I truly believe we are all simply trying to do our best.
The deeper question is though; are you trying to do your best to survive in this life or are you actually doing your best to thrive in YOUR life!!!
Didn’t we all come here into this human experience to grow as human beings and evolve on a Soul level? I absolutely believe this to be true! I also believe some people didn’t get the same memo that I did 🙂
The human experience is not easy. It appears to be full of so much suffering. Just look around you and you will find humans struggling & suffering in so many different ways. Something we need to understand though is that this life experience is not meant to be easy – yet we are also not meant to suffer. We are meant to learn, grow , evolve & thrive! Your Soul knows this truth.
Think about different subject you took in school – some lessons were easy and you passed with flying colors and some were not so easy and required you to do your best to understand and learn more. This analogy mirrors life in general. This human experience is our “Earth scho0l”**
If there is one thing over the last few years that I have come to understand as an absolute truth… is that I have no control over anyone outside of myself. If I want to thrive in this lifetime – I need to learn how to navigate my human selves through the many different obstacles life will throw me. If I am simply just doing my best everyday to survive this life…then I am completely missing out on the point of coming into this human experience.
I want to thrive and if I decide I am going to do my best to thrive in this life – then my whole perspective changes. I make better choices for myself and honestly I see this whole world differently then most people do.
Which perspective do you want see the world through and essentially live through? The perspective of surviving or the perspective of thriving? The choice is yours.
I had a fabulous role model in my dad. I learned from him by the way he lived his life, that we all have choices. I am so thankful for his presence in my life. I have many fond memories of my Dad and all of his “dadisms” and attempts at humor, however one that has always stuck with me is…
“You might as well enjoy your life because you’re never getting out alive!”
It’s so true!
I don’t know about you – but in my books – that is thriving!