It’s a new day. It’s a new week. It’s a new year! This day though is full of opportunity. How do you want to feel? Let’s create & prepare for a successful day, a successful week, a successful month…a successful 2024

Calling in and preparing for a successful 2024

As you settle into 2024 you may find that this New Year has come with a few changes. You may like the changes currently happening for you or you may not. Change is inevitable and even if this New Year has so far been uneventful for you – life has a funny (or not so funny) way of surprising us with changes we were not expecting.

Whether the unexpected is a welcome change, a not so welcome change, the best possible outcome, your worst nightmare or anywhere in between – the first step is to accept what is.

Even if it sucks.

Brene Brown coined the saying “embrace the suck” and this is a crucial step because if you don’t embrace the suck – it has the potential to drag you down, bury you alive and/or keep you stuck in a never-ending loop of the past.

As hard as it might be and as impossible as it might sound to some – the best thing you can do as we bring in the New Year is to let the past go. Decide that you are not going to carry the past into your future. This means you need to let go of the story and stop re-living the experience and the emotions in your mind and your body. Take the lesson and leave the story in 2023.

In order to heal from anything in the past – you need to feel. This is how you prepare your mind and your Soul for a better future – this is also how you heal the physical body.

It is essential to your healing to take responsibility for the emotions you are feeling (release the blame) and allow yourself to fully feel. This will be uncomfortable and even painful. This is the process of healing and the intention is to release the feelings after they have been witnessed, felt and honoured. The release will happen organically as the emotions are truly honoured.

This is a process that many people avoid doing but honestly…it makes us stronger. If you insist on holding onto your feelings and emotions, whether it’s hurt, sadness, anger, betrayal, resentment or any other emotion that keeps you as the victim of your story – then you carry your past into your future! You are then stuck there and this disempowers you.

You are the only one who can break this cycle. You don’t want to repeat or re-live your past. You want to let it go. You want to leave it in the past.

Life will throw you curve ball after curve ball until you learn this. This is true for everyone.

Once you decide to leave the past hurts behind, you can then truly let go and in doing so, find your inner peace AND open up space for what you really want to call in. What you really want to create! A better you? Better relationships? Abundance? Purpose? Success?

This is true no matter what time of year it is. If you woke up this morning and found yourself still alive and in this world…then you have awakened to an opportunity to let the past go, make some changes and create something better for yourself.

What if the changes you’ve experienced lately haven’t sucked?

If the changes you have experienced lately are welcome! Great! Carry these experiences and the emotions that go with them forward into your tomorrow!

This is also a great time to do some inner reflection and be honest with yourself. What limiting thoughts, beliefs or expectations can you let go of so that you make space to welcome in new and even better experiences?

Perhaps you have set yourself some new goals to work towards. Maybe you have set a resolutions already to break some habits and create some new good habits. Maybe you don’t do resolutions… either way – it really doesn’t matter – if you are reading this – you are being called to create your future. You are being called to create a better tomorrow for yourself and indirectly for those around you.

I’ll say this again…

This is true no matter what time of year it is.

If you woke up this morning and you found you are still alive and in this world…then you have found yourself in this world with an opportunity to make some positive changes and create something better for yourself and if you want…for humanity as a whole.

This is powerful stuff! If you believe you can create your own happiness then your road to a happy & successful 2024 is already unfolding.

Wherever you are at this time in your life. Whether it is needing to feel in order to heal. Whether it is letting go and moving on. Whether you have held yourself back and you are now ready to move forward or whether you have no idea what you even want. Let’s begin with how we want to feel!!!

If you are like me you can probably list all the ways in which you don’t want to feel (make sure if you are currently feeling these emotions to sit with them and allow them to be truly felt);

  • Hurt
  • Angry
  • Sad
  • Hopeless
  • Helpless
  • Frightened
  • Tired
  • Anxious

(Just to name a few)

Now…list the ways you WISH to feel? Here are a few of mine;

  • Happy
  • Loved
  • Free
  • Abundant
  • Peaceful
  • At ease
  • Joyful
  • Clear-headed
  • Connected
  • Successful

Whatever you are wishing to feel and wanting to create for yourself in the future – let’s get set onto the right path – the path of success.

Success is a matter of perception and your ego mind can destroy your own personal success path by falling into old patterns and behaviours of;

  1. Wanting more.
  2. Never feeling like you have enough or are enough.
  3. Comparing yourself to others
  4. Judging yourself.
  5. Keeping yourself stuck in a victim story.
  6. Sabotaging yourself by not taking care of your physical body with healthy food and regular movement.
  7. Keeping yourself in the loop of negative thought patterns.

Success is a mind-set and with awareness you CAN re-train your mind to think differently and to see things differently. A connection and alignment with your heart & Soul acknowledges your success and is more than willing to see through the eyes of love. For some people this may feel like a miracle is needed…but a miracle is simply a shift in perception and a willingness to see things differently.

  • A willingness to see yourself differently.
  • A willingness to see others differently.
  • A willingness to see a situation differently.
  • A willingness to see the (or your) world differently.

This willingness allows space to open to the new and the better!

Now start calling in what you want. Make a list of what you would like to see unfold for yourself in 2024.

What are you calling in?

Get really clear on what you want! What do you really, really want!?

Maybe you don’t even know what you want (that is actually quite common) Start with these questions to help you create a list

  1. How do you wish to feel? Ask yourself this question every day!
  2. What do you want to experience more of?
  3. What new experiences are you ready to welcome into your life?
  4. What is something you could do or accomplish that would make you feel successful, helpful or of service?
  5. What do you want to change? (about yourself not someone else – needing someone else to change to be happy or feel successful is giving up your power and handing your happiness over to be controlled by someone else)

How to “prepare for success”

Intentionally prepare your;

  1. Mind for success.
  2. Body for success.
  3. Heart & Soul for success

Get really clear on a few important points and ask yourself a few tough questions…

  • Are you willing to do things differently?
  • Are you willing to accept what is?
  • Are you willing to accept change?
  • Are you willing to embrace the unknown?
  • Are you ready to let go of the past?
  • Are you willing to get uncomfortable?
  • Are you willing to feel your emotions?
  • Are you willing to forgive others and yourself?
  • Are you willing to fall or fail and instead of letting it block and destroy your goals, learn from it and LET IT GO?
  • Are you willing to try new things? Even if your stubborn mind says “I don’t like that”
  • Are you willing to take better care of your physical body?
  • Are you willing to feed your body and your mind healthy food?
  • Are you willing to move your body?
  • Are you willing to let go of pain?

The success of all of this is taking it one day at a time! One step at a time. One choice at a time! Start with today!

This Week’s Intention

  1. Call in all you desire for 2024 – list everything!
  2. Connect your mind, body and Soul.
  3. Prepare your mind for success with affirmations, daily intentions and mindfulness.
  4. Watch your mind – observe it for those sneaky not enough/never enough and judgemental/comparison patterns and other limiting thought & beliefs.
  5. Be kind to your body; Move it, strengthen it, stretch it and feed it well.
  6. Connect with your Soul. Do yoga. Meditate. Dance like no one is watching. Take mindful walks. Connect with nature. Rest. Be more – do less.

What I do personally myself on the inside – I share to the outside world – I know this stuff isn’t easy but I also know it works! My life has not been without challenges and complications and there have been many times in my life I have felt entitled to wallow in my own self-pity and victim story…however – that is not who I am at the core of my being and if you are still reading this – I bet it is not who you are either. You are ready for this. You are ready to make the changes needed. You are ready to incorporate your body, mind and Soul into this journey we call life

Namaste my friends;

If this blog post spoke to you and you are ready to create your future – register here for the Personal Development Monthly Membership – it is never too late to start creating the life you want.

A gift for all; Below are 2 links to show what the Personal Development Classes are all about – the 1st link is the ground work and the discussion. The 2nd link is the actual meditation – get comfortable & enjoy! 

Link 1 – Topic What are you calling in? (34 mins)

Link 2 – Meditation – Align with your POWER (33 mins)



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