 
  • I will be hosting some FREE “Try It” days the week of January 24th to 28th and I hope you can join me!

Monday, Jan 24th, 10:30 am – Hatha Yoga

Suitable for all fitness levels, Hatha Yoga is designed to align and calm your mind, body, and soul.  Precision of alignment and bringing breath awareness into each of the postures are the staple principles of every Hatha Yoga class.

Did you know that with my Hatha Yoga classes…

  • Supports (props) are often used to help with the alignment of the postures. Many of these supports (props) can be household items
    • Pillows, cushions, towels, and books in place of blocks or bolsters and
    • Scarfs, belts, or rolled-up towels in place of Yoga straps.
  • You will experience a combination of sustained poses with attention to basic alignment and the principles of mindfulness. Observing the breath & body are an integral part of each class.

I hope you will include yoga as part of your goal of achieving overall wellness.  This style of yoga provides flexibility and strengthening to the body and is suitable for all fitness levels.


Tuesday, Jan 25th, 8:45 am – Hitt class

This is an effective class for everyone and all levels, as it strengthens your heart, gets your heart rate up, and allows you to test your own limits.  Come join us!

  • Simple moves are intensified to create a workout that allows you to push your heart rate up to higher levels than you are normally used to.
  • The heart is a muscle. We need to strengthen this muscle just like any other muscle we work to strengthen. Once fatigued, our muscles break down and then instinctively repair themself stronger.  That is what this class is doing, working, and strengthening the heart.

In all my classes – there are always options.  I will give and demonstrate BOTH these options.

  • You can choose to go high intensity if you want and I will give you those tools or
  • You can choose to keep it more of an aerobic level workout, where your heart rate is still up and your breathing heavy but you’re not pushing yourself to that higher intensity anaerobic level.

The majority of this class timed:

  1. We either set times of work vs rest with the repetition of movements or
  2. Cardio moves are put together with the opportunity and options to reach a high-intensity level at your own discretion.


Tuesday, Jan 25th – 11:00 am – Personal Development Class

Each class will be a different topic and discussion with the focus being on how we can shift our mindset to live our best life. In each class, I will also share strategies, tools, and optional homework to help you. We will end the class with a mediation.

Topics will include

  • awareness,
  • compassion,
  • love and forgiveness,
  • mindfulness tools,
  • gratitude,
  • setting goals and intention,
  • and more!


Wednesday, Jan 26th, 9:15 am – 321 Core class

This time-efficient program creates amazing results and is suitable for everyone!  3-2-1 & Core is a mix of strength, cardio, and core.

  1. We start with a warm-up, focusing on large muscle groups,
  2. Then move into 3 minutes of strength work, 2 minutes of cardio, and
  3. Then one minute of core

We then repeat this (nonstop) for three to four rounds to create a super calorie-busting workout!  We finished with a cool-down, core work, and a stretch.

This class is absolutely for everybody! 

  • Workout at your own pace – We can modify the intensity of everything we do!
  • There are ways to modify each exercise
  • Come and try this amazing workout.


Wednesday, Jan 26th, 10:30 am – Energy Yoga

Can you define your “Energetic Wellness” goals? Not sure how to answer that question? Read on…

  • Energy yoga is a practice that harnesses our energy and helps support our body’s ability to stay in balance.
  • In these classes, you will learn many powerful practices to aid in healing our bodies.
  • This energy awareness class strengthens and balances numerous systems within your body:
    • your immune system,
    • your digestive system,
    • your metabolism, and
    • your energy system

This ultimately boosts both your vitality and your stamina.

I hope you will join us!  This practice is guaranteed to bring you the knowledge and tools that you can integrate into your life to increase your own health & vitality.


Thursday, Jan 27th, 9:30 am – Yoga for Strength

What Is Yoga For Strength?

  • Yoga for Strength incorporates strong yoga postures with an awareness of breath, alignment, and endurance.
  • The postures may be held or they may flow into one another in a quick but smooth sequence.

This practice will help you:

  • gain focus, balance, and flexibility
  • increase your endurance, stamina, your core strength ​and​
  • connect you into practicing body awareness.

This class is suitable for all of you wanting to build strength and is a great choice for those looking for a stronger physical yoga practice.  Come join us!


Thursday, Jan 27th,10:45 am – Fascia Workout

  • Whether you have amazing strength, endurance, or limited range of motion, limited flexibility, aches, and pains or
  • You simply want to learn how to move your body in the way that it was designed to move, this is a class for all of us.

Tightness and tenderness that shows up in our muscles, joints, ligaments, and tendons are messages that we need to pay a little bit more attention to in our body, its movements, and its limitations. If we ignore these signals, these messages from our bodies get louder – pain, injury, and illness can be the result. This class moves our body in various different ways to focus on:

  • creating balance through our muscles,
  • our joints, and
  • our fascia lines.

Whether you use this Facia Body Workout class to prepare for a long run, an intense workout, or whether you simply want to give your body a little bit of TLC, this class will benefit everybody and every body!


Friday, Jan 28th 9:45 am – Total Body Conditioning

Total Body Conditioning (TBC) classes can be taught in so many different ways, with variations that will be sure to bring fun and versatility into your day and your workouts.  All variations of this full-body workout are a must to fit into your wellness routine!

  • The class will begin with a full-body warm-up and then using different modalities we will focus on all of our major muscle groups within our body.
  • The goal is to help you to develop strength, endurance, and stability.
  • Classes may also incorporate some form of cardio.

Everyone can do this class!

  • In every class, I will offer options to modify or intensify everything that we are doing.
  • Weights of all kinds and sizes are welcome – use what is best for your own fitness level!
  • This class can also be done with very limited weight options. Come check out what we are doing today in Total Body Conditioning!  I know you are going to LOVE IT!


Friday, Jan 28th 12:00 pm – Yoga for Relaxation

Yoga for Relaxation can also be referred to as Yoga for Healing The Mind, Body, and Soul, and in my opinion, is a must for everyone!

  • This practice incorporates our body’s breath with our body’s movements.
  • Slower more mindful repetitive movements connect our breath and the movement together for optimal stress release, relaxation, and healing.
  • Relaxing poses will be held to encourage a deeper release and a deeper connection to our chi, our breath, our energy… encouraging the wealth of intelligence, that our body’s own natural intuitive healing promotes.

Come join us!  Adding this practice into your fitness routine will encourage healing, connection, and release.


How To Register

  • Contact me directly at to register for any or all of the classes you would like to try.
  • When you register for one or more of my Try It Days,
  1. you will get a confirmation email with a ZOOM link for the class that you registered for.
  2. I suggest you sign in to zoom about 5 minutes before the class is scheduled to start because we normally start right away.
  3. If you cannot join us live don’t worry.  Register for the class because that day, you will receive a link so you can do the class at your convenience.
  4. The recordings to the class will be available for approximately 48 hours after you receive them.


Any questions?  Please email me and I will be happy to answer any questions you have!

Be well!



Class Schedule

February 2025

Events for January


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Events for January


Events for January


Events for February


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Events for February


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Events for February


Events for February


Events for February


Events for February


Events for February


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Events for February


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Events for February


Events for February


Events for February


Events for February


Events for February


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Events for February


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Events for February


Events for February


Events for February


Events for February


Events for February


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Events for February


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Events for February


Events for February


Events for February


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