Awareness with our Crown Chakra


Pure awareness

This week as we move into our Crown Chakra, we open ourselves up to pure awareness.

Thought is the element of this energy center.

Our beliefs are formed by thoughts that we continually keep thinking. And…Behavior follows belief.

As we complete our Chakra series on redefining success, I ask you this question…

”Are you using these energy tools and suggestions to balance your chakra’s for redefining success in reaching your goals, resolutions or desires?”

This is a loaded question, because the answer can and will vary. I suppose “no” is a clear answer and will explain why you haven’t found a new way to achieve your goals. However “yes” is where it can vary…”yes but…” and this is a valid answer because there are many variables at play here..

  1. The space you are in when we visited each Chakra will be different every single time you visit it – so re-visiting these past 8 Tap In’s and blog post will be beneficial and re-acquainting yourself will the teachings will always be helpful.
  2. You may be doing your best to use these energy tools and suggestions but all this is very new to you and you have so many more questions. Also, valid as these energy centers have so many different layers to them. I would again suggest re-visiting these post, because they are specific to “shaking things up and re-defining success” So you can learn something relevant and new each time you listen and read.
  3. You may be following all these suggestions to a “T” yet, haven’t managed to achieve your goals (yet!)

Don’t give up!

The teachings of this final chakra will give you some insight to why you may be unable to so far (and have in the past) not been able to achieve your desired outcome. And so read on and DON’T GIVE UP 😊

The final teachings of this series is that we need to open ourselves up to full awareness of our thoughts, our beliefs and how these are leading us to our behaviors. Once you become aware of the thoughts you are thinking and the beliefs that you have, the next step is to questions all of them!!!

Should we believe everything we think? No Absolutely not

Can we change our beliefs? Yes, we can 

Can we challenge our own opinions, beliefs and thoughts? If you are ready to be honest with yourself – you bet you can!

Throughout this series I have mentioned that we have a Ego/personality identity and a Soul and that the key to balancing these energy centers is to align our personality with our Soul.

When we are in full personality/ego we align with fear and take action from that fear space – sabotaging our intentions. 

When we align our personality/ego with love, we take action from that love space, taking action in the direction of supporting our goals.

Why would we align with fear?

When we think a thought or a belief that hurts, it triggers our ego and we react from that space of fear. In this space we ultimately make decisions that do not support the desired outcome of our goals. Underneath this trigger will always be a self-limiting belief (otherwise the thought wouldn’t trigger us).

It is this self-limiting belief that our Ego reacts from and the force behind this belief is our ego’s need to control things AND be right. Our Ego so badly wants to prove itself right, that it is willing to sabotage all our good intentions that we set every morning.

For example; if you have heavy debt and it comes to a point where you want to buy something and your intuition quickly gives you a “I know I can’t afford this” nudge AND your intention that day was to not spend money and you buy it anyway… there is a limiting belief that pushed you to buy it. Any one of these beliefs could have triggered the purchase;

  • I have struggled financially my whole life.
  • My family has always struggled to make ends meet.
  • I will never be cheap like my parents were.
  • People with money are snobs/bad/crooks.
  • Money makes people crazy.
  • I will never make enough money.
  • I don’t deserve ______ (fill in this blank with numerous beliefs)

These are just a few examples but the point is when our ego holds onto any of these beliefs, we will prove the belief right with every choice, every action and every behavior – no matter what our intention for that day was! Why? Because our ego loves to be right.   

There is so much more to this but it is here in the crown chakra that we can bring awareness to our thoughts, our beliefs, our tendencies, our actions and our behaviors.

Awareness of our thoughts and beliefs are the only way we can change them.

Awareness is the first step and a fundamental key to freeing ourselves from these limiting beliefs. 

There are two parts to our intention this week…

  1. PURE AWARENESS. Awareness of our thoughts & beliefs
  2. QUESTIONING & CHALLENGING every thought and every belief we have.

We do not have to believe our thoughts.

How does our Soul fit into this? Our Soul is our intuition, our gut instincts and is the part of us that is drawn to hope. No one wants to feel hopeless and the inner light of our Soul is this feeling of hope. It is that quiet voice in times of despair that whispers “I am going to be okay” Our Soul sees us as pure love and goodness, and these whispers come from the insights of our heart.

These whispers come from love

Our Soul is Love

Our Souls is Light

Our Soul is Hope

How does our Soul know we are going to be okay? Because the other awareness that this Crown Chakra, when in balance brings us is a connection to a higher cosmic energy. Call it what you want, the name is quite irrelevant – it is the energy of the Universe, The Divine, Spirit, Creator, Source, it is the energy of a higher consciousness and the connection we have with infinite potentiality. It is this energy that our Soul came from and it is the energy that our Soul will return to when our physical body crosses over.

Our logical mind (ego/personality) often has a tough time with this concept, but the more often one aligns their personality with their Soul the more evidence of this energy is shown. Both seen evidence and unseen evidence. This is where trust and an open mind comes in.

The best example I can explain from my own experience, is that my awareness of this connection to the Universe (it is worth saying here that I did NOT believe in this for years) ended so much suffering in my life. My regular practice of Yoga and Meditation brought me this connection & clarity and ultimately brought peace to my heart and peace in my mind.

Yoga and Meditation are the practices that will bring balance to our Crown Chakra and open our awareness in so many ways.

Let’s dive a little deeper into what characteristics throw our Crown Chakra out of balance and see if we can learn some ways to bring some balance into this very powerful center of clarity, self-knowledge and unity.

 Characteristics of Too Much Energy in the Crown Chakra;

  • We live in our head – so much thought!
  • We experience excessive attachment to people and things
  • We experience excessive attachment to our thoughts and beliefs.
  • We have an inability to let go.
  • We feel the need to control everything
  • We are disassociated with our body and have a difficult time feeling or sensing anything in our body. This can lead to imbalances and poor coordination.

The best way to bring the energy of our over-active crown chakra into balance is to sit in a silent meditation and allow our awareness to descend down the Chakras to ground and anchor ourselves into the Earth. Find your favorite style of Yoga and incorporate it into your life. Daily intention practices of letting go of control is also a practice to cultivate into your day. Setting intentions, visualizing what it is that you desire and then letting go of HOW it should unfold is a powerful practice to allow you to bring balance to this center. Letting go does not mean giving up – it simply means to let go and let be…trust the Universe has a divine plan and open to this flow. Our attachments are our greatest teachers. Ground yourself into your meditation practice and open your mind to learn a lot about yourself by all the attachments you have in your life.  

 Characteristics of Not Enough Energy in the Crown Chakra

  • We feel hopeless.
  • We have very closed mind.
  • We have a very rigid belief system.
  • We experience very little excitement, emotion or passion.
  • We have no real connections to the world.
  • We have a hard time functioning physically in the world.

AWARENESS is the best way to increase the energy of our under-active Crown chakra. Awareness of our thoughts, awareness of our beliefs, awareness with curiosity and non judgement as to open our minds to how our way of thinking and believing has shaped our reality.

Characteristics of a Balanced Crown Chakra;

  • We are open-minded
  • We are “attached to nothing and open to anything” (Wayne Dyer)
  • We are ready to open up to who we are and why we are here.
  • We trust our intuition and our gut-instincts – we do not second guess ourselves.
  • We easily can align our personality with our Soul.
  • We have Spiritual experiences of peace, bliss and harmony.
  • We trust in divine timing, the Universe and ourselves.
  • We have strong core values and we live by them.

This Week’s Intention Work;

  1. Set an intention for the day.
  2. Sit with your intention in a silent meditation. Observe all thoughts and beliefs around this intention – with curiosity and non-judgement.
  3. Question and challenge every thought and every belief. (Helps you to get to the root limiting belief – get real here – keep questioning and keep challenging every thought)
  4. Write down the thoughts and beliefs that you are discovering.
  5. Know this is a starting point of awareness and your work to improve your life has  begun!

When we challenge and questions our own thoughts, opinions and beliefs, we have a chance to change our reality. If our actions do not represent who we want to be, we can choose different actions. We need to dig out those self-limiting deep-rooted beliefs though – it is like digging out that sliver from our finger – once your have taken it out – the healing can begin. If it stays in, it will eventually fester and cause greater pain. This is work worth doing.

You are worth it!

Even though our Chakra series to re-define success is complete – you have these blogs to revisit, re-watch and reread when you feel ready.

Moving forward there will be a weekly Tap In (and a blog post to support it) to continue to journey you through to make better choices, be who you want to be and make the changes you want to make in your life.

My weekly fitness and particularly the Yoga classes and the Personal Development classes incorporate these teachings further into your awareness. Contact me at for more information.

Now, let’s Tap In with our Crown Chakra…



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