Merry Christmas my friends! Let’s jump into the Spirit of Christmas and open our minds to believing in the things that go beyond the logical and often stubborn thinking of the ego mind. Beyond… is where all the magic is.

Vibrational Healing

I believe that as a species we can heal from anything. Physically, mentally and energetically

That is a bold statement to make and interesting enough – when I replace the above sentence to read “I believe that I can heal from anything” there are little fear and doubt gremlins that come up for me in my mind.

Doubts says; “Can I really heal myself from anything?” If I was faced with a devastating health challenge – do I really believe I could heal from it?

Fear says; “Not so sure I can heal everything… and am I challenging the Universe by declaring this? Am I creating an illness or situation for myself – so I can prove this?”

The human mind is like that. It can be the best ally or it can be the worst enemy. When it is my worst enemy it brings all my insecurities and darkest parts of myself up and it feeds all my fears and doubts. And when it is my best ally – it reminds me of the experiences I have had that lead me to believe that…YES! I do believe I can heal from anything.

As a Reiki Practitioner – I know the power of energetic healing. I can literally FEEL it.

As a Meditation Teacher who leads small groups in meditation – I know the power of raising the vibration collectively as a group. I can literally FEEL that too.

I have both lead and been a part of healing circles and the energy that circulates is beyond describable.

If you have ever experienced this energy in any of the forms above – you understand how hard it is to put into words. Yet…you know how it felt.

As a Yoga Instructor and student I know the practice of yoga (particularly Yin Yoga) opened my mind, my body and my heart to many energy healing modalities. Yoga led me to the most profound and powerful teachings of the Chakra’s. To teach, share and continually learn about these energy centers has been my passion, my pleasure and my inspiration.

Reiki; my very first experience with Reiki was uneventful. It fed all my ego doubts around this “woo hoo” practice. I didn’t know the lady who first worked with my energy. I told her I had never received reiki before and I didn’t know much about it – she didn’t explain anything about it. I then laid on her table for an hour, fell asleep and she woke me up and sent me on my way. That was it. It was the perfect experience for me at that time and I know that now. Even though my ego mind thought that session was the biggest waste of money – I was still so drawn to it. Why? Most likely my love of yoga and my fascination with the Chakra’s. My intuition kept it on my radar and over time (and to make a long story short) I enrolled in my first of many classes to become a reiki practitioner. As this is a practice that I will never stop growing in and learning about – it is on the top of my list for discovering who I really am and what we as a species are actually capable of.
My ego mind no longer labels reiki as a “woo hoo” practice. It has been left speechless and more curious than ever by too many incredible experiences. Experiences that would not have happened if my ego remained closed minded and stuck in its stubborn state of disbelief.  My intuition nudged my ego to open its mind and be curious to so many things. In both my experiences of being a recipient of reiki energy & being the vehicle in which reiki energy moves through me to others has been powerful. To try and explain it further would not do it justice. There are no words – it is an experience of vibration. An experience of wonder… an experience of sensations…an experience of healing.

Believing in 3 things is required to experience the levels of healing capable in each of us;

  1. Energy
  2. Self-healing
  3. A higher power

Without these 3 beliefs…well reiki is simply “woo hoo”.

With these 3 beliefs firmly in place the journey to self-healing and essentially self-love becomes easier.

The point of this blog is to open your mind to the power you hold to heal. Not just your own mind, body and heart but in practicing self-love and self-healing you raise your vibration to a state where you can effectively send love outward and effect the world in a positive way. At first unintentionally as you learn the practice of sending love and healing energy outward to a specific person – you believe you are just sending to the one individual but you are in fact affecting the world around you.

Healing occurs both in the sending and the receiving of energetic love

Lynn McTaggart is famous for orchestrating many healing circles with miraculous results. Her book “The Power of Eight” explains this process and documents many healings. If this is something you want to explore further click here for a short u-tube video of Lynn’s work

Are you willing to open your awareness to healing vibrations? Everyone and anyone can experience it. All you need is an open mind, an open heart, the intention to both give and receive love plus the belief that it is possible!

Then You Surrender…

Surrender to a greater, larger force.

A high vibrational energy is all around you. When you open to it, tune into it and then surrender to it – the natural process of healing unfolds. Whether you are the receiver of the healing energy or the conduit that it flows through – energy is flowing. With intention – it is a powerful flow. Intend to send love and healing. Intend to receive love and healing and intend to surrender to the power of this force.

What are you surrendering?

  • Surrender your logical mind and surrender to an open, creative, expansive mind.
  • Surrender to a force you cannot see – but can feel. Whether you are the sender/giver or the receiver, the degree to how you feel this force is different not only in each person but with each experience.
  • Surrender to the intelligence of the body, both in the giving and receiving.
  • Surrender the idea that you are anything other than a vehicle that transports the love and healing energy out into the world – sending healing & love is the intention, your body is the conduit to receive this love and send it out and the greater force (higher power) is the “wifi” delivering it out into the world. Keeping your body healthy and vital is important in this process.
  • Surrender your expectations and attachment to any specific outcome. (Aka; surrender your ego mind – the ego wants instant results – it wants proof of the healing AND it wants to control the process – this is the opposite of surrendering)
  • Surrender to patience – healing is an intuitive process and the healing is subtle. The Souls feels it, the ego doubts it. Every moment of doubt stalls the process.

When you relax into this process – you open your heart and your body to a powerful force of infinite potential – it is here that healing unfolds. Physical healing, emotional healing and energetic healing.

Give it a try…
Send love energetically to someone you know is hurting or suffering in any way.


Sending Healing Energy and Love

Dedicate some time (minimum 5-10 mins but you can go longer if you want to)

Sit in a comfortable position and take a few deep breathes – ground your energy into your body and the earth beneath you. Open your heart. Set the intention to send love and healing towards this person. Visualize them sitting across from you – send them light from your heart to theirs with the intention of sending pure unconditional love from the depth of your heart and Soul. Send them healing energy…love, acceptance, ease, grace, understanding, harmony. Imagine them receiving it fully – you may sense an energy flow of giving and receiving – let this happen. Don’t resist anything that unfolds – when you are sending pure love…surrender to the experience fully.

Do this for the duration of your allotted time. Once finished, bring your hands to your heart center, thank the Universe for the opportunity to help and bow in namaste.

The more often you practice this – the easier it is to send it out and the higher vibrations you send out each time.

It takes only 10 dedicated minutes and it feels so good to send this to someone who you know can really benefit from the love and the healing.

Healing comes in many forms;

  • Healing is the journey from fear to love
  • Healing is in the journey to acceptance
  • Healing is in the journey to forgiveness
  • Healing is in the journey to loving
  • Healing is in the journey to awareness
  • Healing is the journey of releasing
  • Healing is in the ability to feel
  • Healing is in the ability to grieve
  • We heal physically
  • We heal emotionally
  • We heal energetically
  • We heal with love and appreciation

This is my last blog of 2023! Let’s end this year with a powerful burst of high vibrational love, healing and gratitude and carry this practice into 2024!

Namaste my friends;




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