This week I “lighten” things up by balancing practicality with dreaming. A daily intention practice to train and shift our mindset into finding the good PLUS a deep question to sit with and ponder.


Blog post…

Loving What We Do

Loving what we do and doing what we love is the theme for the next few weeks.

What makes you smile? What puts you in a good mood? What makes your heart sing? Do you have a unique gift? A unique talent? What is something that you do that you lose all time in? These are all questions we can ask ourselves to find out what it is that we love to do.

Clearly losing all time in something we are doing is a positive sign that we are in our flow and doing what we love, however when faced with having to do something we dread – time can feel like it is at a standstill. Making a conscious decision to make the best of it can help ease the dread and pass the time.

This is of course a temporary “fix” to being in a job, relationship or situation in our life that causes us many worries, stresses, struggles or grief.

But it is a good place to start.

We can train our brain to see the good in any situation, person or complaint.

Our brains were conditioned at a very young age to focus in on the problems, struggles, obstacles and complaints.

If you were fortunate enough to be raised in an environment that taught you to see and focus on the solutions, lessons, opportunities and the good – then chances are you already ARE doing what you love and loving what you do.

Most of us weren’t raised in an environment that taught us to see the good in everything, so we now have the opportunity to re-train our mind to focus away from the struggles, worries & stresses and focus on what it is that we DO want to see, feel and do. This doesn’t mean we ignore our perceived struggles, worries & stresses – it means we deal with them but with a mind-set of solutions and results. Many of us WERE raised to believe that struggle and suffering was just a part of life and we need to work hard and effort our way to earn everything we want and desire – we were taught that having a great life was not easy to come by.

There is a balance here between dealing with our current reality without getting stuck in the problems & obstacles and creating the reality we desire with our focus on what we do want and love to do.

What if all we simply need to do is shift our mindset away from what we don’t want and instead focus on what we DO want.

Could it really be that simple?

Those who have found success in “The Law of Attraction” will say “Yes! It really is that simple”

Now there is a whole process to the “Law of Attraction” which I am not going to get into here on this blog today – but we can begin changing our mindset gradually with the practice of setting an intention every morning to get into the mindset of loving what we’re doing – no matter what that “doing” is. It is the “I get to” vs “I have to” mind-set.

Loving what we do is not about having the best jobs, relationships or life experiences.

Loving what we do – is a mindset.

Plain and simple.

It is a mind-set and a decision to see, find and look for the good in every situation, problem and obstacle.

Simple but not easy

The Intention;

“Today, I get to…”

In every moment – choose to shift from complaining about what you are experiencing or have to do  – into accepting the moment and then decide to make the best of it – maybe even LOVE it! Shift it into a mindset of what you get to do today. You may not attract everything you want but I will guarantee you – it will feel better than the complaining and the blaming does and if you keep it up – you will feel happier and find enough satisfaction in your life to want to truly love what you do get to do.

Once you have mastered this – then you can dive deeper into how you can manifest what you really want to be doing into your life. It is important get this practice of training your brain to love what you are currently doing first.

This will require;

  • Awareness of when we are not enjoying our current moment, are complaining or playing the victim of whatever is happening. (stuck in traffic, crying children, an argument, a crappy job…)
  • The willpower to stop the momentum of the situation by stepping back and taking a few deep conscious breaths.
  • The willingness to shift from fueling the momentum of the problem or obstacle to fueling the momentum of a solution or opportunity – this is done by the words we choose to speak and the thoughts we choose to think.

If we decide to support the solution & opportunity and stop the momentum of a crappy current moment – then this will require;

  • The willingness to appreciate what is happening
  • Finding something to like about it
  • Loving the situation regardless of what it is.
  • Loving the lesson AND the opportunity it brought to our awareness.

Remember…This is a practice. A conscious decision to set an intention every morning to do our absolute best to shift every “crappy” moment in our day.

With this practice we will find more satisfaction in our day, in our relationships and in our lives.

This practice can help us get through some really tough crappy days – it is also a good reminder for those of us who get stuck in a rut – even when we do love what we do. It is a conscious mind-set to be satisfied in the moment – but still wanting better for ourselves – so we can accept the current moment and manifest a better one. This is how we get into our flow and stay in our flow.

Doing what we love

If we are currently not doing what we love on a regular basis – whether it is our job, a hobby or what we choose to fill up our days with – then using the above practice of loving what we are currently doing in the moment will get us in a higher vibrational space to take action required to go in the direction of what we do love doing.

What if we are very aware of what we don’t want to be doing or no longer want to be doing but we are not sure what it is we do love doing?

Well, here is the question I would like us all to ponder in the next few weeks. This question can take us into deep enquiry towards what it is we truly want to do. This question can take us deeper even if we are fairly certain we know what we do love to do.

This question was presented to me during my most recent Chopra Education Course in Meditation as;

“If you had all the time and money in the world… how would you express yourself?”

Do not take “I don’t know” as your answer – that is a cop out and is generated by fear.

Sit with this question. Tune into your heart. Tune into your intuition. Go deep.

What makes your heart sing?

What unique gifts and talents do you have?

What do you lose all time in when you do it?

Notice when the Ego mind “Yeah but I can’t because…” excuses come up and silence them.

This is a dreamers practice. What if you could do, have, be and accomplish anything your heart desires – what would you do? How would you express yourself?

Sit with this and dream. Sit with this and create.

Practicality has no place in this inquiry. The “how’s” of your answer do not come into play here.

Do you tend to lean more towards the practicality of life with little emphasis on your dreams? Then it is time to dream. Go deep and dream big.

Do you tend to lean more towards the dreamers “head in the clouds” mindset with little emphasis on the practicality of your desires? Then it is time to put some inspired and confident action to those dreams.

Let’s balance practicality with dreaming and dreaming with action.

What if…

  • You didn’t have to work so hard
  • You weren’t actually born to suffer
  • You WERE born to succeed in all areas of your life.
  • You attracted love and abundance in all areas of your life.
  • You could heal your body.
  • You could heal your mind.
  • You could heal your life.
  • You could experience love in all forms and without conditions.
  • You knew happiness, joy and laughter was yours to have.
  • Financial security was available to everyone.
  • You could feel safe in your body.
  • You could create and manifest all of your desires.

How would you express yourself then?

Enjoy these next two weeks of dreaming and showing up every day with the intention to see the good in everything, everyone and every situation.

I am taking a break from what I absolutely love to do; to bring some balance to my life. As I rest in one of my favorite places in Mexico, I will bring balance by disconnecting from computers, phones and the internet and I will re-connect with my love (my partner Blair) as well as re-connect inward with myself; my heart; my dreams and my desires.

Do what you love and love what you do

This is my wish for all of us.

Dream big my friends.

Be well





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