How to rise up from helplessness to help those we love

What can we do when we want to help someone who is suffering, yet we feel helpless? Tune into today’s wellness topic and read further into this week’s blog post below…

Embracing Silence and Raising our Vibration

I can’t think of anything more frustrating than not being able to help someone we love who is suffering. Whether they are suffering in a physical or an emotional sense – our human desire is to DO something. It is a helpless feeling realizing there is nothing we can do. Whether it is because the situation and circumstances are out of our control or they just simply refuse to accept the help we are authentically trying to offer – it is a situation that can cause us much heartache, sadness and stress in our life.

So what CAN we do?

How DO we help?

This could be a friend, a family member, a personal or work relationship. This could be a health crisis, a diagnosis, an addiction, a death or observing someone making choices or decisions in their life that you don’t like or agree with.

First off, if we are the type of person who tries to fix, solve, control or change others or any situation – today’s concept will be a bit of a leap of faith to trust. Let’s ask ourselves how much stress and struggle is in our life due to acting with good intentions, to help others, solve or fix problems and yet we are left feeling unappreciated or watching those we help continually meeting obstacles or the situations getting more complicated?

This could leave us feeling so powerless that doing nothing just seems wrong and we desire to do something – anything to help! We may even experience anxiety, desperate to help out in any way possible. Maybe our own self-worth is based on our ability to help, to fix, to figure out what to do and we take on the burden of failure if we cannot do something – so we try harder, we do more and we try to solve the situation at all costs and stress even if it means crossing over other people’s boundaries or overstepping their wishes.

Or maybe we honestly have a heart that simply wants to help those who are suffering. We only want them to feel less pain and discomfort and we are always available to support and help in any way possible – so when there is nothing we can do to help ease the pain of others, we feel sad and our heart hurts.

Maybe we lean back and watch them suffer because we know we can’t help or we don’t know how to help but then we sit in worry, fear, sadness, helplessness and frustration.

What if instead of doing more…

  • We practiced doing less and being more present with those we love?
  • We practiced acceptance?
  • We practiced gratitude?
  • We practiced compassion and kindness?
  • We practiced dropping into our hearts and sending the energy of love to the person or situation?
  • We practiced embracing silence by committing to a daily meditation practice?
  • We practiced raising our vibration?

What if the absolute best way we can help is to surrender to non-action? Non-doing? Let go of the worry, fear, anger, frustration and hopelessness and instead embrace love, acceptance and compassion.

Think about this for a moment…

We are of no help to anyone when we are sitting in the energy of sadness, hopelessness, anger, frustration, fear, worry or just the hell-bent energy of needing to fix and control something or someone, in the hopes that we don’t feel whatever it is that we are feeling. These energies, whether we allow ourselves to feel them or not, are still being emitted from us. In fact we bring others down with this energy all around us. The low energy of these emotions and actions are contagious and affect those around us. Why if we are trying to help a situation would we want to contribute these energies to the situation?

We are helpful however to EVERYONE around us when we sit in the energy of gratitude, of compassion, of kindness, of hope, of optimism and of acceptance. We lift the spirits of those around us when we sit in these higher vibrational emotions. These emotions are also contagious and affect those we are around. Many times bringing these energies to a situation or a friend suffering is just the antidote that is needed.

These higher vibrational energies need to be authentic though and not forced or pretending. This requires us to become aware of our energy and a willingness to want to shift it when we notice it is low. This means we need to feel and honor whatever emotion is showing up for us and allow it to be there and move through us when ready. A practice of sitting in stillness and connecting to our breath is how we allow this and it can often be uncomfortable to do. (This is where the willingness to shift it and feel it comes in 😉

How do we help those in need and those we love the most who are suffering?

We focus on the vibration we are emitting, we practice feeling our emotions until they release and then we practice raising our vibration.

How do we raise our vibration?

We take care of ourselves!!!

We get into a higher vibrational state by practicing the following;

  1. Moving our bodies and our breath (exercise, yoga, tapping, breath-work, a walk in nature)
  2. Meditating (embracing silence and stillness on a regular basis, feeling our emotions & witnessing our thoughts)
  3. Feeding our body good wholesome foods.
  4. Feeding our minds good thoughts.

These 4 practices will open the space for us to support others unconditionally and be the presence they need to get through whatever situation is arising.

These 4 practices will open the space for us to accept whatever situations we are faced with as well.

Life is not always easy.

Life can be noisy, very, very noisy sometimes.

We need to have practices that allow us to quieten the noise and help us wash away and cleanse the stress and fears in our mind.

We bathe or shower to cleanse our body.

We wash our dishes after a meal and if we haven’t cleaned them yet, we wouldn’t think of eating our next meal off of a dirty plate.

So why don’t we take the time to cleanse our mind and wash away the thoughts of yesterday and refresh our mind with new higher vibrational thoughts?

An average human being typically has 50,000 – 80,000 thoughts a day and most of those thoughts are the same thoughts we had the day before. Our mental mind needs a break from this!

We can receive this mental mind break by meditating. The more often one practices meditation the more often one experiences the journey from activity to silence.

Meditation requires us to;

  • Get really still
  • Embrace silence
  • Connect to our breathe
  • Drop into our heart
  • Feel our emotions and witness our thoughts which begins the process of removing ourselves from the noise of the world and the activity of our mind.

When we allow ourselves to sit long enough (usually 15-20 minutes) we then have the ability to send out love from an open heart space. We can send out kindness, appreciation, compassion, healing and acceptance to anyone and to any situation. We can send all these high vibrational emotions out to everyone and everything. We can “be the light“!!!!

  1. Meditation when practiced on a regular basis raises our vibration.
  2. Yoga when practiced on a regular basis raises our vibration.
  3. Walking or intentionally communing with nature raises our vibration.
  4. Eating good wholesome food raises our vibration.
  5. Thinking good thoughts raises our vibration.

When we raise our vibration we raise ourselves OUT OF worry, fear, anger, frustration, resentment and sadness AND INTO love, acceptance, appreciation, kindness, compassion, healing and hope!

From this open-hearted, open-minded high vibrational space we help other tremendously and in so many ways.

When we vibe at this higher state;

  • Miracles happen
  • Healing happens
  • Acceptance happens
  • Love happens
  • Connection happens

We see things differently and from a higher perspective.

We accept what is happening around us.

We open our hearts to everything.

We detach from outcomes (expecting a certain outcome can create suffering)

The more we practice raising our vibe – the longer we can sustain it. As with everything in this human experience there is an ebb and flow to life. Meditation, embracing silence and raising our vibration allows us to accept and embrace the flow of life. The more we practice raising our vibration the longer we can stay in a higher energy of love, and when we find ourselves in the lower vibrations of sadness, worry, constriction and fear – we are less fearful of feeling our emotions because once we allow ourselves to feel them, we can then raise ourselves back up to be in a place to send love out again.

We do this for the sole purpose to ease the pain and suffering of those we love and for humanity as a whole – to do this in order to control or manipulate a situation in your favor defeats the purpose and the vibration can not be sustained or even helpful.

Do not underestimate the power of raising our vibration and energetically and authentically sending love, peace and healing outward.

One last note…

We can send out love to specific people but there is no guarantee that they will receive it.

I experience this in my Reiki practice. I allow the powerful reiki energy to flow through me – I am simply the vehicle for this healing energy – if the person on the receiving end of the reiki energy is skeptical or a non-believer of energy healing – they will most likely reject it and therefore not experience a healing or a shift.

I have witness many times though the power of energy being received by a believer in energy and miraculous results occur. We have to believe to receive.

Each person is here for their own journey, we cannot make them receive anything they are not prepared to accept.

Just know that by practicing taking care of ourselves and intentionally raising our vibration we are affecting this planet on many positive levels.

This Week’s Intention

  1. Practice “being” verses “doing”
  2. Practice meditation and mindful movement.
  3. Be still, breath deep and send out love, healing, compassion and acceptance.
  4. Practice raising your vibration with movement, meditation, good wholesome food and good intentional thoughts all to get yourself into a better place to help, hope and create a contagious vibe all around you!

There are spots available in my personal development membership on-line classes (and recordings) for anyone interested. You can commit on a month to month basis.

I will also be teaching live in-person classes in West Edmonton (9629 – 176 St NW Edmonton) every Tuesday evening 6-7:30pm from May 9th to June 27th (8 weeks)

Contact me if you would like further details or information.

or call/text 780 722-3442

Be well my friends and raise your vibration!





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