Full Moon Energy, winter solstice shifts, end of year reflection time & going beyond the human experience to find peace within uncertain, yet very natural universal energy shifts. That is what this week is all about!
How do you go beyond a human experience? First you have to want to go beyond it and then you consciously choose to go beyond your ego’s experience and all its tendencies to react to uncertainty with fear. You instead tap into the energy of the heart space and decide to observe, accept, and feel your way into responding to the experience with love and compassion.
If you are reading this around the time it was posted (Monday Dec 16th, 2024) the energy of the last Full Moon of 2024 is all around us. On Saturday Dec 21st comes the winter solstice (the shortest day & longest night as the earth slows and then changes direction). The Universal Energy at this time is a bit ramped up and many human beings do not know how to handle the emotional waves. Full Moons happen every month though, so avoiding, blaming or becoming a victim of these energies disempowers us all. We are better off learning how to ride the tide through them and empowering ourselves with choices to pick emotions that reflect how we want to experience life!
The Full Moon is always a time of heightened emotions – all emotions get magnified by the Moon, with the subtle shift of the winter solstice these emotions can raise to an even higher realm of intensity. If you know how to raise your vibration, these Universal energies can then magnify your high vibe, which empowers not only you – but everyone around you!
With this awareness, comes a responsibility to focus on navigating your personal energy to maneuver yourself through these natural, yet emotional times with some ease, grace, harmony and if you practice it enough…joy!
Raise your vibration
It is crucial that you bring awareness to the vibration of your emotional energy point (your mood). Then do what you can to consciously raise it. This is raising your vibration. Don’t leave it up to the energies of the humans in this world to determine your mood point. Blaming anything outside of yourself is extremely disempowering. Empower yourself by getting ahead of it and purposely raising your vibration and your mood!
By understanding and then choosing what raises your vibration verses what lowers it.
What raises your vibration?
- love
- forgiveness
- gratitude
- laughter
- acceptance
- hugs
- compassion
- positive thinking
- listening to understand
- meditation
- stillness
- silence
- grounding
Choice to do as many of the above heart-centered ways of being, to raise your vibration, mood and emotional set point to help navigate yourself through unpredictable, yet natural universal energy shifts – not to mention life in general.
What lowers your vibration?
- judgement
- hate
- anger
- worry
- fear
- resentment
- blame
- criticism
- annoyance
- over-thinking
- “shoulding” (I should/shouldn’t do this… I should/shouldn’t have done that…)
- overwhelm
Navigate consciously through these sticky human (egoic) tendencies and sidestep around them whenever possible. Avoid being a victim of heightened universal energies and instead stand in your power and choose to raise your vibration. Don’t let yourself be drawn into reacting to the drama these unpredictable energies can have on unaware humans living amongst us. 😉
The intention is to keep yourself in a higher vibrational state. Why? This will indirectly have a positive affect on those around you – even if it doesn’t feel like it does – trust me it does! The energy of the Full Moon magnifies emotions, so choose your emotion wisely! Put good feeling emotional vibes out there and the moon will magnify them!
I assure you they are being felt by others around you! What they do with those vibes though, is completely up to them and will greatly be determined by their own capacity to see through the filter of human tendencies. Just as it up to you, what you do with any vibes that come your way.
The trickiest navigation is to keep yourself vibing at your highest emotional state, so that other peoples lower vibing state doesn’t affect you.
The lowdown…
Shift things up a bit, try new things, do things differently. Let go of the past. Let go of what isn’t working in your life. Bring as much playfulness and joy into these next few weeks as possible! Be willing to shift gears if need be and go with the flow during this time. Go beyond your typical everyday routine. Schedules and the usual realm of structure will be met with some upheaval. So do yourself a favor and just let that sh#t go.
As with every Full Moon – forgiveness (of yourself & others) is essential. This is a deeper level of forgiveness. Forgiveness cannot be forced. It is a byproduct of the healing process and will flow naturally when it’s meant to. It begins with a willingness to forgive and regular practices of raising your vibration and letting go of the past. There truly is no set timeline here. Being the last Full Moon of the year, it is really just the best time to reflect and let go of any and all past, upsets, troubles, failures and worries from 2024. Don’t bring them with you into 2025, they will just get in the way of all the good things waiting for you in the New Year.
This week, write a list of everything you are letting go of from 2024. Take some time to reflect on this – make sure you give yourself some kudo’s for how far you have come this year. Release this list into the Universe by burning it & releasing the ashes into the air.
This is such a powerful way to end 2024 and an equally powerful and empowering way to begin 2025.
Dec 30th then brings the energy of the New Moon. If you have let go of the past – there will now be space to let in the new (and all the goodness that you deserve)
Namaste my friends, I wish you all the love and happiness you can attract towards you in 2025