What are you doing when you lose all sense of time when you are doing it?
What makes your heart sing?
These are all indications that you are living in purpose and when you do these things often AND share them in your own unique way with the world around you, then you are in alignment with your SOUL (Pick your choice of word here – I like Soul, but spirit, higher self, true-self, inner-being, source energy, the god or goddess within… they all mean the same thing) they all mean we are connecting to and aligning with that part of ourselves that is beyond the masks we wear everyday, beyond the ego personality we present to the world and beyond fear. We have found purpose.
Let’s experiment with Random acts of kindness this week and find our purpose
This week is all about random acts of kindness – but begin this week by asking yourself, “what can I do today to bring peace to someone’s day or a smile to their face or happiness into their heart?”… and then answer this question based on what brings YOU joy and makes YOUR heart sing.
“How may I serve?” OR “How may I help?”
But this isn’t from a place of people pleasing or duty or needing acceptance – this is serving and helping from a place of pure alignment from our own gifts and talents.
Our purpose is to serve and help others in a way that honors and expresses our own unique & individual talents!
Whether your talent is
- Cooking
- Teaching
- Singing
- Listening
- Taking care of others
- Making others laugh
- Compassion
- Making others feel special
- Gardening
- Organizing
Or any other talent that you LOVE doing – it is your purpose.
My belief is that we are all spiritual beings (Souls) having a human experience and our Soul came here to live out and fulfil a purpose and when we find ourselves in that place of joy or timeless awareness – we have found and aligned with our purpose.
When we are in alignment with our purpose – we feel this and we know this!
Purpose doesn’t need to be a big dramatic story; although for you maybe it is and that is a beautiful thing and maybe purpose is being at peace in your life and that is also a beautiful thing. No one can tell you what your purpose is and only when you are in alignment with the joy you feel while doing or being it – will you even understand it. Quite possibly you may have many purposes, many talents, many gifts and many unique ways of expressing it. No one is better for having more and sadly some Souls live the majority of their life in ego and never even find their joy, or their purpose.
Let’s make sure we aren’t one of those Souls 😊
Where do we begin?
How do we discover our purpose, our talents and our gifts?
- Consider all things that you love to do
- Make a list of all the things that bring you joy when you are doing them.
- You now have a list of your unique talents and gifts. If you are having a tough time discovering this -remember LEAST EFFORT here – when we try too hard to discover them – we often miss them. This is all about tuning into what brings us enjoyment and the process of enjoyment occurs when we lose all track of time.
- Then ask yourself “How can I use these unique talents & gifts of mine to help my fellow human beings?” OR “How can I help all those I come into contact with today?” OR “How can I use my talents or unique gifts to help?”
It is important to understand that our Ego asks “What’s in it for me?” but our Soul asks “How can I serve?” Shifting this internal dialogue moves us beyond the ego and aligns us with our heart-centered Soul space – this is the space of our purpose and pure potential!
- Then set your DAILY INTENTION to put #4 into practice and watch your purpose be fulfilled.
Note; being in purpose and using your gifts and talents to serve does not mean you don’t charge for services when rendered – when your purpose is also your career – you are in purpose by being your most unique, authentic self and bringing the best of you to the service!
However, simply smiling at someone or giving them a compliment can be of service and fill you and others up with joy.
Being of service can take shape in many different ways. There is no right or wrong way to serve. Basically, if you are in joy and creating joy wherever you go – you are in purpose. If you are in peace and create peace wherever you go… you are in purpose. Get the idea? 😊
One last question…
Ask yourself… “If money was no concern and I had all the time and money – what would I do?”
Deepak Chopra – in his 7 Spiritual Laws of Success book says… If you would still do what you currently do, then you are in living in purpose, because you have passion for what you do.
This Week’s Intention
- Today, what can I do to bring more peace to someone’s day?
- Today, what can I do to bring a smile to someone’s face?
- Today, what can I do to bring compassion into someone’s day?
- Today, what can I do to bring laughter to someone’s day?
- What is one thing I can do today that will help me feel that my life is on purpose?
- How can I serve today?
- Today, for no reason at all – I will do random acts of kindness and feel the joy in doing it!”
There are many different ways of wording these intentions – As always word your intentions in a way that feel right for you. Word them so you feel inspired to follow through with them.
THIS IS OUR practice; this is our purpose and this is essentially what “this life” is all about!
Let’s Tap this IN…