December is the perfect time to reflect on the past year and decide what you want to create in the future. Let’s be radically generous and create the most amazing 2024.

Be Generous

Be radically generous!

Reflecting on the past is an important process because it gives you the opportunity to let go of any stories that no longer serve you. By letting go of these stories you can create a better future for yourself.

This is an empowering process.

If you think your past defines you or you are having a hard time letting go of a particular hurt, betrayal or fear – you are handing your future over to the past. This leaves you powerless to your circumstances. Nobody wants to feel powerless. It is time to take control of your thoughts, words and actions.

Everything that frustrates you, creates worry or anxiety within you or leaves you feeling sad, miserable or angry is not because of any particular circumstance itself…you feel this way because of your thoughts about the circumstance.

You have very little control (if any) over the outer circumstances of your life. You cannot control or fix a situation or other people. You sure can try though and you may even meet some success at certain points in your life – this need to control things will however ultimately and eventually backfire.

The payoff of energy spent in the process of trying to control or fix other people or any situation is just too great. It’s exhausting. The solution is to surrender. Surrender does not mean you are giving up or giving in. Surrender is NOT a weakness –  surrendering is a powerful practice of non-resistance. Surrendering is believing that the Universe has a plan and when you can let go of the past and release your attachment to how you thought someone should be or something should have unfolded in your life – you are then open to receiving love inward and ready to heal.

If you stay stuck in the past with a story that projects a lot of fear outward (whether that be about your health, an injury, a relationships, your finances, your job, someone you lost, something someone did to you or any situation that brings up pain of any kind within you) you will continue to react from a place of fear, a place of hurt and a place of pain. You will continue to live it…until you are ready to surrender it.

If you are unable to let go of past pain..

You will bring that pain into your present moment awareness…

Your future is created from your present moment thoughts and beliefs!

You take action from this space!

This means you are continually re-creating your past pains.

Until you are aware that you are doing this – the pattern will continue.

Are you willing and ready to stop the cycle?

It is important to FEEL everything you need to feel in regards to what has happened to you in the past. We can not heal if we do not allow ourselves to feel. Once this process of feeling has been rightfully honoured and felt, you are ready to let it go. Your intuition knows when it is time to let it go. Listen to the whispers of your Soul.

Your ego though, will justify holding onto the story with many seemingly reasonable debates and reasons why you can’t let it go.

It comes down to a series of questions around any past story your ego can’t seem to let go of…

  • Is this story worth sacrificing your own health and well-being?
  • Is this story worth the stress, anxiety or sadness it is causing you in your life?
  • Would you rather hold onto this story versus finding peace or happiness for yourself?
  • Are you going to allow this story to negatively affect your future life or would you rather take control of it?

How do you take control of your future, when there is past pain and memories being re-created?

You take control of your energy! You stop trying to fix outer circumstances and people. You stop reliving the thoughts and experiences in your mind and you start controlling the only thing you have control over;

  • Your thoughts,
  • Your words,
  • Your actions
  • Your feelings
  • Your willingness to change your perspective on any situation.

Every thought you think, every word you speak and every action you take is either a declaration of fear and your pain or an expression of love and your healing. There is no middle ground.

Once you understand this – YOU then get to decide whether you are going to feed the fear or shift your perception into the energy of expanding love towards healing every situation in your life.

Your ego will get very vocal with this concept! It will say things like… “yeah right – the minute I let my guard down, I will be left vulnerable, taken advantage of and people will walk all over me” It will convince you that you need to control, fix, protect, fight and stand your ground!

Letting go of the past is the biggest fear of the ego, as the ego lives primarily in the past.

Letting the past go is a foreign concept to the ego. Letting go of the past is the beginning of the end of the ego. The ego would rather run around in circles trying to fix things that nobody asked to be fixed and control things that is not its business to control, than to let go. This is an exhausting and never-ending process of misguided attention and the ego will claim it is doing it all from a space of love. It’s not though – if the ego could truly see itself – it would see that it’s need to control and fix does not come from love but from fear.

Letting go is the most generous act of kindness to yourself. Letting go of the past opens up the door to a very vulnerable ego. This is a good thing! This vulnerability is your ego’s willingness to surrender. Surrendering allows your ego to align with your Soul. Your Soul is the essence of who you truly are. In this alignment your ego no longer needs to fight, fix, control or exhaust itself with other people’s business. It’s willing to go inward. To find the peace within. To discover truths about itself that supports the expressions of love versus the dictations of fear.

This alignment is a shift in perception. An opening of the heart. A lighter way of being. A new way of thinking, seeing, speaking, loving, acting and feeling.

Be radically generous to yourself and let go of the past!

“The only way to heal the wounds of the past, ultimately, is to forgive them and let them go” ~Marianne Williamson

Everyone has an ego. The ego does not have to be the enemy. When it projects fear – it puts itself in the enemy role. When it expresses love, kindness and generosity it aligns with the Soul and aligns with the energy of healing and creating.

With 2024 just around the corner it’s time to reflect on your past stories and decide which ones you are willing to let go of.

It is time to create something new in 2024

Begin today by putting yourself in the energy of generosity.

  • Give without needing anything in return.
  • Give anonymously.
  • Be willing to receive without thinking you have to return the gesture (let someone give to you fully and completely)

Then if you are willing to go deeper – be radically generous.

  • Give up judging yourself, others and all situations.
  • Give up needing to be right.
  • Give up needing to fix someone or something.
  • Give up needing to control everything.
  • Forgive someone.
  • Forgive yourself.
  • Accept others exactly as they are.
  • Accept yourself exactly as you are.
  • Accept your situation exactly as it is.

Be radically generous by loving, accepting, honouring and respecting yourself and others fully and completely.

This life is a journey to love. This begins with self-love.

Every circumstance in your life is an opportunity to choose love over fear.

It isn’t always going to be easy, but knowing you have free will to choose how you are going to think, see, speak, love, feel and respond in every situation is an empowering position to be in.

Have a fabulous week. Be generous. Be willing to be radically generous without needing anyone else to be radically generous with you.

Namaste my friends;



Email Leslie at with any questions or comments you have regarding this blog post, on-line classes or upcoming retreats. And make sure to sign up for the newsletter (when it pops up) if you are not already on the list!



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