Throat Chakra self-expression for Success

I am cutting right to the chase on this one today… Defining success in achieving your goals and desires comes down to the vibration you are emitting out there. Shake things up and change old ways of being into new habits and behaviors. Express yourself in a different way with the intention to raise your vibration.

As always this is an inside job – you are the only one who can raise it and life and the people around you will challenge you everyday. 

Let me break this down…

The Throat Chakra is the center of expression.

It is the center of communication and personal truth. It is the narrowest part of the chakra system and filters the energy between the mind and the body. It is where we express what thoughts and feelings reside inside of us. The element of this chakra center is sound. All sound is vibrational. We express and communicate what we are thinking and feeling through the words we speak, through our movements & body language, through our silence, through our actions and through our vibration.

Let’s go back a few weeks ago, when we dove into our Solar Plexus Chakra and discovered that our ego (our personality) always has a choice. We either choose to align our ego with fear, or we choose to align our ego with love.

Last week we dove into our Heart Chakra and learned all about unconditional love and how important to is to love, honor, respect & accept ourselves fully and completely. If we focus on self-love, this is the space where our personality can align with love. This is how we can raise our vibration and ultimately improve every one of our relationships, including and most importantly the one with ourselves.

So how does vibration in the throat chakra factor in here? Well, love and fear have completely different vibrations. Fear vibrates at a low frequency and it feels heavy (fear can show up as anger, sadness, frustration, shame, guilt) Love vibrates at a higher frequency and feels light and more at ease. (Love can show up as happiness, appreciation, kindness, optimism)

What frequency is your throat chakra vibrating at?

So, based on the choice we make in our action center of the Solar Plexus we can either raise our vibration or lower our vibration…right?


However, we need to separate what happens in the outer world as being our main force of this vibration. For example, we all know that amazing feeling inside when something good happens for us, when we fall in love, or we get some good news – these situations definitely raise our vibration and are all important experiences for us to have. Alternately when something traumatic happens to us, when we lose someone we love, or we receive bad news, we can all identify with how these experiences (which are also all important to have) make us feel – these situations lower our vibration. The key is to be able to live in a higher vibration regardless of our outer circumstances, so we can detach from our happiness coming from outside sources. Then when these outer situations happen for us, we can sustain a higher vibration by either enjoying the amazing experience or appreciating our resilience as we weather the storm.

This is the ticket to redefining success in achieving our goals and finding success in our New Years resolutions! Life is always changing and evolving all around us, when we remain higher in our vibration (by practicing self-acceptance, self-love etc.) we attract, even through the storms better outcomes towards us.

To understand this further, let’s dive into the energy of the throat chakra.

When the Throat Chakra Energy has too much energy;

  • We gossip (often to avoid dealing with our own emotions & dramas)
  • We judge others (also to avoid our own inner judgements)
  • We find it difficult to be silent.
  • We break confidences, because we have an inability to keep a secret.
  • We tend to verbally express all we are feeling (without taking the time to understand them) often leading to regret due to saying things we wish we could take back.
  • We tend to express our opinion, with the intention of proving our point often expecting others to change their way of thinking to our way

To balance too much energy

  • Sit in silence and listen within “shhh…”
  • Listen more and talk less
  • Journal
  • Move without sound. example; walk in nature, dance without music to the rhythm of your body.

 When the Throat Chakra Energy has too little energy;

  • We have a hard time finding the words to express what we are feeling or what we want to communicate.
  • We have a fear of speaking and an inability to speak up.
  • We tend to be very shy and think that what we have to express isn’t of any importance or value.
  • We tend to keep our thoughts and feelings bottled up inside.

To balance too little energy

  • Sing at the top of your lungs – find your voice
  • Hum and feel the vibration in your body.
  • Journal
  • Dance to music

When the Throat Chakra Energy is balanced;

  • We acquire effective communication skills.
  • We understand our emotions and the importance of allowing them to be felt.
  • Others enjoy and respond to our confident, warm voice and expressions.
  • We are great listeners.
  • Others are comfortable and free to be themselves around us.
  • We encourage others to have their own opinions and expressions even though they may differ from ours.
  • We are not affected by other peoples’ opinions of us.
  • We live life authentically and creatively.

We are what we express.

We express through our words, body language, energy and vibration.

What we express shapes our reality.

Our morning grounding and intention setting practices are meant to start our day off in the right vibration by shifting our thoughts, OUR WORDS, and our actions in the direction of success. We decide first thing in the morning what it is we want to accomplish, how we want to show up for the day and then we put words and visualization to it. What this does is raise our vibration.

Alternately, if we wake up and begin our day without setting an intention we can easily get swayed into the energy of fear, anger, frustration and negativity that surrounds us. For example, just turn on the news in the morning (without the intention to raise your vibration) and see how easy it is to get drawn into the negativity and fear and when we express negativity and fear, we will experience more negativity and fear.

That is just how life works.

But when we set our intentions and express them from a place of optimism, of trust, of self-love, kindness, and appreciation, we then attract more of that into our life. This is when our desires begin to materialize, we begin achieving our goals and we attract into our lives many things that we want.

These practices of grounding, intention setting, expressing and visualizing will over time bring balance to your Throat Chakra Energy Center and the characteristics of too much and too little energy will begin to fall away…

This is the process of finding our inner truth.

When we align our ego with love, we speak the truth of who we are. We speak from our heart to ourselves, which opens us to a higher vibration that attracts a flow of freedom that inspires us to make better choices. Ultimately it aligns us with success.

This week’s intention setting is a continuation on from last week’s challenge to “Take care of you” but this week, think in terms of sound, vibration, expression and communication.

This week’s intention…

Express words of love, compassion, care and optimism towards yourself and others.

Today, I raise my vibration by expressing ________

  • Self-love
  • Unconditional love
  • Optimism
  • Trust
  • Appreciation
  • Hope
  • Excitement
  • Silence

Fill in the blank above with your intention for the day and be even more specific if you desire, by expressing who you are going to consciously raise your vibration towards.

Adopt this practice on a consistent basis and just watch how your vibration changes your reality 😊

How will you know if you are living in a higher vibrational state?

  • You feel happy most of the time.
  • You feel energized & enthusiastic.
  • You wake up in the morning feeling rested.
  • You are optimist.
  • You no longer waste your energy judging other people or yourself.
  • You start attracting good things into your life.
  • You don’t worry about what other people think of you.
  • You no longer need to fix or change other people.
  • You start attracting positive people into your life and the negative people (who stick around) start to naturally shift their own energy!
  • When chaos seems to ensue all around you, there is a deep knowing within you that there is something to learn from it and that you are safe.

Have a fabulous week my friends!




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