What is the purpose of this human experience we are having?


Do you know your purpose in this lifetime?

Have you ever ask yourself this question and if so do you know the answer?

The last two blog posts have been all about opening our awareness to seeing our life in a different light. Changing the perspective of what is happening all around us and in our every day life.

I’ve asked you to observe everything in your life as an opportunity to learn something about yourself and last week I asked you to shine a light on the darker parts of your personality. The parts of yourself that you have deemed as unacceptable. The light I asked you to shine was to allow the awareness of many messages and lessons to be learned through embracing those darker parts of ourselves.  


What’s the point?

The point is that in being open to all the lessons we can learn in this lifetime and especially those we learn through our least liked parts of ourselves, we are on the pathway to discovering who we are on a deeper level and what it is that we truly want.

What do I mean by knowing ourselves on a deeper level?

 Here is what I choose to believe…

I believe that we are all Spiritual beings having a human experience.

I believe that this human experience is a school of sorts, where we get to learn so much more about ourselves than simply the roles we play and the obstacles and fears we face in this lifetime.

I believe we ARE a Soul and we HAVE a human body. (Not the other way around)

I believe these are all mindsets that guide us to a deeper understanding of ourselves and why we are here having this human experience.

 In order to survive on this planet though, we need this human body and a personality (or ego) is required to help with the human experience.

“Ego” gets a bad rap most of the time.

However… we all need an ego.

Our ego is what allows us to get things done in this world. Our ego shows up every day and through it we learn the ways of both surviving and thriving in this world. Our ego houses our personality and both developed from the day we were born to this moment now.   

 This ego personality is who most of us think we are

We are so much more, so much deeper than this personality we show the world. We may even convince ourselves we ARE this ego-personality. 

Who am I?

When someone asks who we are – we typically answer with our name.

Think of when you meet someone for the first time and you are both getting to know each other.

We find out each other’s name, what we do for a living, we may talk about our family. If we continue to get to know each other, we will talk about our roles, our titles, our accomplishments, maybe our obstacles. We talk about the past, we talk about the future, and we talk about what is happening in our life now, we may talk about our goals, our aspirations, our desires, our values, our feelings, emotions, wants and needs. It is our human existence wrapped up in a conversation or many conversations over time. It is the story of “me”

Our ego personality has a purpose

To survive and hopefully thrive in this human world

Our ego personality may have a deeper purpose, a driving force within that motivates us towards greater success or greater wealth or to certain relationships and accomplishments.

 There is nothing wrong with any of this and like I said we all need an ego

If we can find comforts and triumphs and joy in this human school then all the better

 The problem with the ego personality is that it sees the struggles, the obstacles, the losses and sadness as weakness or something to avoid, bypass and escape at all costs. It can not see the value in these powerful life lessons. 

 The ego experiences happiness based on achievements and status

The Soul experiences happiness no matter what. It is our birthright as a human being to be happy and our Soul shows up to remind us of that

 Our ego personality focuses on the outer environment and is motivated by fears, emotions, needs and wants

Our Soul IS our inner environment – it is our inner alignment. To align with our Soul, is to align with love, kindness, gratitude, compassion & forgiveness

The Heart is the seat of our soul 

 The ego personality is happy as long as the circumstances around us are good

The Soul is happy no matter what is going on around us

What happens when something doesn’t go our way or when we lose a part of what we think is our identity? What happens to the ego if we lose that job that gave us great status or the money that came with it? What happens to the ego when we lose someone we love?

The ego suffers. The ego feels like a victim. The ego blames and judges and often gets stuck in a cycle of emotions that are so difficult to experience that numbing them is the easiest way to get back on track. That or the ego acts on the intense emotions and has a fall back of regrets from something that was said or done.

This is where we need to call on our Soul. This is where the Soul often shows up in our life and helps us out of the deepest, darkest places.

Our Soul feels deeply. Our Soul feels and mourns loses but doesn’t stay in the drama or the story line. Our Soul feels all emotions and doesn’t get caught in the loop of stories and judgements. The Soul observes but doesn’t analyze. The Soul loves unconditionally. The Soul accepts, appreciates, and is compassionate and forgiving. The Soul knows that everything that happens is an opportunity to learn, to grow and evolve to become a better human being and have a better human experience. The Soul is patient and open to all lessons. The Soul is attached to nothing but is open to loving deeper and experiencing all aspects of life. 

It takes courage to step into the space of the Soul. Courage to drop all the stories and judgements that the ego-personality has formed to keep it safe and perceive itself successful.

Why would we want to step into this unknown open space of the Soul and drop the reserved “safe” known space of the ego?

Because everything that we truly want is in the unknown

“What do I want?”

Remember a time when you wanted something really badly. It was all you could think about. One day you got it – you were so happy! Until… the better version of it came along – now you wanted that AND had you known there was a better version of it – you would have asked for that. But the better version was in the unknown for you – it wasn’t something you could imagine because you didn’t know about it. 

The Soul is open and connected to the unknown and the Souls knows that what you really want is the FEELING you experience when you get what it is you desire 

If we only live from the ego based personality space – then we are missing out on so much more in life. We are missing out on feeling true happiness, true joy, and our true purpose. We are only living from the stories we have told ourselves or were told about ourselves.

In the Soul space, there is infinite possibilities and opportunities. Beyond what the ego can imagine – which is why so many (egos) dismiss this way of being. If they cannot see it, touch it, taste it or feel it – then it must not be a possibility. It is in the unknown and the ego can only live in the known. 

All the habits we would like to change are in the known. All our stories, memories, fears, resentments, betrayals and losses are in the known. It is time to connect with your Soul and open to the unknown. Be excited for the unknown! All the new habits you want to create, all the feelings you really want to experience are in the unknown. Embrace the unknown. To embrace the unknown we also have to embrace the sadness, the challenges, the LESSONS and the messages. 

The Soul has imagination. The Soul is creative. The Soul is beyond judgement and critics. The Soul does not feel superior to anyone, nor does it feel inferior to anyone. The Soul is not seeking approval, recognition or power. The Soul is pure love. The Soul is pure acceptance. The Soul is pure appreciation.

When we align our ego-personality with our Soul, then we can create a whole new story. We can see that everything has a lesson or message and even though we may not be able to see the “big picture” yet – because it is still in the unknown – we can learn from it. Each time we learn a lesson we get closer to the unknown of opportunities and solutions. When we are open to learning from life, our own unique gifts and talents that we came here to share with the world are revealed.

When we align our ego-personality with our Soul we can create happiness in our life with no strings attached. We can be happy – no matter what is going on in the world around us.

We may experience anger, frustration, doubt, sadness or any other emotion that life experiences throw at us. When we are in full ego-personality mode we react to these emotions. When we align the ego-personality with the Soul we still experience these emotions, the difference is we allow them to be there, we acknowledge them, we pause and we allow ourselves to feel them. We don’t feed them. We don’t entertain them. We stop and observe them. We open to what they are showing up to teach us. We learn from them. We make changes in our life so that they don’t have all the power over us and we step into our own empowerment.

Acknowledging the messages, learning the lessons, then adapting our habit, patterns and choices to escape the loop of the ego’s fears is essentially what our Soul came here to experience.

Each lifetime our Soul lives evolves its purpose and changes its experience for the next lifetime it experiences. This is why some human beings have a deeper connection with their Soul – they have had lifetimes of experience.   

Our human ego has a purpose. It may have many different purposes than our soul and are all valid and should be honored.

Our Soul has a purpose. It may have many different purposes and all are valid and should be honored.

Each morning as you sit and ground your energy in meditation, ask yourself…

“What is my Soul’s Purpose?”

Listen and observe all the thoughts, ideas, emotions and sensations that arise within you

Observe the ego

Observe the Soul

Then set the intention to live your day in your Souls purpose…

Our purpose is in the choices we make

Every time you choose love over fear or hate; you are living in your Souls purpose

Every time you choose to see the lesson in every frustrating moment; you are living in purpose.

Every time you choose acceptance over judgement; you are living in purpose.

Every time you choose appreciation over complaining; you are living in purpose.

Every time you choose to see the opportunity in an obstacle; you are living in purpose.  

Every time you choose self-care; you are living in purpose.

 Every moment of every day – we are living in purpose

Taking care of YOU is your purpose. In taking care of yourself, you will be better be able to help others, care for others, be there for others.

Many days our ego-personality will show up and it will be much harder to choose love nor acceptance over all the chaos the world might throw at us. Be patient and compassionate with yourself.

Just do your best to align with your Soul. Do your best to align with love. 

When we are in full ego-personality mode, our choices will typically come from a fearful, angry or resentful place – observe these times and take the lesson that keeps showing up for you to learn.

The more often we consciously align our personality with our Soul’s purpose, our choices more easily come from love, compassion, appreciation & acceptance.  

When we consciously choose to do our best to “live in purpose” everyday our unique gifts and talents come to the surface.

What we are most passionate about surfaces

Creativity flows

More joy comes into our life – for now reason at all.

And an authentic desire to share our unique gifts and talents with the world begins to take on a new life.

This is when we live on purpose and with purpose

This is service

 Our unique gifts and talents are of course individual to each of us but many of us expect some big “ah-ha” moment of clarity – our purpose is mostly likely going to be less subtle and we can have many different purposes.

I love Kyle Gray quote “All things done with love are purposeful”

So with his concept of purpose in mind…when we discover what our gifts and talents are, here are a few examples of what sharing these talents may look like;

  • Hugging a child or friend when they are hurting
  • Smiling at a stranger
  • Making lunches for your kids or dinner for your family
  • Gardening
  • Music – singing, writing, performing, listening, dancing
  • Creating art, enjoying art
  • Helping others see a different perspective
  • Teaching
  • Any job or career you do that you love doing
  • Making others laugh
  • Helping others see their worth
  • Seeing your own worth
  • Self-care

This all aligns you with your purpose! 

This Week’s Intention Setting

This week let’s decide how we want to show up “in purpose” every day – ask yourself either (or both) of these questions each morning…

  1. “What is one thing I can do today to bring more love into my day? For myself and for those around me?” (you can replace the word love with self-care, compassion, acceptance, calm…or any other Soul purpose attribute)
  2. “What unique gifts or talents can I share with the world around me today?”

When we are in alignment with our Soul’s purpose and live our day with these two intentions, we are living on purpose.

When this comes from an authentic place – meaning we are not needing anything in return, no attention, acceptance or approval – then we are living and acting with purpose. 

Let’s tap this in…



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