Watch the video above first and then read the blog below! NOTE; A sound glitch just past the 10 min point today – the sound came back on but was poor quality – today’s topic is well discussed by then so the full tap in is edited to stop soon after the sound goes off. Gotta love technology!


What is consciousness?

Consciousness is everything. Without consciousness…there is nothing for anyone to experience.

Think about it for a moment. Without consciousness – you wouldn’t be able to think about it, let alone form an opinion or have any emotions around it.

Consciousness brings awareness to the world around you. It brings awareness to your thoughts, feelings, emotions and perceptions of the world and yourself.

What if all you discover in this awareness is mostly negativity, fear, worry and stress? Can you go beyond these thoughts and feelings that can lead you to make unconscious (and often self-sabotaging) decision in your life?

Yes, you can! Consciousness is your key to freedom!

There are actually 7 different stages of consciousness.

As Souls having a human experience many are stuck in the first 3 (very human) stages. When you open your mind to going beyond the human experience and are willing to entertain or fully believe the idea that within you resides an energy beyond the ego. An energy that I like to refer to as the Soul (or if you prefer… Spirit)

When you connect with your Soul, you experience higher states of consciousness. States like peace, happiness, harmony, grace and love. These higher states is where peace resides. When you open your awareness to a whole new way of seeing yourself and the world, you find the path that shifts your life in the direction that you have only dreamed was possible.

This week open your mind. Open your heart. Allow yourself to become more aware of EVERYTHING. Shift your awareness from focusing on one thing in particular to awareness beyond it – into a space of potentially anything. Expand your consciousness and become acutely aware of everything in general.

There is only consciousness, there is nothing but consciousness, without consciousness you can’t experience life.

The question is then; WHO is experiencing consciousness?

Your ego or your Soul?

When you find yourself in a rut or stuck in a never-ending loop of (often obsessive) thoughts, feelings, or emotions – your ego is experiencing consciousness through the lens of fear. We have all experienced this. No human-being is without an ego. The human experience IS the ego and it’s choices throughout life. The ego houses the addictions of the human experience and every human-being has at least one addiction; whether it’s an addiction to food, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, sex, TV, drama or healthier yet still addictions to exercise, knowledge or even meditation – this is a part of the human experience. To break an addiction is an uphill battle from the mindset of the ego-consciousness.

This is greatly stated in Albert Einstein’s famous quote;

“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it” 

  • The solution to any problem is in the higher states of consciousness.
  • Healing is in a higher state of consciousness.
  • Love is in a higher state of consciousness.
  • Peace is in a higher state of consciousness.
  • Forgiveness is a higher state of consciousness.

If it feels as though I am referring to these “higher states” of consciousness as unattainable – it is important to understand that they are your true state of consciousness. What society has come to accept as “normal” is a fraction of what we are all capable of experiencing and it is of the ego-limiting mind to think otherwise.

We have all heard various stories of a “miracle” that healed someone who was deathly ill or the super strength that came upon a mother whose child was in danger as she saved them. The truth is – these states or “miracles” are not just assessable for a chosen few – they are assessable to all and any human being. It is your birth-right! When you learn to get beyond the ego-mind, you have a clear understanding of this.

When the Soul (the real you) experiences consciousness, there is an expanded awareness, an ability to see beyond any problem. With this expanded awareness comes the ability to release control and surrender to a higher solution.

This can only be done in the higher states. The lower state of consciousness is where the problem developed and will remain until you can expand your awareness, open your mind and access the heart space in order to get you beyond the ego and the human experience and into a space where clarity and alignment with your true self resides.

There are 3 main forms we experience consciousness in;

  1. The body
  2. The mind
  3. The Soul

The body is the densest form of consciousness as it is made up of matter. The mind and the ego are more subtle and because we all have a different body in which we live in, we see ourselves as separate beings.

When the mind and the body are filled with stress, overwhelm and fatigue based on your perceptions of what is going on in your world, your biology also changes. The stress your negative thoughts, words, emotions and images of yourself puts on your physical body is toxic.

What is the solution?

What can you do?

Through meditation you get a glimpse of the “one who is having the experience” the Soul (the real YOU) this part of you is aware of everything. It is always curious and non-judgemental. The more often you sit in meditation, the more opportunities you have to align with this part of yourself.

Many humans, through their own and often tragic life experiences cut off this conscious (and essential) part of themselves. Addictions make it near impossible to glimpse. Judgements make it harder to reach. Stress distorts the essence of this light within us all.

This is why meditation is so important for your body, your mind and your Soul.

Each time you meditate, even if you label it as a “bad meditation” you release stress, fatigue and toxins from your mind and your body. Every thought you have in a meditation is your mind releasing stress – so there never really is a bad meditation! Over time as you practice meditation your mind gets quieter because there is less stress for your mind to release. With a daily meditation practice, the perception of your life and experiences begins to shift. You learn to get beyond the fears, insecurities and temptations of your ego and you learn to align with your Soul. The part of you that is beyond limitations and witness’s your world without all the stress and toxins built up.

As you experience different states of consciousness, your perception of reality shifts. To understand this better let’s take a look at the first 3 states.

The first 3 states are often referred to as “normal states” because the majority of your human experience is typically in one of these 3 states. With regular meditation one can experience even these states from a much deeper and higher perspective.

  1. Waking state; this is your human experience “awake” state.
  • This is the dullest, most disturbed state of consciousness.
  • Here you are bound by time, logic and very susceptible to stress and suffering.
  • This state has you dreaming of the future and re-living the past.
  • It seems very real. But is it?
  • Your Spiritual journey is to “wake up” from this state.
  • Sadly many humans live the majority of their life in this state.
  1. Dreaming state; this is one of your sleep states
  • You are less in your body and in more of a vibrational state.
  • You experience the mind, intellect and ego in a different way.
  • The mind is rejuvenated.
  • You have mental images and subtle memories in which you have no control over.
  • Time is more flexible. Many dreams happen simultaneously in the mind.
  • Mental and emotional stress is released in this state.
  • Your personality is reflected in this state – the truths in many cases…are revealed.
  1. Deep sleep state; this is a deep level of being
  • There is no thought in this state – so no stress.
  • You experience no separation from anything or anyone else.
  • The body is rejuvenated and releases the days stress.
  • Consciousness is present but very subtle – there is no awareness of “me”
  • You are in alignment with your Soul in this state, a restful, peaceful feeling.
  • It takes time to become fully alert when awakened from this state.
  • When you awaked from this state, your body and mind has shifted – they are not the same – the ability to program your mind and body for optimal health is possible at the waking state of deep sleep.
  • Sadly, most human awaken from this state and re-create the “reality” they know.

The higher and more expanded states of consciousness (4-7) are accessed through regular meditation. This is where the peaceful states of consciousness reside. This is where solutions resides and healing is accessed.

Life is always happening, evolving, shifting and changing. Whether you see it as happening to you or for you – it’s happening. Experiences are constant. Thoughts come and they go. Emotions come and go. Your body is in a constant state of shifting. You are not your thoughts. You are not the emotions you are experiencing and even though you relate very closely to your body – you are so much more than your body.

Who you really are; is beyond every experience – you are the one who observes the experience. You are the Soul.

Your ability to flow with life and the experiences you have (both good and bad) comes down to the ability to sit with your ego thoughts and emotions and get beyond them by tuning into your real self – your Soul – that quiet space within.

The more often you meditate. The more often you align with who you truly are.

The other 4 states of consciousness are better experienced than explained and if you do not have a regular meditation practice yet – they will most likely not make a lot of sense to you and they may feel unattainable. Once you have a regular practice – you will most likely experience them at one point or another.

Just know that there is so much more to you than a body and a mind. You are a Soul and when you tap into that energy and belief – there is so much potential for whatever it is you want more of in your life.

This Week’s Intention

  1. Be conscious of everything in general.
  2. Go beyond your ego and all of its roles. Be willing to see and be curious about your fears, temptations, pain and insecurities – on the other side of the ego is your Soul waiting for you to align with love, will power, healing and confidence.
  3. If you do not already have a meditation practice – start today! Your Soul is calling out to you.

For those enrolled in the personal development membership or in an in-person meditation class – we will be going deeper into the explanations of the higher states.

For those interested in going deeper you can sign up for the Personal Development Monthly Membership here ($33 per month gives you 4 classes a month with all the recordings) or you can contact me for any upcoming in-person classes, workshops or retreats at  better yet – sign up for my e-newsletter (when it pops up – fill it out).

Namaste my friends;




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