This week is a past Tap in video that has a profound message that we can all be reminded of. Kindness heals.
Give kindness out to everyone you meet AND allow yourself to receive kindness from others.
Here is the blog post…
A simple yet powerful message this week Be kind…to everyone
Do we ever truly know what anyone is going through?
We couldn’t possibly know
Just like others couldn’t possible understand what we are truly going through
We haven’t lived their life, in their shoes, with their particular circumstances, memories or experiences
and they haven’t lived in ours.
Even if we live a similar life, or live in the same family, our individual circumstances are different, and our perception of the experience will always different.
No two people have the same experience – even if they see and live the same thing.
Even if one explains their particular circumstance – thoroughly – what one hears on the other end of the conversation can only be heard through the scope of their own knowledge, experience and emotions.
And because of this “nothing ever is as it appears to be”
On the other side of expressing our circumstances, there are many people who choose to suffer in silence and will not even attempt to try and explain what they are going through , instead they keep it inside and hidden. Often hidden behind a mask of smiles and laughter.
So, now that we have established that we truly do not know what anyone is going through, this week’s message is even more important to put into action.
Be kind…to everyone
This includes being kind to ourselves.
Kindness heals
Kindness heals humanity
Kindness heals our Soul
Kindness heals so many things
Let’s consciously set our intention every single day to be kind
Let’s be kind to;
- family
- friends
- acquaintances
- strangers
- those we love
- those who annoy us
- those who have betrayed us
- those who frustrate, anger and push our trigger buttons
- those we judge the most
- ourselves
In this process of leading our day with kindness, let us release our;
- judgements
- stories
- fears, angers, frustrations, resentments & annoyances
- past hurts
- worries of the future
- tendencies to gossip, take things personally & make assumptions
- tendency to think worst case scenario of situations and the worst of others and ourselves
These above points are the blocks and stories that keep us stuck and unable to authentically offer kindness to others or ourselves.
When we have awareness of our blocks and we consciously and willingly stop holding onto them, we then begin to practice offering and receiving kindness, and this is how we heal our Soul.
Whenever we offer kindness out into the world, we contribute to the healing of humanity.
Sounds like a win-win to me.
I love Jay Shetty’s talk about showing up to “serve” in this world. “Service” he says is as simple as leaving a person or a place better than you found them (or it)
That is kindness
Let us all serve this world with kindness
Let us all serve humanity with kindness
Let us all serve ourselves with kindness.
This week’s intention;
Every morning take the time to consciously set your intention to be kind to everyone throughout your day. Write your intention down somewhere, put words to this intention and give it the energy needed for you to follow through. Program “Be Kind” into your phone as a reminder and have it randomly pop up for you throughout your day. Sit and breathe kindness in and breathe kindness out. Pick an intention below if it feels right for you or make one out of your own words
- Today, I offer a kind word to everyone.
- Today, I leave people feeling better than I found them.
- Today, I leave places better than I found them.
- Today, I am kind to myself and others.
- Today, I see others light (where I previously may have seen darkness)
- Today, I raise my vibration by being kind to everyone.
If you want to take this intention setting one step further, sit for a few moments in stillness and silence and with one hand on your heart, consciously send love, kindness and appreciation out into the world.
This is a powerful practice
Be kind always
Our world needs this more than ever
Kindness heals