We kick off the wellness wheel series today, by defining what physical wellness means to us and examining the stories we tell ourselves around our physical body. Tune into the video for more and read below to go a bit deeper…

What does physical wellness mean to you?

We are all Souls having a human experience and in this lifetime we get just one body to experience this life in. Our relationship with our body is the longest relationship any of us will have. It is important for us to not only take care of this physical shell but to honor, appreciate and respect it as well.

Defining what physical wellness means to us, is the first step to achieving wellness and balance for ourselves in this area of our life.

Take the time to honestly answer. If we are defining our physical wellness based on what society as a whole may portray it to be – this could easily conjure up rebellion and self-sabotage – plus there is no real inspiration in following other peoples “guidelines.”

What did physical wellness meant to you 10 or 20 years ago? Did you even consider this question back then? What about today?

What is important to you

  • A healthy immune system?
  • Sustainable energy levels throughout the day?
  • Feeling safe in your body?
  • Reduced stress levels?
  • A strong, fit, lean body?
  • A healthy body – no matter what the shape?
  • A flexible body?
  • A resilient body?
  • An injury free body?
  • A healing body?

Maybe your physical wellness is a healing journey. Maybe it is all about protecting yourself from injury or harm. Maybe it is about achieving balance in your body with regular exercise, healthy eating and a good night’s sleep!

However you define your wellness – make sure it is your definition. You will then be inspired to make the choices and take the actions that will help you achieve your personal physical wellness.

Every choice you make or don’t make for your physical body WILL shape your future physical body

Once you have defined what physical wellness means to you, take a snapshot of your life at this time and access whether you are in alignment with your physical wellness.

Yes? Then you are making the right choices and taking action that supports what is important to you in the area of your physical body. Awesome!

What if the answer is no?

What if we are sometimes (or often) in alignment…then all of a sudden we sabotage our well-being?

Hmmm… it is time to get to the root of the sabotage.

It is time to get vulnerable, ask ourselves some tough questions and peel back the layers so we can shine some light on why we self-sabotage.

Peeling back the layers

What do you dislike most about your;

  • Body
  • Appearance
  • Choices you have made in the past in regards to your physical wellness.
  • Choices you make or don’t make every day for your body

In the answers to these questions lies the stories you tell yourself that sabotage your physical wellness success.

Keep peeling – go deeper

What are the stories you are telling yourself? Based on your answers to the question above – how do you express your dislike? Whether out loud or silently to yourself – these are the stories we tell ourselves. When we believe these stories we become these stories.

This week become increasingly aware of all the stories you tell yourself about your physical wellness. Challenge them! What benefit do you get out of believing them? Do you know where these stories came from? Did you hear someone speak them before you or to you? Did you have an experience or do you have memories that contribute to the stories? What different choices would you make in your life if you didn’t believe these stories? And the biggest question is “are they even true?” and if that is answered with a big resounding “YES!” then ask yourself if you want them to be true? Continuing to tell these stories keeps them alive and keeps us choosing the same self-sabotaging behaviors.

Our body responds to the thoughts that we think. No change can occur if we stick to the same stories

The real truth; our body is incredibly intelligent and has the ability to heal itself but it is governed by our subconscious mind where all these stories live in our consciousness and when we believe these stories we sabotage our body’s ability to heal itself or to simply make better choices for ourselves.

Read these words by Deepak Chopra… “The human body is a river of intelligence, energy, and information that is constantly renewing itself in every second of its existence”

However, if in every second of existence we are telling the same old story of injury, illness, ill-health and dislike of our body – we hinder this natural ability of the body to renew itself. We need to get out of the way of our body’s intelligence.

How do we do that?

How do we make the changes to stay or get in alignment with our defined physical wellness?

How do we stop this pattern of self-sabotage?

  • We become aware of our stories!
  • We challenge them!
  • We stop feeding into them
  • We stop believing in them!
  • We become aware of the story we want to tell
  • We consciously tell new stories
  • We feed and believe in the new success stories.

BUT FIRST we need to treat our body (no matter what condition it is currently in) with love, acceptance, appreciation, affection, compassion and respect – we need to fully and completely honor this body we have been given for this lifetime.

If this a tough concept to grasp – imagine the parts of your body that you dislike the most (whether that is in appearance, an injury, or a disease) as a hurt, terrified young child trying to get your attention and your help. If you witnessed this hurt, terrified young child – you would want to help them, you would want to hold them and reassure them that they are safe now and going to be okay. You would do whatever you could to help them! You would make choices to help them feel better, you would give them attention, love, acceptance, affection, compassion, appreciation and respect.

This is your inner child

Every sensation in your body is a message, it is the way your body (your inner child) speaks to you and it is trying to get your attention.  When you can treat your body with love, acceptance, respect and appreciation – it will will align with its natural ability to heal itself.

Your body deserves this

So, how do we overcome, shift & transform our old stories of physical wellness – the stories that are not working for us? We love our body fully and completely and then we tell the story we want to have unfold. We speak the words of this new story often, we visualize ourselves achieving this alignment with our physical body and we honor and respect the body that we GET to live in for this lifetime.

This Week’s Intention

  1. We define what physical wellness means to us.
  2. We challenge our stories. All those stories of dislike, shame, and sabotage can be re-written.
  3. We love our body. We treat it well. We honor it with respect, acceptance and appreciation.
  4. We tell a new physical wellness story. One that aligns us with our definition of success in our physical body and we support that with daily affirmations “I love my body?” “I make healthy choices for my body” “I make the time to care for my body” “I am worth it”

Our health is our wealth. We can have the love of our family and friends all around us, and we can have financial wealth and love what we do but if our physical body has been neglected and is suffering can we really enjoy these other aspects of our life to the fullest?

When we define and align with our physical wellness – we can have it all and we know we are worth it!



P.S. It is always a good time to sign up for the on-line course Personal Development Membership! Come live or watch the recordings at your convenience!




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