Our world needs more peace.

If you are willing to open yourself up to a new way of being – you can become a big contributor to a much needed energetic shift. What better time – then the Christmas season to direct your energy to “Peace on Earth”

It is not as hard of a task as it may seem.

A fundamental condition though is that you are willing to shift into an energy of peace versus an energy of fear.

Do you want peace? Are you willing to shift out of fear and into the energy of peace?

Many people say they want to feel peace and want to create it in their life – yet many are not willing to let go of the fear.

I’ve come to realize over my years of teaching and coaching that many people don’t realize how much fear controls their life.

I know for me “obvious fears” controlled my life and kept me stuck for years. Once I started doing yoga and began to actively work with my chakra energy system – I was able to get myself out of the prison of fear I had built around myself. It felt like relief. It felt like I could breathe deeper and fuller.

Yet…I still felt stuck. It was as if there was another prison within my prison.

There was.

This bigger prison is the “fears” that many people (myself included) don’t recognize as fear…

  • anger is fear
  • frustration is fear
  • judgement is fear
  • blame is fear
  • criticizing is fear
  • worry is fear
  • negativity is fear
  • pessimism is fear
  • annoyance is fear
  • guilt is fear
  • revenge or needing justice is fear
  • disgust is fear

I could go on – but you get the idea.

If it isn’t love (or feel peaceful within you) it is always FEAR.

The Course in Miracles puts it best when it states that

“Every thought you think is either a projection of fear or an expansion of love.”

Every. Single. Thought.

There are no neutral thoughts.

So… wouldn’t it make sense to bring awareness to the thoughts you are thinking?

Numerous thoughts are programmed into your mind at a very young age. You can still change those thoughts if you want to – no matter how old you are. You weren’t born knowing fear – you learned to be fearful. You can unlearn fear.

Numerous thoughts have been programmed into your mind from the news, religions, family, friends, co-workers… it’s everywhere and we can’t get away from it. We are not meant to – it’s all a part of life.

Everyone has an opinion.

You have your own perception and opinion of every thought you think, and everything you see, hear, taste and feel – just as I do. Maybe we came upon them of our own experiences and maybe they were placed or forced upon us from strong opinion setters in our life.

It is important to note that not all thoughts, opinions and perceptions are fearful thoughts. Some have been formed in the energy of love.

And by love I mean unconditional love.

Love that comes with conditions is not love – it is control and insecurity (which is ultimately fear);

  • Unconditional acceptance is love (I will accept you if/when you do ____ is not love)  
  • Unconditional appreciation is love (I will appreciate you if/when you ____ is not love)
  • Unconditional affection is love (I will give you affection if/when you ____ is not love)
  • Unconditional attention is love (I will give you attention if/when you do ____is not love)
  • creativity is love
  • curiosity is love
  • laughter is love
  • happiness for no reason is love
  • optimism is love
  • Forgiveness is love (and freeing!)

Knowing the difference between love and fear is important as this is where free will comes into place.

Once you become aware of your thoughts and the energy that is behind each one (either fear or love) then you have the free will to change the thought. If you are willing to change the way you think about something, someone or anything at all – you can shift the energy.

This takes practice, intention and commitment.

Are YOU willing to stop projecting fearful thoughts and let the fear go?

It doesn’t matter what has happened to you, physically, mentally or emotionally…It really doesn’t.

If you want to stay in that story – then you will stay in fear.

I realize that sounds harsh and I am in no way implying that it is an easy or simple process to get out of the story.  However, if you are willing to choose peace for yourself over holding on so tightly to your anger, your fear, your pain and your story – then you can heal from this. If your trauma is big, if your pain is real – then please seek professional help with this.

You were not born to suffer – you were born to experience love.

Begin by loving yourself enough to let go!

As long as you hold onto your pain story and refuse to let it go – it owns you. It has all the power over you. There is no peace. There is no healing. There is no personal growth. There is only pain. Physical pain, emotional pain and mental anguish. This is anxiety. This is depression. This is disease. Its heavy. Its darkness.

The moment you are willing to let it go – it still may belong to you (for now) but its power over you lessens. The pain lessons. The heaviness and darkness begins to lighten.

With practice, intention and a commitment to your own well-being – you CAN fully let it go and when this happens – it no longer belongs to you. It no longer has any power over you. There are no more triggers, no more anxiety, no more depression, no more hatred, and no more pain.

What’s left is a feeling of peace. A feeling of relief.  A feeling of ease.

Some people thrive on the drama and pain that fear brings into their life. Peace is almost more threatening to them then the dysfunction of fear. This is common and it is even a natural part of the process of life. Especially for one who resists the truth of all that love can really do. And if you have spent a lifetime holding onto your stories of pain, guilt, shame, blame or injustice – you might feel very lost, uncomfortably vulnerable, and unsure of what to do and where to go, once you let it go. I urge you to get some help. Find someone to talk to – someone who can help you stay in the energy of peace. There is far too much hate in this world – lets pull ourselves together and expand love and peace outward.

There is a practice. If you are willing to take this step towards peace. It is an awareness practice that utilizes your energy system (Chakra system). When you bring awareness to these energy systems you align with the willingness to facilitate change by shifting from the energy of fear into the energy of love.

Do you know what fear feels like in the body?

Fear feels like;

  • pain
  • rage
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • impatience
  • unworthiness
  • insecurity
  • overwhelm

Love on the other hand – feels like;

  • freedom
  • ease
  • harmony
  • release
  • relaxation
  • hopefulness
  • enthusiasm
  • empowerment
  • joy
  • peace

What is the practice that can help you create these feelings of love and peace within your body and your mind?

It is a willingness practice

If you are willing to stop in the midst of a negative, fearful thought and shift your attention – over-time you will create peace within yourself.

Peace within, means that peace will eventually seep out of you and into others around you.

When you can get a group of peaceful feeling Souls together to intentionally direct their peace outward into the world – then profound healing happens. (But that’s that a blog for a later time)

For now…let’s be willing to practice shifting our negative, fearful thoughts using our Chakra system. For those who receive my morning e-mails – you have seen this (for those who want to begin receiving my morning e-mails – make sure to sign up for it when the “subscribe to my newsletter” form pops-up while reading this)

7 ways to create peace

Here are 7 key willingness practices. Practice them daily with every situation and person in your life. The more you practice these – the closer to a peaceful, loving state you will experience. Be patient and curious. (Make sure to listen to the video included with this blog for a deeper understanding of these 7 ways to create peace.)

  1. Be willing to think about things differently. (Crown Chakra)
  2. Be willing to see things differently. (Third Eye Chakra)
  3. Be willing to speak about things differently AND hear things differently. (Throat Chakra)
  4. Be willing to love differently. (Heart Chakra)
  5. Be willing to DO things differently. (Solar Plexus Chakra)
  6. Be willing to feel things differently. (Navel Chakra)
  7. Be willing to be different. Be uniquely you! (Root Chakra)

Each one of these 7 willingness practices has the ability to empathetically shift the energy you are putting into any situation.

The situation itself doesn’t need to change – your energy about the situation does. Only then does the shift happen.

Creating peace within is achievable if you are willing to think, see, speak, love, do, feel and be with it all differently.

You have a choice in every situation to project fearful thoughts out into the world and throughout your body or expand loving thoughts out into the world and throughout your body.

Are you willing to give this a shot and practice shifting into different thought patterns – ones that support peace?

Yes? You won’t regret it.

No? You may experience many hardships along your life path – however…quite possibly that is what your Soul signed up for in this lifetime! So… you do what feels right for you!

Namaste my friends;

Contact Leslie at leslie@wellnessdefined.ca to inquiry about any personal coaching sessions. To stay in the loop of any upcoming in-person retreats and workshops make sure to subscribe to the newsletter.

To sign-up and get a deeper understanding of what I write about in these blog posts – register for the personal development membership here;



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