The Raw Reveal: Unveiling the Unhealed
Let’s just dive right into it, “fixing” yourself gets a bad rep, like if you have to fix yourself, you’re not quite right, well, I say, let’s throw that out the window! Let’s change that automatic reaction by changing our words, instead of ‘fixing’ let’s use self growth or strengthening, already it seems less negative!
I want you to think about that one person you ALWAYS give the benefit of the doubt to, you always find compassion for their circumstance, understanding for their slip-ups and acceptance for their “imperfections”. It’s beautiful that you can accept someone just as they are, no matter what but I bet not a single person thought of themselves when I asked you to think of someone you always stick your neck out for… And why not?! If anyone deserves the best of you, it’s you, but you can’t heal until you learn to love, honor and accept all the unhealed parts of you.
You have to strengthen, grow, acknowledge and accept every part of you, the parts of you that you do not accept and the parts of you that are unaccepting.
Remember when we set intentions to find gratitude for the not so desirable situations or relationships in our lives? What a perfect opportunity to practice setting your intentions for gratitude and self reflection.
Try this with me;
Imagine you are seeing the reflection of someone that really gets under your skin, you are seeing their reflection in a window. You’re observing them carefully, irritated, you can’t stop watching, getting more annoyed and more frustrated. Now, look closer, the reflection isn’t who you thought it was, it’s you! You want to look away now, but don’t, keep observing. Be aware of how you are feeling…. that can’t really be you, CAN IT?! How long did it take you to get irritated? How irritated did you get? Are you still denying it’s you, even with the proof right there in our metaphoric window? Keep observing. What is bothering you now?
Was that uncomfortable? Yes? GOOD.
Reflection time – that trait you are judging so hard in someone else is a reflection of something you refuse to accept, acknowledge or admit within yourself. If you deny the possibility to even believe that’s possible, you are robbing yourself the opportunity to heal. The harder you deny, the more stuck in your insecurities you are, the more you are silently judging yourself but lashing out at others and the further you are from self-growth, self-acceptance and unconditional self-love.
Think back to when we learned to choose discomfort, this is one of those crucial times you need to choose it. Choose discomfort in your mind, have those difficult conversations with yourself. Choose to shine the spotlight on those pieces of you you’ve kept hidden in your own darkness. Choose to see yourself. Set your intentions to shine light on your unhealed parts and light their path until they believe in their own light.