Money beliefs and expectations.

If you are stuck in the never ending loop of a negative money story. It is time to make peace with that story and decide it is time for a new re-write. New beliefs are needed. New expectations are needed. Because you will always get what you BELIEVE.

Our Money Stories

What is your relationship with money?

Think for a few moments of money as you would think about any other personal relationship in your life.

What is your personal relationship with money like?

  • Is it a loving relationship?
  • Do you love money?
  • Does money love you?
  • Do you trust money?
  • Do you trust yourself with money?
  • Is it a mutually respectful relationship or a constant battle of frustration, questions and concerns?
  • Is it a love/hate relationship?
  • Do you have a peaceful relationship with money or a turbulent relationship that often keeps you awake at night?
  • Do you fear money will abandon you or does it seem to stick around no matter what you do and you don’t even question why?
  • Are you jealous or envious if money seems to pay more “attention” to others than to you?
  • Does money find you attractive? Meaning you attract money into your life easily and effortlessly.
  • Does money find you difficult? Meaning you might be able to attract it into your life but it doesn’t stay long.

What are your expectations regarding money?

  • Do you expect it to be there for you after a hard day of work?
  • Do you expect it to leave you if you don’t work hard enough for it?
  • Do you expect it to always be there for you, no matter how hard you work or don’t work for it?
  • Do you expect it to continually come back to you – even though you keep sending (spending) it away? And does it?
  • Do you expect it to NOT come back to you – so you push it out of your life any way you can? (Then you can be right about it!)
  • Do you keep it hidden safely away so it cannot leave or no one can find it or take it from you? (expecting it to run away or others to steal it away)
  • Do you expect a harmonious relationship with money?
  • Do you expect a turbulent relationship with money?
  • Do you expect nothing from money – as you feel it owes you nothing?
  • Do you expect a lot from money – as you feel it is your right as a human being to have it?

What are your beliefs around money?

  • Do you believe you are worthy and deserving of money?
  • Do you believe everyone is worthy and deserving of money?
  • Do you believe you are NOT worthy or deserving of money?
  • Do you believe some people are NOT worthy or deserving of money?
  • Do you believe you have to work hard for your money AND if you believe this – how do you feel about people who don’t work hard and yet seem to have plenty of it? Do you believe this is unfair?
  • Do you believe money will make you happy?
  • Do you believe too much money can cause problems?
  • Do you believe there is always enough money to go around?
  • Do you believe there is never enough or there is a shortage of money in this world?
  • Do you worry often about money?
  • Do you believe money is energy and it can come as easily as it can go?
  • Do you believe someone can attract money to them by simply believing it is so?

What you believe and expect will shape your relationship with money. What you believe and/or expect will either attract money to you or it will repel it away from you.

For example, if you believe it is unfair that some people have plenty of money and they don’t work hard for it – in this belief you are actually repelling money from coming easily to you.


If you are envious or jealous of other people and the money they have – you are stopping the flow of money to yourself – even if you work your butt off and make lots of it! Envy and jealousy almost guarantee that something will surely come up in your world that will require you to spend more than you are making (that flat tire, broken down appliance, unexpected bills…)

On the other hand – if you are grateful for what you have AND you are sincerely happy for others who appear to have more than you – you attract abundance into your life. This type of “practice” will bring abundance to you in more forms than just money! This doesn’t mean you can’t or don’t desire for more – it simply means getting into the practice of appreciating what you already have and being genuinely pleased with other people’s success and their wealth will attract more of what you do desire to come to you.

TIP; This gratitude and joy for others has to be genuine. The energy of money doesn’t respond to what you say or think you should feel – it responds to and is attracted or repelled by how you actually feel. This isn’t one of those “fake being grateful or thrilled for others” until your wealth comes, the Universe is much more intelligent than that.

Energy (and in this case the energy of money) responds to how you legitimately feel! This is why a gratitude practice is so powerful! Appreciating your life – the big and the small stuff every day and honestly being happy for others and their good fortune is critical in the process of shifting your energy to attract more money/abundance to you! It will also help you shift limiting beliefs blocking your own abundance, to make space for a new and improved money story! (Make sure to listen in to today’s video)

Based on observing your money beliefs and expectations from the questions above – can you see how certain money stories have shaped your life and the relationship you have with money? Whether your relationship with money is a success story or one of struggle, you can turn it around and even increase your current success story.

Re-write your money story!

Shift your beliefs. Change your thoughts. Beliefs are simply thoughts that you keep thinking – so if you change your thoughts around money – you can’t help but create new beliefs.

Between every single thought is a space – a split second where you have the choice to continue with that thought or change it. Little by little, thought by thought, minute by minute, day by day – you can change your thoughts. You can change your beliefs. You can change your expectations and you can change your story!

Most importantly change your thoughts so you know, trust and believe that you are deserving of a healthy, harmonious and successful relationship with money! (NOTE; if money is not an issue for you – but your health and/or any relationship in your life is suffering – this same concept applies! The key to changing up any story of your life is shifting your thoughts and beliefs around the story of your health or a relationship. It’s believing you deserve a healthy, harmonious body or success relationship!)

How do we go about doing this?

Wellness Defined’s Personal Development membership allows a space and a group where you can learn these practices at a deeper level. HOWEVER… showing up for yourself is where the real shift occurs. You can sign up for any or many self-help classes and courses – but if you don’t devote the time to do “the work” on yourself – you will resort back to all your old beliefs (many of which are most likely not even yours) and you will continue to attract the same old things and the same old story.

This Week’s Intention

A practice to help you make peace with your old story and create a new and improved one

Take the time to seriously sit with your beliefs and expectations about money.

And by “sit with” I mean sit somewhere quiet and get comfortable. Close your eyes, bring some awareness into your belly, heart and throat area.

  1. Now think about money… in whatever form it shows up; the time you lost money, made money, found money, won money, earned money or trusted someone who betrayed you in regards to money, etc.
  2. Feel these experiences and circumstances in your body – particularly in your belly, chest and throat. By feel them – I mean let your self observe all the different sensations that move through your body as you allow different scenarios to arise in your consciousness. It is as important to sit with the comfortable sensations as it is to sit with the uncomfortable sensations. Stay the course – this isn’t an easy process and it isn’t meant to be!
  3. Give yourself time, space and a whole lot of compassion. Let yourself feel everything with curiosity. Do not let judgement (or your ego) carry you away into old money stories and beliefs that keep you stuck in a prison of scarcity. When you notice yourself in judgement – return your awareness to your breathe and breath into your body – shift back into curiosity. Repeat as often as needed.
  4. When you feel ready, open your eyes and take a few minutes to journal what beliefs you are ready and willing to release, change and shift.
  5. This practice will take dedication AND each time you do it, you will get more and more clarity. The point is to eventually feel at peace with past money stories, so the old beliefs no longer hold you hostage. It is also to feel at peace with an unknown or unexpected future by releasing attachment to your future money fears. (In the unknown is pure potential for opportunities beyond what your ego-mind is often too limited to see)
  6. When you are ready (and this may take many days or many weeks – so stick with it – you are worth it) make a commitment to yourself to set aside some time to re-write a new money story for yourself. A story where you have a harmonious relationship with money, your past, future and the unknown!

You have many money stories. We all have many money stories. Be patient with this process. Feeling into your experiences is a way to find peace with your past stories. In this peace is space. Space to create new and improved financial wellness in your life. Don’t rush this very powerful process – think about how long you have been carrying the beliefs that have kept you stuck and then step into the belief that you can change them all!

Believe in a harmonious relationship with money. Create it by journaling what that actually looks like to you and then open your mind and your heart to receive all the gifts this energetic Universe has been waiting to deliver to you.

What you believe you attract!

Believe in your new improved story!

Namaste my friends;


Contact me at for information regarding private sessions or to try a free class or two.

To join the personal development group (with months of recordings, practices and meditations in the PD library) click here;




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