Freedom in having an open, reflective, curious mind.

Awareness & Attention

Awareness IS consciousness.
Attention is the energy that gives your awareness focus.

Awareness is simply being conscious. Conscious of your surroundings outside and inside of you. Being consciously aware of your thoughts, your emotions, your feelings and the sensations in your body. Being consciously aware of things and others around you. Being curious as to others thoughts, emotions & feelings. Be reflective in your awareness, rather than judgmental to it all.

Attention is keeping your awareness, consciously focus on one thing for a longer duration of time. Being attentive to what you are aware of.
Attention with curiosity opens your mind to learn so much about life, yourself & others.

Set an intention to have an open, reflective, curious mind. Open it to your senses and all that is unfolding around you & within you. Open your mind. Be curious and reflect on what you experience.

When your mind is reflective and aware, you have access to intuition, creativity, vision, and imagination. Answers and all the right actions to take come to you at the right moment. In these moments, you feel free and as though you are in a state of flow because you are! Your mind is quieter. These are the moments you have consciously become aware of your Soul. Pay attention to its wisdom – it will lead you to freedom. 

True freedom has everything to do with tapping into the silence, stillness & wisdom of the Soul.

It is the freedom to be who you really are.

Who stops you from being who you truly are? Who is holding you back from this freedom? Has your human been conditioned to blame others for what’s wrong in your life (blame parents, partners, the government, religion, society?)

There is nothing wrong with you. There is nothing wrong with your human. There is nothing wrong with your Soul. You have just been conditioned to believe there is. We all have.  You are not who you think you are.

Your human is who you think you are because domestication happened to you. This domestication created many stories for your human to tell. You may have experienced trauma as a child (or even last week) but that trauma or story is not who you are.

You are a prisoner of your human minds’ stories, often created by other humans’ stories and perceptions of you. We all are prisoners of these perceptions, to different degrees.

Every prison has a key.

Who has the key to your prison? You do! Responsibility of freedom falls upon you. YOU are the only one who can set YOU free. If you feel like you are caught in a “prison of the human experience” then the real you is still a young child just waiting to remind you how to be free!

Very young children, before true domestication sets in – are free.

  • They are not afraid to express what they feel, until they are punished for expressing themselves.
  • They are not afraid to play, until they are told to “grow up”
  • They are not afraid to cry, until they are told “I’ll give you something to cry about…”
  • They are not afraid to explore, until they are taught to “be careful” and told of all the potential ways they can get hurt.
  • They are not afraid to love, until the ones they love the most hurt them (unintentionally or intentionally)
  • They are not afraid to be happy.
  • They are curious, until they are taught that “curiosity killed the cat”
  • They don’t worry about the past, until they are shown how to.
  • They don’t care about the future, until they are taught to.
  • They live only in the present moment. Until they are told to “follow the rules” and “pay attention” to the humans that want them domesticated and well behaved.

The natural flow of life is what all young children embody. Until they are conditioned into all the “normal” human tendencies! If they rebel against the norm – they often experience trauma’s even beyond the traumas of domestication.

The only thing the stories of your past have managed to do is keep you locked into a prison of “your life”. Full of illusions, limiting beliefs and lies.

You aren’t free because your inner judge and the victim within you is trapped in these domesticated stories and the belief system. They don’t allow you to be who you really are.

The human experience is full of ups, downs, triumphs and tribulations. Once you understand your past happened to you and it is NOT who you actually are! You will realize your past happened FOR you and you can now move past it and find out who you truly are.

It is time to go beyond your conditioned inner judge. It is time to get that little victim within you to stop blaming everything on your human experience. It is time to stop blaming every human who has wronged you in terrible ways (and who was also domesticated in some way by other terrible humans). STOP the cycle!

  • It is time to stop blaming your human experience. Remember that your Soul came here to experience all of this.
  • It is time to stop the cycle of your human’s conditioning and beliefs. Stopping this cycle is the “journey” your Soul signed up for.
  • It is time to no longer let the inner judge rule your mind and choices.
  • It is time to no longer let the little victim control your emotions, habits and behaviors.
  • It is time to be free

This requires awareness & attention. With awareness & attention you can be free.

Awareness is the essential first step.

If you are not aware, there is nothing to change.

If you are not aware of your inner judge – how can you stop judging yourself or anyone else? If you can’t stop judging yourself or someone else you are stuck in a prison of problems.

If you are not aware of your little victim and all its wounds and emotional turmoil, the stories will grow so big. In its mind, it will create its own prison of suffering and pain.

If you aren’t aware of how detrimental staying stuck in these stories, judgements and experiences are to your freedom, how can you find the compassion to hold your judge and victim in an embrace of love and acceptance and begin to cleanse and heal those wounds?

Without this awareness you become a victim of other people’s belief systems and often become a target for their pain.

Without this awareness, your mind and body survive on fear, drama & suffering.

The more you practice awareness, the greater your attention on the changes you can make in your life become.

Then you realize you have two choices;

  1. One choice is to continue to allow these judgements, stories, and wounds to control your mind, your body and your personal reality.
  2. The other choice is to rebel against your personal reality and say “NO!” Say Yes to stopping the cycle of judgements, wounds and stories!

S.T.O.P.P.P.P…. the cycle!

  • Stop; when you are feeling stuck in your life. Notice the voices of your inner judge and little victim. Are they are controlling your experiences and your mind?
  • Take a few breathes; put a hand on your heart and drop out of your head and into your heart. Your Soul is in your heart.
  • Observe; what you are feeling, thinking, believing and how you are seeing yourself or the situation?
  • Proceed; with kindness and an open heart.
  • Proceed; with curiosity, and an open reflective mind.
  • Proceed; with a willingness to see things differently and think out of the inner judge or victim mind.
  • Proceed; with courage to speak with compassion, love and appreciation.

As you practice this, you will thrive and succeed at times and sometimes you will fall. Your Soul will always pick you back up. Take responsibility and learns whatever needs to be learned. This gives you the opportunity to transform your prison of judgement and fear into a freedom.

Freedom is happiness. Freedom is love. Freedom is having choices

The difference between your Soul and your little victim;

  • Your victim blames everyone and everything outside of themselves. A victim is afraid to be vulnerable and uses what has happened to them in their human experience as a reason to stay stuck. Stuck where? In the problem, the story and the suffering.
  • A Soul takes responsibility. Your soul never blames anyone…including yourself for anything. Aligning with your Soul allows you to feel your emotions, learn from them and then expresses them when the time is right. This leads to solutions and freedom.

 Be willing to meet your fears

Meeting your fears requires a deep enquiry into those conditioned self-limiting, beliefs. They often cause you to complain, condemn & judge leaving you feeling unhappy. Inquire inward;

  • What isn’t working in your life?
  • Your relationship, finances, health?
  • What are your beliefs and fears around relationships, money and your health?

To transform these fears, meet them, greet them and question them!!! Here is where you tap into your Soul. Listen now, it has much wisdom for you…

  • Wisdom to learn who you truly are – beneath the fears & judgements!
  • Wisdom to re-program your mind in your own way. Change your thoughts and you change your beliefs!
  • Wisdom to speak to yourself & others with integrity, love, kindness and compassion
  • Wisdom and courage to stand in your truth. Stand in your power.

This is all about transforming your life in your own way. Don’t let others inflict their pain onto you. It is theirs to transform. You get to transform your own!!

Namaste my friends;




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