Balancing our Solar Plexus to Achieve our Goals


A Balanced Solar Plexus is the next step in keeping our dreams, desires and resolutions alive and on track.

 Reminding ourselves of what we desire; what is important to us and who we truly want to be, and then taking action everyday (big or small) in that direction, will lead us all to our desires.

 Not so easy to do when our Solar Plexus is out of balance though. So how do we effectively balance this energy center? Read on…

 As we move into this last week of January, it is important to recap some important key points we have learned on this journey so far. Redefining success in our goals by changing up how we do things. We can’t do the same things and expect things to be different.

How have we changed things up? What new ways have we learned to redefine success?

 1. We have learned that setting an intention every morning is the stepping stone to our success.

2. We have learned that creating structure in a daily morning practice of sitting in silence and stillness WITH THIS intention, will set the foundation (ground work) for this intention to unfold in the right direction throughout a day of possible obstacles.

3. We have learned that we all have a right to desire what we desire and feeling our emotions is the key to creating the space to discover our desires and find our happiness.

 Each week, we learn a new chakra energy system and each energy system is our opportunity to go inward to create balance. Just as we now know that happiness is an inside job, balance in all of our chakra systems is also an inside job.

 This week we venture into the complex energy of our Solar Plexus and we learn how to balance it.  

 The Solar Plexus is the home of our;




Inner strength





The Solar Plexus is located in the core area of our body, where our ribs meet in the center of our body. The element of the Solar Plexus is fire. This is literally the fire in our belly. The energy created within to take action. This is our intuitive gut-instincts and last but not least,

it is our Ego identity.

 We all have and need an ego – it is our personality. Our ego is the part of us that lives in this world. It is the part of ourselves that relates to all other egos/personalities. It is often the mask we put on to present to the world around us. It is the part of us that decides to take action (or not take action) in the direction of our desires and our dreams. Our ego is at the core of everything we do in our every day life.

A simple question that has the ability to bring balance to this center is;

“Am I acting from love?”

 From the moment we wake up in the morning to when we lay our heads back down at night, our ego makes every decision in our day.

Our ego’s actions are driven by our thoughts, emotions, beliefs, intentions, habits, behaviors and patterns. Whether we think those actions are good or bad is all in the perception and judgement of the ego.

 It is a really good idea to become friends with our ego in order to understand why we do the things we do and make the choices that we make. When we understand our ego, we can make better choices.

 And we always have a choice.

 Simply put. When we choose to take action from love, it creates balance in our solar plexus and an ability to take action towards what which we truly desire (heart desires – freedom, happiness, love…). When we choose to take action from fear, it creates an imbalance in our solar plexus and these true heart desires are out of our reach.  

 There are 2 ways fear shows up in our ego behaviors

 Too much energy in the Solar Plexus

When we feel the need to control people and situations, we are acting from a place of fear. This can show up as arrogance, stubbornness, or the inability to see things from a different perspective. When we seek this control, we are ultimately trying to prove our worth by winning, needing to be right, or forcing our power, authority or righteous opinion onto others. Our choices and actions are then governed by these desires for power and control and our thoughts and emotions around our own shame and lacking self-worth is masked by our desire to be right, or to control. It is hard to act from a space of love, when we are in this energy. It is hard to develop a new way of being when we act from this energy. It is hard to know what it is that we truly desire when we stay in this energy. Letting our guard down, bringing awareness to our behavior and letting ourselves be vulnerable is the key to bringing down this energy to a balance place of moving in the direction of freedom, happiness & joy. The practice of intention setting and sitting in silence & stillness will naturally bring this energy down from a hot mess to a warm fire within.  

 Not enough energy in the Solar Plexus

When we lack confidence in ourselves, our skills and abilities, have low self—esteem or have thoughts of “not enough” we tend to have very little willpower to follow through with any goal or follow our dreams. Our tendency is to blame others for what is not going right in our life, and our choices and actions are then governed by these thoughts of shame, victimhood, unworthiness, and most likely we feel stuck. Fearful to make any choices, or take any action. Here we stay very much in the known of our dysfunctions, fearing the unknown and viewing any action as risky. This is where setting intentions of positive self-talk and sitting in stillness with these affirmation can help increase the energy of this center and move us closer to who we want to become.


It is important to understand that we can not choose love and fear at the same time. The two can not co-exist. In every moment of our day, every action we take or do not take, we are making the decision to act from a place of fear or a place of love. Consciously bring balance to this chakra center by choosing love.

 When we choose love we choose;

  • acceptance
  • appreciation
  • awareness
  • happiness
  • patience
  • curiosity
  • kindness
  • compassion
  • excitement
  • joy
  • courage
  • non-judgement
  • gratitude
  • creativity
  • playfulness
  • empathy
  • forgiveness
  • laughter


When we choose to act with love towards ourselves and others, we find balance in this action energy center.

 This will give us the courage to;

  1. Take steps towards what we want and who we want to be
  2. Give us the courage to step away from what we no longer need in our life or who we no longer want to be.

 When our Solar plexus is balanced,

We are reliable, responsible, confident, self-disciplined and we have a warm, energetic presence. We have no need to prove ourselves. We have the ability to set healthy boundaries. We trust in our gut instincts. We take responsibility for all areas of our life, not blaming others or outer circumstances for any obstacles. We understand that all obstacles and failures are merely opportunities for us to learn, grow, and the balance within this center allows us the ability to take risks, switch direction and/or take new or different action. Ultimately every obstacle is showing us who it is we no longer want to be or what we no longer want in our life. When our Solar Plexus is in balance our Ego personality chooses all thoughts, actions, and behaviors from a space of love. This is true authentic power.

 This week’s intention;

In your morning inquiry ask yourself these 2 questions and set your intention that day from your answer

  1. What action (from love) can I take today to move me in the direction of who I want to be?
  2. What action (from love) can I take today to move me away from who I no longer want to be?

 This action could be anything. From changing a thought, to bringing awareness to your daily patterned actions. Just do something/anything to shift your energy to balance in this center and take action towards WHO YOU WANT TO BE!


 To experience deeper knowledge of these teachings, attend the Monday 10:30am Hatha Yoga practice, the Tuesday 9:30am Yin Yoga practice or of course the Tuesday 11am Personal Development classes (recordings available) Contact Leslie at for more information

Now let’s Tap It In



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