Mind your own business!
One of my toughest and ongoing lessons in this life is remembering that it is not my job to fix, heal or judge anyone (including myself)
My job is to accept.
Accept myself, others and the world as a whole. It’s a tough lesson to learn. Especially when my ego truly believes the insights and wisdom I have come to understand throughout my years of teaching and learning can help, fix or heal others.
I have come to understand lately that my journey is simply trusting what feels right to me and standing in my truth. It is living that truth to the best of my ability and accepting, honouring & allowing others to live their truth. Even & especially when it differs greatly from mine. Your journey is none of my business and if I am all caught up in your business and what I believe is right or wrong for you – then I am complicating my life by avoiding the work I need to do on myself!
I love speaking & teaching my truth out loud – it is one of my greatest passions in this life however it is not my business who receives it, hears it or what anyone does or doesn’t do with the teachings. I just know how it has impacted me in a very positive way and I love sharing it!
One thing I know for sure is my truth changes and evolves as I continue to learn and grow. As I discover more lessons to learn in this lifetime, it changes me as a human being. Every single human being on this planet has their truth and as each of us learns and evolves we find new truths and new discoveries.
In this knowing, I honour the ability of every human being to find their way in their life’s journey. When I find myself butting into anyone’s business I remind myself to get out of their way so they can learn what they need to learn. It is also a good reminder to myself to stop avoiding my own “inner work”. If there is one constant for all of us – it’s that when we are all caught up in someone else’s business we are not only robbing them of their journey but we are ignoring some pretty crucial life lessons of our own. The type of lessons that come back with a vengeance until they are learned!
My years of training to become a Life Coach has been the most humbling and rewarding experience of my life. Nothing like having to face your own fears in the midst of guiding someone through theirs.
As a life coach – it is not my job to tell my clients what to do. It is my job to guide them to look deep within themselves for their truth.
You are a Soul having a human experience. Your human has an ego with it’s own inner critic and it’s own victim story. Your human was raised by other humans with belief systems, opinions, wounds and judgements that you had little choice as a child but to believe and take on. The journey of the Soul is challenging those beliefs, opinions, wounds and judgements. Not all of them – just the ones that create suffering in your life and if you are caught up in other people’s business when do you have time to challenge your beliefs and shine some light on your own wounds?
Many truths are discovered by shining the light on your deepest wounds. The light brings with it acceptance and the inner workings where peace, forgiveness and happiness reside. There really is nothing to fix within yourself, only lessons to learn.
We all have wounds.
We all have choices.
You can feed and indulge the power of those wounds or you can heal them with love, acceptance & forgiveness. When you get out of other people’s business and decide to peel back the layers of your own wounds and belief system – your truth emerges and organic healing begins.
Everyone is on their own journey, making their way through this life in their own time and way. Who are any of us to judge, condemn or complain about anyone else?
- Simplify your life today by accepting life’s many turbulent twists & turns.
- Simplify your life today by loving & accepting yourself through these twists and turns.
- Simplify your life by loving, accepting and nurturing your wounds.
- Simplify your life today by accepting others as they journey through their life.
- Simplify your life today by focusing on your own happiness (that’s YOUR business!)
- Simplify your life today by finding your truth based on beliefs that feel right to you.
Feel free to reach out to me if you would like any individual coaching. leslie@wellnessdefined.ca
Namaste my friends;