What if you viewed your problems through the eyes of your Soul instead of the eyes of your ego? This week many may need to “stretch” the mind to hear this message – press play above, open your mind and listen in 🙂

Then read below… (Revised slightly Aug 2024)

Shifting your Perspective

Soul’s perspective vs Ego perspective

Let me begin this blog with a very solid belief of mine – one that you may or may NOT believe as well.

“We are all Souls having a human experience”

I used to believe the opposite – that we are all humans and if one was lucky enough – one had the occasional Soul experience.”

I am not writing this blog to convince anyone of anything though.

I do not need you to believe what I believe.

In fact I want you to stand in your truth and your beliefs.

If you are still reading this – then all I ask is that you open your mind to a new way of thinking, or feeling or seeing that could potentially change your life and help you break a few “not so good” habits and create a few much better habits. Or another way of putting it is… you could potentially “shift your karma” so you do not need to come back in your next lifetime still needing to deal with it – plus if you shift your karma in this lifetime – you will find a lot of peace within yourself – even amongst turbulent times and a chaotic world.

What is karma?

My belief is that Karma is the lessons the Soul came here to sort through and learn. Many humans/ego’s get stuck in a karmic prison (or loop) by repeating choices and habits over and over again. Sound like your life? Well the good news is… you can release yourself from this prison and loop!


Karma is both created and transmuted through the actions you take or don’t take. It all comes down to the choices you make! If you feel like you are in a karmic prison/loop then new choices need to be made and you are the only one that make and take new choices – because it’s your karma! Everyone has their own karma – you can’t change anyone else’s karma – so it is wasted energy to try and control others or a situations.

An interesting next questions is…

Who is taking the action? Who is making your choices in this life?

Your Ego or your Soul?

That depends on what you are feeling and what your experiences are. If you are in a karmic prison of low vibrational emotions and/or habits and behaviours that are creating emotional or physical pain – then you are acting from a place of fear and that is your ego…always!  

The ego acts from fear (fear is just one word – but it encapsulates all lower vibrational emotions – guilt, shame, anger, contempt, resentment, stubbornness, worry…) and whenever you act from fear you remain in the problem.

Your Soul on the other hand – always acts from love (acceptance, compassion, patience, kindness, empathy, forgiveness, appreciation…) Your soul does not see problems. Your Soul only sees opportunity – opportunity to learn, grow and evolve.

The Ego sees things as right, wrong, good or bad and from this perspective will label your experiences as such.

Your Soul sees beauty, love and everyone and everything as equal & as neutral. There is no good, bad, right or wrong from the perspective of the Soul – therefore there can be no problems. Only solutions.

Still with me? If yes…what are your current thoughts on what I’ve written so far?

  • 100% agree?
  • 100% disagree?
  • I’m delusional & full of wishful thinking?
  • Intrigued?
  • Not sure but curious to read more?

Again… I am not trying to convince anyone of anything. I am simply sharing my perspective because it has helped me to shift from living my life 90% of the time in fear, worry, resentment and doubt into a life of love, acceptance and curiosity – which ultimately has led me to making some really good choices in my life. Let me clarify something though – these really good choices – were not always easy to make. They downright terrified me (or rather my ego) to make. I grew up looking for the easy road, I grew up seeking comfort and straying far away from discomfort.

I also did not grow up believing I was a Soul having a human experience. I had a pretty normal up bringing – nothing too traumatic – other than being the youngest child and being tormented by 2 older sisters – who most likely tormented me because they thought I got away with things they NEVER would have been able to get away with.

Normal – right? Well, it was our normal AND I am forever grateful for both of my parents and my sisters for our family and the love we all have for each other – however somewhere in my early years I developed a deep rooted anger – an anger that was so strong that I did my best to hide it from the outer world and unfortunately revealed it only to those I loved the most (yep – pretty messed up – but I have a feeling that hit a chord with many others.)

I can’t remember the first time I ever really heard that we were Souls having a human experienced – I most likely heard it often and especially during my yoga trainings – however I wasn’t in the right space to actually “hear” it – I didn’t understand exactly what it meant.

I honestly wish I could say that when I first heard it – it was a mind blowing moment of clarity that struck me into alignment. But no…it was not that dramatic – it was more like hearing it (finally) but from a desperate place of living a life based on choosing the “easy route” and never wanting to be uncomfortable – which of course led me to a life and emotions that were terribly uncomfortable. A lifetime of ignoring my intuition and gut instincts and instead choosing what appeared to be the easier way instead.

Let’s step now into a time in my life when I was the most unhappiest, angriest and a terribly anxious human being…YET from the outside looking in – I appeared to have it all! I appeared to be living the life most would have loved to be living.

Thank goodness I had my yoga and fitness classes – they are seriously what I believe kept me sane and alive today.

Continuing my education in both of these areas also not only saved me but kept my mind open to the journey I was about to embark on.

My unhappiness with myself and my personal life though led me to a once a week meditation class in my local area. Every week, I would hear this comment (that we are all Souls having a human experience) and eventually it began to seep into my awareness and to my surprise it was the lifeline that gave me HOPE and slowly but surely lifted me out of the life I had created for myself.

I will not get into details here but I will say that realizing I had created my reality by the choices I had made was a really hard pill to swallow and one my ego resisted believing for YEARS – probably even at least a decade.

It was so much easier to blame others who clearly had a negative effects on my life but as long as I was blaming someone else – I was stuck in the problem, stuck in my triggers and could not and would not grow and evolve out of it. Once I took responsibility for my choices (with compassion for myself of course) was I able to see past the problems & triggers in my life (and there were many) and get a glimpse into a world of solutions.

This was the journey my Soul had signed up for right before coming into this physical world! Really? This is what my Soul wanted my human/ego to experience? YEP! That is what I believe with every fiber of my being. But…Why would my Soul do this to me??

These lessons in my life were not happening TO me, they were happening FOR me.

So that I could transmute my karma from other lifetimes and not have to come back again in my next lifetime to learn them!

This was my journey and these were my lessons to learn and as long as I ignored them, wallowed in them or blamed them away – they were going to get louder and I was going to get more anxious, unhappier and angrier until I slowed down to hear the messages of my Soul and learn these lessons.

I was 40 years old before I realized this and only then did I start my slow but steady journey back into alignment with my Soul.

40 years of habits. 40 years of patterns. 40 years of living in anger and so much fear… fear of what? It was ridiculous really – I was afraid of everything – yet I honestly had no idea why. I was stuck. I was stuck in my own self-made karmic prison. For most of my life I had ignored my intuition and doubted my gut instincts and at 40 years old I was drowning in a sea of problems – which led to more fear, guilt, shame, anxiety and anger.

The thought that I didn’t have to live from this fearful egoic place of choice making any more was a welcome thought and it brought me hope and jump started my healing journey to love, acceptance and wholeness. This thought that we are Souls first – was liberating to me – it meant I could choose something different. And so began my long journey of choosing different thoughts, emotions, reactions and behaviors – I felt like I finally had some control in my life.

When things went well in my life because I made good choices – I took responsibility for it! I proudly claimed it and I learned so much about myself.

When things didn’t go so well in my life because I made crappy choices – I took responsibility for that as well! It sucked but in the end I learned even more about myself.

I found my voice and my truth.

I found my confidence and my authenticity.

I found happiness and I found peace.

Most days anyway 🙂

I make better choices for myself now and for those I love. I observe my choices and often through trial and error I figure out the consequences of my actions and I take full responsibility. I’m know I’m shifting my karma by learning something about myself in this often everyday process and in doing so I literally feel myself being released from the karmic prison I had built around me. I am the only one that can do this and I can do it because I practice every single day aligning with my Soul. I practice every single day aligning with love, acceptance, appreciation and the rest of my core values. I have made the relationship with my Soul – the most important relationship in my life!

Sometimes it’s quite the process releasing myself from my karmic loops and sometimes it is not but I have my practice of meditation and my daily intention setting practice that I am absolutely dedicated to and these practices align me daily with my Soul. From this alignment I can see clearly. I can see that every obstacle or problem is an opportunity for me to learn, grow and evolve.

I don’t always welcome these “opportunities for growth” but when I resist them – I suffer…always! When I embrace the lesson – appreciate it even – I move through it, I make better choices and I ultimately free myself from my karmic prison. It’s not easy by any means and I often have to really sit in some pretty stinky crap of self-awareness. However, I now find myself living a pretty amazing life and my karma feels pretty light and free.

I know that every choice I make shapes my tomorrow!

Do I always make good choices? NOPE – I’m human and I have a 40+ year old ego that often still resists this journey and so she (my ego) sabotages me (a lot) but what I am discovering is – she is sabotaging me less and less and the more authentic I am in aligning with my Soul and my truth the less power my old ego patterns have over me.

How do I align with my Soul to shift my karma?

  • By choosing different thoughts – loving, kind, compassionate thoughts.
  • By choosing different beliefs – loving, kind, compassionate ones.
  • By choosing different emotions – loving, kind, compassionate ones.
  • By choosing different reactions – loving, kind, compassionate ones.
  • By choosing different behaviors – loving, kind, compassionate ones.
  • By accepting all of me! Especially my ego and the resistance she often expresses.
  • By choosing to take deep breathes and intentionally coming into my heart space (my Soul space)
  • By choosing love over fear
  • By choosing curiosity over judgement.
  • By choosing to love and respect all of me.
  • By making this relationship between my Soul & my human/ego the most important relationship!

Do I risk the backlash of people thinking I am crazy or loopy or have my head in the clouds? Probably but I am SO over that – wanting people to like me, agree with me and understand me – kept me out of alignment with my Soul for far too many years. This alignment & relationship with my Soul just feels right and is so very important to me.

I am happy where I am now. I am not by any means done learning, growing or evolving – my journey is just getting started – I still have an amazing future to shape and some more karmic bonds to resolve.

Every choice I make – in any given moment – shapes my future

A huge shift in my perspective is asking myself everyday…”Who is going to show up today and make my choices?”

My ego or my Soul?

I then do my best to intentionally live my life from my Soul space. How am I able to shift from my ego when I notice it is making my choices?

For this – I tune into my body for the answer.

Yoga has been an amazing way for me to connect with and understand the messages of my body.

Yoga and meditation has led me to chakra awareness and many spiritual teachers who have helped me navigate this mysterious world of the unknown, higher powers, greater forces, universal consciousness and everything and anything “woo woo” (Alien’s anyone 🙂

I know now when my body is speaking to me and I do my best to listen.

Do I always know what it is saying? No. But I still listen. I have great respect for my body & everything that it does and when I truly respect it – I make really good choices for it.

When I make good choices for my mind with good sleeps, affirmations, intentions & meditations the consequences are clarity and calm. When I make good choices for my body with healthy food, exercise and energy work – the consequences are plenty and positive, and when I make good choices for my Soul by communing with nature, connecting with those I love, laughing, resting and honoring my intuition – I hear the messages very clearly and my life flows and I am happy.

When I don’t make good choices for my body, mind or Soul – when I overwork, under sleep, binge eat and don’t take the time to slow down and enjoy my beautiful life – my body speaks to me loudly – with aches, pains, fatigue and anxiety.

Every choice you make shapes your tomorrow

We are all human and it is so important to enjoy life, each other and do what we love.

You were not born to suffer. You came here in human form to learn something (many somethings) and as you navigate yourself through this roller coaster ride of life let your Soul remind you that you deserve to experience love, laughter and life in all forms and without conditions! Whatever you love – love with all your heart.

Your lessons are not punishments. You do not create “bad karma” because you are bad. In life you simply have lessons that are opportunities to shift your karma. The sooner you accept and be open to learning so many things about yourself – the less suffering you will endure. Maybe you get to learn patience, or love or compassion or kindness and maybe it’s a really tough lesson because you missed the opportunity the first 10 times it presented itself to you. Know that even that truth has a beautiful flow to it. All is well – you learn what you are meant to learn when you are meant to learn it. Be open. Be curious. Be gentle with yourself.

Ask your heart and listen to the messages of your Soul

The greatest asset your Soul has is the capacity to shift you from seeing any problem to seeing it instead as an opportunity to learn something. So many things to learn about life, about yourself and about others. When you are stuck in your ego and your problems…slow down, stop even, put a hand on your heart, breath deep and ask your heart for guidance. Your heart will guide you towards making a right-choice that will create happiness for you and those around you.

If your body does not feel good – ask & listen – are there choices that you could make to help your body feel better? If your relationships are suffering – ask & listen – are there different choices you could be making when you communicate with others? If continual problems are showing up in your life and you don’t like it when they do – ask & listen – is there a lesson or opportunity to learn something more about yourself?

This Week’s Intention

Every morning set an intention to;

  1. Witness the choices you make throughout your day.
  2. Before making a choice – ask yourself what the consequences of this choice will be for you and others around you.
  3. Put your hand on your heart, take a deep breath and guide your choices from your Soul. Act from there.
  4. Choose an action that will bring happiness and success to you and those around you.

Have an amazing week! Enjoy the effects that your good choices have on your body, your mind, your Soul and your life. And then keep going – feel your days improve, your weeks improve and before you know it – you have shaped a new future for yourself! One day at a time. One step at a time.

Namaste my friends;




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