
Last week I asked us all to shine some light on our belief system and to be curious and question everything

Question every belief, thought, feeling, and behavior you have

This week we continue this practice of curiosity and questioning – however now we are shining some light on our WORDS

In this questioning we ask ourselves if these words we speak are even ours or were they handed down to us from our parents, siblings, pastors, peers or even society. Were these words created from an experience we had? And either way we ask ourselves “are these words working for me or against me” and if they work against us – we have the power to change them.

With awareness, intention and desire we can change anything that isn’t working in our life.

Words are very powerful

The words we speak are very powerful. Just in the way we use our words, we can create a life we desire or we can destroy everything around us.

It is time to be mindful of the words we are speaking.

Listen to your words…

  • What are you saying to yourself and about yourself?
  • What are you saying to and about others?
  • What are you feeling inside yourself? Whatever it is – will come out in your words.
  • How do you use your words to get what you want?
  • Do you speak from your heart and love or do you speak from your head and fear?

What if we are not sure if we are speaking from love or fear? An emotion comes up and we just speak from that place. Most likely we are speaking from fear – unless we have an intentional practice of self-love and awareness of our words, fear tends to be the ruling emotion.

Fear shows up in many different ways

Fear shows up…

  • In our need or desire to control a situation, group or person.
  • In our need to get our way or get our needs met.
  • In our need to please and to be accepted.
  • In our desire to make others happy or fear of making them angry.
  • In our feelings of inferiority.
  • When we judge or criticize ourselves.
  • In our feelings of superiority. (Yes! Fear is very present when we feel superior to others.) 
  • In any and all gossip. Any time we speak of “someone else’s business” there is so much fear within us behind the gossip – whether we start the gossip or participate in it.
  • When we judge or criticize others – again – so much fear within us. We often criticize others to avoid what we don’t want to see in ourselves.

These are all good awareness’s to ask “Are these words even mine?” and if they are…”Do I still want them to be mine?” We always have a choice and when we have a desire to change we can begin this process of change by being very aware of how we use our word.

If you are not experiencing much joy or happiness in your life, then a good inner reflection of how you are using your words would be useful.

This means taking responsibility for our words and our actions. We do not blame outside sources or ourselves. There is no need to create a story or defenses around the words we use. Taking responsibility simply means we release all blame and shame and begin taking responsibility from this moment on to be mindful of the words we chose to use. This takes practice so be gentle and compassionate with yourself. A lifetime of using your words in fear doesn’t change overnight – this requires awareness, intention, desire and action. This requires self-love.

Don Miguel Ruiz writes a life changing book called “The Four Agreements” This book is a “must read” for anyone wanting to understand their belief systems and break the cycle of old beliefs (agreements) and create new beliefs (agreements) into their life. He writes about four specific agreements and if you can begin to live by these four agreements, you can change your whole world.

The first agreement is “Be impeccable with your word” and in this particular book Don Miguel Ruiz explains that whenever we speak from fear – we are creating spells with our words. These spells are equivalent to what we would call “black magic” and when we gossip and speak to judge, criticize, destroy or harm another OR speak to plant seeds of fear, doubt, guilt or shame in another, we create these spells of black magic.

We cast these spells with our opinions, our ideas, our manipulations and essentially our own inner fears. We do this to others, we often do this to those we claim to love the most AND we do this to ourselves. Just imagine how many spells we are casting onto ourselves and others in any given day.

The good news is we can also use our word to create “pure magic” When we create pure magic with our words, we can break the spells of black magic. With awareness, intention, desire to change and action, we can create pure magic with our words and break the spells that have developed over the years.

“A whole spell is broken, just by the power of the word” ~ Don Miguel Ruiz

When we speak words of kindness, compassion, appreciation, acceptance and unconditional love we break the spells of black magic. When we speak the truth of what is in our heart, we break these spells of black magic.

How do we speak the truth of our heart?

We need to cultivate self-love and when we do that, we will understand the truth of who we are and be able to speak this truth. This is when we are authentically impeccable with our word.

To get to this place of authenticity, we need to practice…

  • loving all parts of ourselves,
  • honoring all parts of ourselves,
  • accepting all parts of ourselves,
  • appreciating all parts of ourselves
  • and this all comes down to how we are speaking to ourselves.

This all comes down to our word

This is what this week’s intention setting is all about.

Shining light on the words we speak to ourselves and others.

Self-love is the action step this week. Speaking to ourselves and about ourselves with love is the key here. It might seem like common sense to speak words of kindness to others to make our world a better place and it is common sense. However, the missing piece to integrating this agreement into our life as a habit, is to go inward and start with ourselves.

If you are kind to others but not kind to yourself, the kindness directed outward has a lot of fear attached to it. If you are kind to others and you are genuinely kind to yourself – then the kindness directed outward is authentic – it is pure magic and it is powerful.

Self-love and speaking words of love to ourselves is not conceded or arrogant, it is actually the opposite, it is crucial for us to be comfortable with loving ourselves in order to truly love others. Everyone around us benefits when we practice self-love. If we are not used to speaking to ourselves with love, it can feel very uncomfortable at first, stay with it and speak words that are easier for you to start believing. Believing in ourselves starts with the words we say to ourselves, so start there. Everyone is different but “I am a good person” may be a good place to start? You have to find your own words that you are willing to speak to create new beliefs within you.  

This week’s intention;

There are so many ways we can set intentions for ourselves this week. Whether this is a new concept for you or a reminder to bring the focus back onto yourself, your daily intention will help you get to where you need to be.

  1. This week may be about awareness and staying curious, observant and questioning the words you currently speak.
  2. This week may be about listening inward to your own self-talk and shining a light on your goodness.
  3. This week may be a focused conscious intention to no longer instigate or participate in gossip of any kind – gossip is the worst form of black magic. Gossip is pure poison.
  4. This week may be about talking less and listening more.
  5. This week may be about showing up every day as the best version of the person you want to be and letting your words guide this alignment into your heart center.
  6. This week may be all about speaking words of love to yourself.

Whatever you decide to make as your intention each morning, follow through this week with words of love, kindness, appreciation and acceptance. This will change your world!

If you are interested in any private coaching;

Contact me at 780 722-3442 or email me at



Now…let’s tap this in…






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