Let’s sync into this natural rhythm of transformation because whatever is happening outside of us in nature – is happening within us so this is a pivotal time to make some changes. Change is uncomfortable though, so this week we look at discomfort differently. This week we embrace discomfort!

Spring Transformation

It is May Day! Meaning it is the halfway point of spring! Depending on where you live – spring presents itself differently and everyday can be a different experience.

Whatever our current experience is with spring though, it is constantly changing.

Transformation is happening!

From winter to spring and then onto summer there is a natural rhythm to the flow of mother nature and when we learn to appreciate, witness, respect and tune into this flow, we realize this same flow is naturally within each of us too.

This flow may not always be a gentle flow, in fact some of our weather can be downright uncomfortable to endure – however, in some way big or small, it is always transformative.

We can have beautiful spring days, windy spring days, rainy spring days, stormy spring days and here in Alberta we can (and often do) experience snowy spring days!

As nature is an extension of all of us – we as human are in a pivotal season of support for our own transformations. This is a great time to get on those goals and intentions for ourselves.

What is happening all around us, is also happening within us. When we understand this concept we can learn to flow with the rhythms of nature and transform ourselves too.

This means that often our own experience of flow is not always gentle either and can also be downright uncomfortable.

The difference is… nature always stays the course.

As human beings we have options. And when things get uncomfortable and the flow isn’t gentle anymore we will often seek comfort and in doing so we miss the opportunity to transform because we didn’t or couldn’t “stay the course”.

As humans, we have many options…

  • We can follow through and stay the course – no matter how uncomfortable it gets.
  • We can find excuses for why we can’t follow through or stay the course.
  • We can quit when it’s uncomfortable or painful.
  • We can procrastinate – so we “quit” before we even get started.
  • We can blame others or our outer circumstance so that we don’t have to take responsibility for our excuses or procrastination.

The human mind (and especially the sub-conscious mind) is crafty and often disguises our excuses and procrastinations and when it is our sub-conscious mind that is crafty – we don’t even know we are sabotaging ourselves!

This is where we want to find a balance between facing our reality by being honest with ourselves and then creating our reality by focusing and taking action in the direction of what it is we really truly want – even if it means we face uncertainty.

For example;

In the video attached I explain my revelation of honesty (in regards to my business)…

I have made an art out of being really busy doing the parts of my job that I love, leaving no time for the things that will really facilitate change and transformation for my business growth. I have no problem transforming my body and my mind and teaching others how to do that – as that is what I love doing!! But growing my business through marketing, technical aspects and strategic planning…. Eek – not my jam!!!

As a soul business owner – I answer only to myself and I had my excuses down to a crafty art! I could justify them all because after all – I am busy and I strive for excellence in my teachings! However, if I want to truly grow and evolve I need to find balance in my actions, my choices and call out my excuses and procrastinations.

I had to get real honest with myself (face reality) and take responsibility by making new choices and taking action to create the reality I really truly want (create reality)

FYI; this is a work in progress – however… the awareness piece is a BIG first step forward.

We can and often will excuse and justify anything that we do not want to do or do not feel comfortable doing – even though we KNOW it is best for our health and well-being or it is the action we need to take to go into the direction we know we need or want to go.

Let me explain this another way…

I will use Fitness as an example;

If we do not like exercise… like moving, dancing, stretching, weight training, working out or doing any kind of yoga, Tai-chi or Qi Gong – we will find any excuse not to.

I believe throughout my career, I have heard all the excuses in this department! And not one of them are valid.

A few points on pain is important for me to address here;

  • Chronic pain is NOT a valid excuse – hear me out…acute pain is a valid temporary excuse and a message from our body to rest – however as a society so much of the chronic pain we experience is because of our past excuses and procrastinations to avoid exercise! Our inability to ride the wave of discomfort and our excuses of dislike have created the pain that we now may use as an excuse.
  • I can already hear the excuses and defenses of my above point…”No, Leslie I injured myself doing…” which I understand happened and is real and your reality. Another reality though is that injuries heal. How do they heal? They heal with physio, stretching, yoga, movement – they heal by moving, stretching and exercising!

Now, we can switch out my example of fitness above with anything it is that we are avoiding, excusing away or procrastinating against. Just put your procrastination in the place of fitness.

This is where we need to face reality and create a new reality. Take responsibility and then one day at a time, one step at a time, bring awareness to our tendencies, fears, excuses & procrastinations – be willing and prepared to experience discomfort and then commit to following through in spite of the discomfort.

Do we procrastinate and make excuses because we are scared, feel unworthy or experience a number of other limiting beliefs about ourselves and our world? Absolutely! And this is part of the human experience. This is where courage comes in. Courage to follow through!

These discomforts of life show up so that we can learn to overcome, shift and transform our life and this is a perfect time to begin or restart that process for yourself. .

How do we overcome, shift & transform these discomforts?

This Week’s Intention

  1. Bring awareness to your procrastinations, excuses, limiting thoughts and beliefs that cause you to NOT follow through and stay the course.
  2. Face reality and get really honest with yourself.
  3. Be prepared to experience discomfort, pain and uncertainty. Commit to staying the course amongst all the discomforts you encounter and expect to ride the wave in the not so gentle flows of life – remind yourself that nature stays the course and you are simply an extension of nature – you can do this! (Yes, this may need to be your “mantra” through those tough times – remember you are creating your new future story – which requires you to create new ways of thinking, talking and acting.
  4. Follow through! Decide right now that procrastination and excuses are no longer who you are!
  5. Create your new future reality!

Side note; a daily meditation practice will help you get really good at all of these points above.

Take a few minutes now and ponder what in your life you would like to transform. If you could transform anything at all – what would that be??

Notice all the excuses that come up for you just in asking this question, already some of you are procrastinating – bring awareness to this! Awareness is the key to transforming anything.

Now, whatever it is that you would like to change in your life right now – know this – you are the only one that can do the transforming – if you are expecting others or the outer world to transform or change first – then you keep yourself stuck in the loop of excuses and procrastination. And don’t get me started on blame and the never-ending loop that creates. Stop the momentum of these loops by following through with your intended goal in the face of discomfort and uncertainty.


Repeat this to yourself consistently if you freeze in fear when faced with uncertainty “On the other side of uncertainty is ideas, opportunities and solutions beyond my wildest dreams!” Stay the course and tap into this as your new truth.

There is no empowerment in excuses and procrastination – just a lot of fear, doubt and insecurity. Sadly what I have come to understand in all my years of coaching is that it always comes down to not believing you are worthy enough.

Believe me – I have tried bucking that truth – but every time I try – my unworthiness beliefs stab me right in the heart – threatening to take me down. I’ve had some close calls in my lifetime but years of internal self-care have strengthened my worthiness belief and over-time my “Worthiness Warrior Princess” has persevered. (Picture me here – standing in a Wonder Woman pose with my chest puffed out and my mantra “I am enough” repeatedly being chanted) Do not knock it my friends until you have tried it 😉

We are all worthy. Period. End of sentence. We are all worthy of whatever it is that we want or desire. We are all deserving of whatever it is that we want to experience in this life and we all deserve it without conditions!

Let’s all stand in THAT truth instead!

Change is inevitable – we all know this

Change is happening all around us and within us – whether we want it to or not – embrace it! Embrace it when the change is good and embrace it when the change is uncomfortable or uncertain.

Transformation begins with us and within us.

It is not always easy. It is not always pretty. It can often be a pretty rough road – but when we commit to improving ourselves and following through every day even in the smallest of steps, we will create this better version of ourselves!

Following through, does not mean we need to take big leaps and bound. It can of course be big leaps but remember that the slow and steady steps are powerful and effective too. The key is consistency.

Consistently following through – even and especially when you are faced with the discomforts and uncertainty’s in life.

Change the way you look at discomfort and uncertainty.

We grow and evolve as human beings every time we face discomfort.

Our muscles get stronger when we work them to a point of fatigue (which for many people shows up as discomfort) and when we then rest these muscles (still experiencing discomfort in the form of soreness) our body has an intelligent healing system within that then repairs the muscle stronger. With consistency we get stronger and we build muscles that then protect our joints and minimize our chances of injury.

Our brain gets stronger when we read, take courses, meditate, learn something new and when we sleep and rest at night – the intelligence of our body and mind processes what we have learned and we get more knowledgeable.

Our heart gets stronger with regular cardio exercise. Our muscles get more flexible and durable with regular stretching and yoga.

Our mental mind gets healthier with regular practices of Yoga and daily practices of meditation. We can build upon this mental health with consistent attention to positive affirmations and awareness to our thoughts, our emotions and our ability to FEEL.

No more excuses.

No more procrastination.

When you set an intention to follow through with something you would typically procrastinate against or quit – be prepared and allow the discomfort in. Face it. Face the discomfort, face the reality of the situation, face your tendency to quit and then take a deep breath (channel your warrior worthiness princess) and follow through with whatever it is that you committed to doing that day.

It is your future and you are the only one that can change it.

This week we consciously step into the flow of nature with the intention to follow through with whatever goal we have for ourselves that day.

Transformation in sync with nature produces powerful and beautiful change.

Today, stand in your Warrior Worthiness Power stance and commit to following through!

It is the perfect time!

We all deserve good things in life, my friends.



780 722-3442



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