What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda is one of the world’s most ancient and comprehensive healing systems from India. It is known as “The science of life” which simply means that through this lifestyle program one can find the right balance in every area of life – physically, emotionally, mentally, energetically & spiritually.
The purpose of Ayurveda is to help one return to their natural state of health and overall wellness. This is achieved by creating balance in all aspects of life – body, mind and soul.
You deserve to feel good!
Ayurveda is not a “one size fits all” program, there is ancient wisdom and science behind every aspect of Ayurveda. This wisdom taps into your body’s innate healing abilities and your intuitive senses.
The 3 P’s of Ayurveda
Ayurveda is…
- Personalized – through Ayurveda you find out your unique personality characteristics (known as the doshas – Kapha, Pitta, Vata) you then tailor the tips, tools and treatments individually to create balance based on your own individual needs.
- Preventative – Living an Ayurvedic lifestyle offers you choices that can create overall health and wellness in your life. As Ayurveda taps into your innate and intuitive healing abilities, you essentially have the capacity to prevent diseases that may have otherwise developed.
- Practical – There are many simple tools, tips and practices of Ayurveda that you get to experiment with to find the right balance for you individually.
Ayurveda teaches you how to live your daily life in a way that produces overall wellness in all areas of your life. It gently guides you to be an active part in your own healing process. Through the 6 pillars of health, and the awareness of your dosha personality type, (Kapha, Pitta, Vata) you find your way to discovering your best life.
The 6 Pillars of health
- Nutrition
- Movement
- Sleep
- Emotional Wellness
- Mindfulness & meditation
- Self-care
Ayurveda has been effectively healing many Souls for over 4000 years. Just imagine taking this ancient healing wisdom and combining it with modern times… could this program help you feel better than you have ever felt in your life?
I know it has for me.
I have never felt better in my life!
My Journey
I have spent my life’s purpose bringing health and wellness to others in the yoga, fitness, meditation and life coaching world. This journey began for me many years before I discovered Ayurveda.
I embarked on my own journey to find health and wellness within myself as well. Teaching for me has been the most amazing journey of all. I have learned so much about myself in every class, workshop and retreat I have both taught and attended.
What an amazing journey this has been…
I am over 55 years old and I have personally achieved really good health over the years. I have managed to keep myself fit, overcome many injuries, heal my “chronic” back pain, work my way through countless nutritional programs & what I would say have been some very borderline eating disorders. I have effectively dealt with anxiety and other emotional and mental challenges that potentially were very close to ruining my life. Many of these struggles for me, took many years to unpack, uncover and heal.
When I enrolled in the Chopra Education program to learn about Ayurveda and to essentially teach it – I had no idea how profound of a program this was. My years of struggle to get to where I was, physically, emotionally, mentally & energetically & spiritually definitely helped pave my way, however what Ayurveda showed me above all else is how this ancient wisdom system wraps up everything I had spent years individually trying to balance in my life into one full program.
Honestly, in my opinion Ayurveda has it all. I went from feeling healthy most of the time to feeling better than I have ever felt in my life. This is because with Ayurveda I found the balance in my physical body, my mental mind and when I found it in my soul – I found wholeness.
This Ayurveda experience has brought into my life; greater health, peace beyond anything I have experienced before, the ability to BE happy no matter what is unfolding around me and helped me to tune into my intuition on a whole new level.
That has just been my experience
Which is why I am so passionate about sharing this with others
Ayurveda is a consciousness based lifestyle program… meaning there is a deep understanding that we are so much more than the thoughts we think, the roles we play in this life or the body we inhabit during this lifetime.
Ayurveda teaches a complete body, mind and soul alignment and as you dive into this program, you begin to adopt many of these practices into your life and experiment with the benefits they bring to you. From increased energy levels, to a healthier digestive system, to a better nights sleep, this program helps you to simply feel better.
Your health is your wealth
- It is never too late to begin your wellness journey
- You are never be too sick to begin the journey back to better health.
- You are never too broken to be fixed.
The most powerful tool you have for healing is your own body. Ayurveda teaches and empowers this inherent healing power within you.
If you are interested in Ayurveda classes – there are a few options available. Private Ayurveda coaching sessions with Leslie or if you prefer there are recordings of Ayurveda (past classes) allowing you to learn at your own pace.
Contact Leslie at leslie@wellnessdefined.ca to find out which option is best for you.