
The Third Eye Chakra is the Window into our Soul

This week, we move into our Wisdom Chakra, the energy center of insight, intuition, imagination and deep inner knowing. This is our Third Eye Chakra.

Let me just get THIS out of the way first…in order to fully embrace the power and the magic of this highly sensitive chakra center, one has to be open to the idea that we are all Souls having a human experience. In my belief (and I believe this to the very core of my being) we do not HAVE souls – we ARE Souls.

We ARE Souls that HAVE a human body.

 Aligning with this belief (in my opinion) will not only set you up for success but will make the road to changing up your old habits, patterns and ways of being a lot less bumpy!

 We are Souls having a human experience.

 My personal shift into this belief changed my entire life. I struggled my way through so much of my life. I observed so many other people who’s life circumstances were much worse than mine and they seemed to be able to keep it together. If you knew of me, you would have thought I had it all together too, Mother of 3 beautiful girls, a dedicated aerobics instructor, a personal trainer and a yoga instructor… but on the inside, I was struggling to hold every part of my life together, to hold up appearances and to please everyone but myself. I was fully engaged in my human experience, without any awareness of my inner soul.

 My passion for Yoga began to change all of that for me. In hindsight, my third eye chakra began to open once I began practicing and teaching Yoga. As I continued on my Yoga teaching path, one course led to another and I found myself so fascinated with and drawn towards the teachings of the Chakra system.

I couldn’t explain at the time why I was so drawn to these teachings but now I understand it was the inner connection with my Soul that I was so desperately lacking.

 My next “Soul-pull” led me to dive deeper into meditation and eventually to learn to teach meditation. Long story short, it all eventually led me to the full realization that I was so much more than this human being having this human experience. Once I fully aligned with this belief everything in my life shifted. I was able to change my perceptions. My struggles led to insights, obstacles led to opportunities and every roadblock led me to a new understanding.

I am by no means done learning on this journey of life, nor do I have life figured out and I most definitely still meet up with challenges, problems and roadblocks, the shift now is that they no longer take me down, the struggle is no longer as real (at least not for as long anyway)

 This is the reward and the beauty of learning to balance our Third Eye Chakra.   

When it comes to achieving our goals or attracting into our life the things we want or the changes we want to make in our life, listening to the insights, intuition and wisdom of our very knowledgeable Soul, is a very powerful connection to have.

 We all have access to the powerful and often “magical” manifesting qualities of this energy center. The dilemma is; many of us don’t believe in or believe we have this connection. And this is why this center gets so easily blocked.

 How do we know when this center is blocked?

We feel:

  • lost
  • confused
  • fearful
  • angry
  • judgmental and
  • we see ourselves, others and the world we live in very dispiritedly.

 We all have an ego personality that is our human identity. This is who we show the world we are. The key to accessing the power and magic of our Third Eye Chakra is to align this personality with our Soul.

 As with all our chakra centers there are tell-tale characteristics of too much or too little energy in these centers. When we can bring awareness to these characteristics of imbalance, we have the ability to adjust and change our perceptions, habits & choices.

 Characteristics of Too Much Energy in the Third Eye Chakra;

  • We feel overwhelmed and mentally exhausted.
  • We experience indecisiveness and our judgements are clouded.
  • We can not concentrate or stayed focused on any one thing.
  • We tend to be very judgmental and have a hard time “seeing” that we are attracting much of what we don’t want into our life.
  • We are stuck in our head, bombarded with images and thoughts, often not knowing what is real, and what is an illusion.
  • We can experience paranoia and other mental illnesses.

Meditation is the best way to bring the energy of our over-active third-eye chakra into balance. When we practice meditation, we practice grounding ourselves and over time and with intention, we learn to quieten many of the fears, doubts, worries and self-limiting beliefs of our ego personality. Anchoring ourselves into a regular meditation practice and creating calmness by focusing on our connection with our Soul can counter balance most of the characteristics listed above.

 Characteristics of Not Enough Energy in the Third Eye Chakra;

  • We are very stuck in the outside world and feel very hopeless in our life.
  • We have very little imagination.
  • We tend to have no belief system.
  • We can not “see” or even believe beyond what our current reality is.
  • We tend to “see” only worst-case scenario’s play out.
  • We are very skeptical.
  • Think  Eeyore here 😊

The best way to bring balance to our under-active third-eye chakra is to become aware of how we see the world and how we are see ourselves. Awareness is freedom here. Working with color, appreciating beauty, imagining a better you, a better world and simply dreaming bigger are a few other ways to counter balance these characteristics.

Now that we know how to identify and balance our Third Eye imbalances, the next step is aligning our personality identity with our Soul. We do that through this week’s daily intention setting practice.

 This Week’s Intention;

  1. Ask yourself this question every morning “Today…Am I going to choose worry, doubt and fear?” or “Am I going to choose trust, optimism and self-love?” Ask this to consciously shift your attention to the choice you are going to make.
  2. Anchor the intention you choose into your daily grounding and meditation practice.
  3. Visualize yourself choosing some of these intentions through various parts of your day.
  4. Visualize success at the end of your day. Feel into this success and how it feels in your body. This IS alignment with your Soul.
  5. Throughout your day observe when worry, doubt and fear creep into your mindset. Feel into how these attributes feel in your body. This is being out of alignment with your Soul. There is of course so much more to all of this – but this is a basic check in and observation of awareness within, and this is a great practice to cultivate.


Now, let’s break down Trust, Optimism and Self-love


  1. Self-love;

    Self-love is the practice of choosing to love, honor, respect, forgive and accept yourself fully & completely. All parts of you. All aspects of you. All of you!

  2. Optimism;

    Optimism is about being willing to see the opportunity in every obstacle, problem or roadblock. If you are unable to see anything good in the situation, be patient – the opportunity may take some time to unfold. However, knowing and trusting that there IS an opportunity for you to learn something here, is practicing optimism. It is important not to cloud over the challenges of any situation with a false sense of positivity but to simply open yourself to the possibility of an opportunity presenting itself to you from this experience.

  3. Trust;

    Trust in yourself. Trust in your intuition. Trust in a higher intuition. Trust in this process. Trust in your worth. This doesn’t mean sit back and do nothing and believe it will all unfold. However, sometimes that might be exactly what is needed – but it does mean tuning in, listening within, and trusting what you get – from this place you take action (or non-action) The wisdom is within all of us. Trust and listen. Listen and trust.


I realize for many of us these are big leaps of faith. Remember that this is a process, a practice and my invitation to you, is to go back through these Chakra blogs and build your practices day by day and week by week. If you honestly want to change things up and redefine success in achieving your goals, tune into YOU to find this success.

 I am myself, everyday learning more and applying these practices to my life. Some days I succeed in my goals and some days I don’t, but I do my best and the changes that I have experienced in my life are profound.

Now, let’s Tap It In…



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