These blog posts and weekly tap in videos really are just the tip of the teachings to a much happier life. If you are ready to go deeper on this inner journey click here to register for the personal development membership classes or email Leslie at for more information.

This week take a step back and observe whether your thoughts and beliefs support or hinder your financial abundance and wellness.

What is your relationship with money?

Let’s go back a few years and be curious about some of those old sayings around money and even deeper into words, experiences and observations that may have shaped the relationship you have with money today…

  • Did you grow up in a household where money was easy to access?
  • Did your family struggle to make ends meet?
  • Did your family fear not having enough money?
  • Did you feel safe in your home growing up in regards to family finances?
  • Did you KNOW you would always be okay financially – no matter what the circumstances were?

When you growing up, were you told things like…

  • Money doesn’t grow on trees.
  • We can’t afford that.
  • You have to work hard to make money.
  • You have to have money to make money.
  • Too much money creates trouble in relationships.
  • Rich people are deceptive.

OR alternately maybe you heard the opposite…

  • Money is easy to make.
  • Money flows in – money flows out and there is always enough.
  • Wealthy people get rich because they see opportunities instead of obstacles.
  • There are no limits to what you can do, be and achieve.
  • Everyone is worthy of wealth.
  • Rich people are generous.

Maybe you weren’t actually told these things but you grew up in a healthy environment around money and experienced money as a source of much joy and ease in your family.

Maybe you grew up wealthy and witnessed your parents choose money and power over spending time with you.

Maybe you experienced your parents arguing about money, or witnessed them sacrifice their health or relationship to work at a job they hated to provide for their family.

There are countless scenarios that could describe how as children we formed money beliefs (positive or negative) based on what we heard, witnessed and experienced.

Whatever your experience was – are you willing to be curious about your current thoughts and beliefs around money?

If you are currently financially abundant and feel no fear when you think of your finances – then this week’s intentional practice will be fun to do.

If you tend to struggle financially – this is a practice that can shine light onto money thoughts and beliefs that are sabotaging your ability to create financial wellness.

You might even be wealthy by everyday standards but struggle with fears of losing it all or never quite having enough – again this week’s intentional practice of awareness can shine light on the money thoughts and beliefs that create this fear within you.

What is Financial Wellness?

Financial wellness goes deeper and way beyond simply having money.

Financial Wellness means knowing you are worthy of money, wealth and all good things.

Financial wellness is feeling safe no matter what.

If we base our financial security and essentially our worth on how much money we show the world we have, what we do for a living to make that money and/or what our bank account says – then we are basing our worth on illusions.

Alternately if we base our unworthiness on not having enough money, what it is we do for a living and/or what our bank account is at – then we are basing our unworthiness on an illusion as well.

We can keep ourselves in these illusions by the thoughts we think and the beliefs we have.

If your thoughts and beliefs support your wealth, then keep them. If your thoughts and beliefs don’t support wealth – then change them.

“A belief is just a thought you keep thinking” ~ Abraham Hicks

“It’s only a thought and a thought can be changed” ~ Louise Hay

We can alter our illusion by the thoughts we think and the beliefs we choose to support or release. This is a process of course but it can be done.

However… I want to take this concept of financial wellness deeper.

Sit with the following scenarios and let yourself feel all the feels that will be guaranteed to come with them.

What happens to your sense of worthiness or unworthiness if…

  • You lose your job?
  • An investment you were counting on crashes and you lose “the farm”.
  • An unforeseen pandemic hits and your thriving business is shut down for weeks, months, years or forever?
  • You lose all your money (in any countless ways that could happen)?
  • You get demoted at work?
  • You get sick and can’t work?
  • You get promoted?
  • You win the lottery?
  • Next week, you lose your partner or that relationship that is keeping you feeling safe in your financial circle?
  • Next week you meet the person of your dreams, they fall in love with you too and he or she happens to be extremely wealthy?
  • An obstacle changes everything financially for you?
  • An opportunity changes everything financially for you?

Financial wealth is never guaranteed. Absolute security is an illusion, particularly financial security. In the blink of an eye all can change.

Financial wellness is about discovering who you are beyond the roles, titles, bank accounts and knowing you are worthy of all good things.

Knowing you are worthy is the absolute truth, anything other than that is an illusion. With this knowing – a vibration within you is raised and the energy of money will flow to you.

Abundance goes beyond money. Abundance is health, love, connection, happiness, laughter and above all knowing who you are.

How about this belief…You deserve wealth no matter what!

The key to financial wellness is knowing we are always going to be financially okay – no matter what our circumstances currently are. Things change. Nothing ever stays the same, however knowing your worth and believing in your worth will create the energy of success all around you that will attract more good things. This is your birth right.

Few people live this knowing and they are not only financially successful and happy but they know they will be okay if they happen to lose it all. Some even give there wealth away and choose a different lifestyle – this is true financial wellness.

How do you get to this point of financial wellness?

You step back, get really curious about your thoughts, beliefs, and experiences of money.

You understand that 95% of your financial beliefs are subconscious.

What does this mean?

It means that many of your beliefs around money were for the most part unintentionally “programmed” into your subconscious mind by the time you were 7 years old.

Your young curious mind was like a sponge, soaking up all the information it could through observation, experience, and conversation. That part of your brain that discern its environment and might have said “No…That’s not true” wasn’t developed yet – so what you witnessed, experienced and heard at this young age got stored in your sub-conscious mind. Hence began your journey of illusion.

What you witnessed, experienced and of course were told about money in these early impressionable years of your life were sub-consciously stored in your mind. These experiences shape many of your financial beliefs today. 

What this now means is…

  1. You do not have to believe anything you no longer want to believe.
  2. If your beliefs are working for you – continue to believe them – but know your worth no matter what.
  3. You no longer need to questions or prove your worth.
  4. You can break through the illusions and beliefs of the people who raised you.
  5. If you were raised believing you were superior because you had lots of money or inferior because you didn’t – you can let that go now. We are all equally deserving of financial wealth. Some of us want it – some of us do not – some of us claim it – some of us do not – however we are equally deserving – we are simply on our own life journey.
  6. You can create a new future and a new financial story.

Awareness, self-responsibility and the willingness to shift and change your thoughts to recreate beliefs that support your worthiness and deservingness of wealth is the key to financial wellness.

A good place to start is to focus on all the good in your life (financially and otherwise) and shift your focus away from what you don’t have or wish you had.

Gratitude attracts more to be grateful for. Complaining attracts more to complain about.

Until you become aware of the negative subconscious thoughts and beliefs you have around money and your worthiness they will continue to sabotage your best efforts at creating financial wellness.

Our beliefs determine our thoughts, our thoughts determine how we feel, how we feel determines how we behave and how we behave determines what action we take or don’t take – what action you take or don’t take ultimately determines your results – this is why becoming aware and curious of our beliefs, and then challenging the beliefs that do not support our worth, is the key to creating financial wellness.

This Week’s Intentional Practice

  1. Observe, witness and notice with a curious, non-judgmental mind your thoughts, feelings and beliefs you have around money.
  2. If these thoughts and feelings do not serve the belief that you are worthy of wealth – be willing to challenge them and open to shifting them.
  3. Focus on what you do have and not on what you don’t have.

Namaste my friends;




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