Heart Chakra Challenge


As this week wraps up our first month of “redefining success” in achieving our goals, it is very fitting that our next chakra energy center that we are diving into opens the door to all of our heart’s desires.

Whether your desire has been to break a habit, create a habit, bring more happiness, freedom, peace, health, abundance or love into your life, this chakra holds the key to your success.

Perhaps you have a vision of who you want to be (or become) or an idea of who you no longer want to be.

This last month has absolutely laid the ground work for setting us up to achieve success in our goals. Even if you have experienced set backs, challenges, roadblocks or perceived failures in this past month, we have the ground work in place.

Perfection is not what we are going for here 

Redefining success and learning how to make better choices for ourselves to achieve our goals is.

Let’s remember Deepak Chopra’s quote from week one…

“True success is something we live, it’s not an end state we arrive at”

As we have all now created a daily intention setting and grounding practice into our day (if you haven’t created this in your day yet – refer back to Jan 3rd 2022 blog and Tap In video and work your way back to this one – it is never too late to start creating these practices into your life) and it has brought us to this point now, where we are ready to unlock the secret to achieving these goals, visions, new years resolutions and manifestations into our life…long term.

Last week we learned all about our ego identity/personality in our solar plexus chakra with two important key elements…

  1. Balancing our solar plexus energy will give us the courage to either move in the direction of what we want or move us away from what we don’t want. And
  2. This balance comes from our personality choosing to act from love and not fear.

This may have left some of you wondering how we can consistently make the choice to act from love when the world all around us can often feel like chaos? This action from love can only happen when we love, honor, respect, forgive and accept ourselves fully and completely.  

Which leads us right into our next Chakra and this week’s BIG challenge!

Our heart chakra holds the key to open the gateway to long lasting success in anything and everything that we desire!

The key to success is self-love

Unconditional love

Unconditional love is when we love all parts of ourselves and our personality without any conditions. We love ourselves no matter what! When we release all judgements and criticism of ourselves, we dissolve those fears of our suffering ego personality and in turn we strengthen the ego that chooses love. This means we love the pain; we love the discomforts in our body, we love the illness or diagnosis, we love the addictions, we love the extra fat, we love the anger, the sadness, the joy, the loneliness, we love the fun parts of ourselves and we love the not so fun parts of ourselves. We love every lesson our every changing world and body and relationships bring us – we love ourselves through it all.

  • To become who we want to be, we need to love and accept who we currently are.
  • To find the courage to step away from who we no longer want to be, we need to honor and respect ourselves in this now moment.
  • To get through some really tough days, we need to have compassion for ourselves.
  • To build our confidence and courage to take action from a place of love, we need to love and accept all aspects of ourselves.
  • To attract everything that we desire in this life, we need to appreciate ourselves and our life fully.
  • To pick ourselves back up after we fall or fail, we need to show ourselves compassion, forgiveness and kindness.
  • To make better choices in our every day life, we need to love ourselves fully and completely.

Love yourself enough to make good choices, treat yourself with respect and honor every emotion, every struggle, every intention and all of your dreams. Know you deserve not only to be loved but everything you desire. It is your birthright.

 My challenge to you this week…

 My challenge to you this week is to make every intention you set this week all about YOU! This is a;

  • “Take care of ME” week
  • “Love ME” week
  • “Make choices that support ME” week
  • “Have compassion for ME” week
  • “Forgive Me” week
  • “Be kind to ME” week
  • “I am so grateful for ME” week
  • “Unconditional love for ME” week

Are you up for this challenge?

Let me explain why this may be a difficult challenge for many of us to commit to AND if you truly want to manifest your desires, why it is so important TO commit to it.

Many of us are so focused on taking care of others, doing things for others, often looking for acceptance and approval from others, that we lose sight of what WE want and who we are.

The energy of the heart chakra needs to be balanced by equal amounts of giving AND receiving.  

When we give all of ourselves to others, at first it may bring us some joy and satisfaction, but if we continue to give without receiving anything back, then we get depleted. We end up feeling tired all the time, we feel drained, exhausted and eventually we may feel resentful, angry, sad or any other lower vibrational emotion that weighs us down. When we are in the thick of these emotions, then we unconsciously make really crappy decisions for ourselves. This begins a loop of self-sabotage.

Have you ever self-sabotaged and then wondered why you do that to yourself?

3 reasons

You are giving too much without receiving back.

You don’t believe you deserve what it is that you want.

You don’t love yourself.

This challenge, is about receiving the love from ourselves and if you take it on will get you on track with self-love. You will also learn a lot about yourself.

If you do something for yourself and you feel guilty, you know there is a limiting self-belief that you don’t think you deserve it. Well, when we recognize a belief that doesn’t serve us – we have the opportunity to change it. How? By following these weeks of setting ourselves up for success and developing our grounding and intention setting practices and doing them diligently. As we move into the higher chakra’s we will discover how to shift our limiting beliefs.

This whole defining success series is about shaking thing up and doing things differently.

You deserve it

Intention this week

Today, I take care of myself by______________

Write that down, say it out loud, ground yourself in your stillness practice and repeat your intention as an affirmation while you visualize yourself following through in your day.

Here are a few Heart Chakra awareness’s and tips to keep you focused and successful in this challenge.

 Overactive in the heart chakra;

  • The need to please
  • The need to fix others
  • Jealousy
  • Being needy
  • Poor boundaries – either in setting your own boundaries or respecting others boundaries.

Underactive in your heart chakra; 

  • No compassion – for yourself or others
  • Feeling like a victim and blaming others for your circumstances.
  • Being critical and judgmental of yourself and others.
  • Withdrawal from people and the world.
  • Not letting others into your heart. This is usually a protection mechanism

Whether you are over or under active, these experiences are all ego personality being in fear. When you recognize this within yourself you have 2 choices, continue living from this place of fear and reactivity or you can step back, breathe deeply (air is the element of the heart chakra and deeply connects you to your heart energy when you breathe slowly and deeply) recognize your ego personality is in fear and make the decision to shift into love by accepting what you are experiencing and appreciating the awareness within yourself to make a different choice.

This is when your practice of self-unconditional love comes in handy. As we practice loving, honoring, respecting, forgiving and accepting ourselves, then we get better at this.

As you continue with this practice watch as your confidence builds, your relationships improve, your immune system increases and your overall vibration attracts into your life more and more of what you want and desire.

If you find yourself wavering in the success of achieving your goals, self-love is how you take your power back and it is one the best gifts you can give not only to yourself but everyone in your life.

Little changes amount to big benefits.

Now, let’s Tap It In...



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