Balance, align & flow with your inner healing system.

What if healing was actually less complicated? The body is designed to heal itself physically, emotionally, mentally, energetically & spiritually and the Soul knows how to align with this intelligence. 

This intelligence requires your awareness and your willingness to open your mind to creative healing forces within that extend far beyond the ego-minds understanding.

The ego-mind in its tendency to dismiss this creative energy force, hinders the very significant rhythm with which these inner healing circuitries thrive.

The mind and its need to logically understand the process, plus the ego’s impatience, emotional states and fear-based beliefs are what creates the blocks that hinder the flow of these powerful and perceptive healing centers within and around you.

When left unbalanced and possibly even branded as ridiculous, the mending and aligning process of these centers are deprived of their natural rhythm. Failure to acknowledge these natural and resourceful intelligent systems within, requires your body to then work much harder than it needs to in its attempt to bring balance back on its own.

That is much a part of this human experience though. Life throw you off balance and in response you learn and evolve as a human being to do your best to put the pieces back together again. These imbalances could also be exactly what your Soul signed up for in this lifetime, yet…

The body is designed to return to homeostasis (internal stability). The mind is often what gets in the way.

Your Soul tries many times to get your attention, in the form of gut feelings, hunches, instincts, insights and intuition. Unfortunately deep seeded beliefs and world-wide fears keep the ego in the mindset of dis-trusting these perceptive hunches.

How can you begin to tune into and flow with the natural rhythms of your own energetic inner healer?

There are many healing systems within, the one I have studied the most is the Chakra energy system. I am also very comfortable with the meridian system, the aura and various other “energy medicine” circuits and grids. All systems can be aligned and balanced by taking the time every day to slow down and mindfully connect with nature and your inner source of stillness. Nature is hands down the most important and effective “medicine” there is.

Here are 20 ways to align with your inner healing system;

  • Commune with nature. Sit in nature. Mindfully walk in nature. Whenever possible “earth” with bare feet. Tune into all 5 elements of nature (Space, air, fire, water & earth)
  • Do yoga! All yoga when taught correctly will align the chakra system and works with many other inner healing circuits. Yin yoga works specifically with the meridian system and energy yoga or “energy medicine” (Qi Gong & Tai Chi included) works with numerous if not all healing frequencies within.
  • Meditate and practice mindfulness daily to reduce stress, anxiety, overwhelm & to aid in deeper, higher quality sleeps.
  • Connect to your Soul. Both meditation and communing with nature will align you with your Soul and a greater, larger force at work in the Universe.
  • Move your body. Strengthen your body. Stretch your body.
  • Rest your body.
  • Feed your body well. (6 tastes & fresh prana rich-foods)
  • Feel your emotions. An emotion is energy in motion “e-motion” They are meant to move. They are not meant to be held captive. They are meant to be felt, honoured and released. Holding, denying, numbing or ignoring emotions is detrimental to every inner healing system.
  • Play with different pranayama (breath work) practices. Alternate nostril breath is one of my favorites – but there are many to choose from.
  • Practice self-love, self-compassion & self-forgiveness.
  • Write daily in a gratitude journal.
  • Cleanse your body, your mind (meditation) and the space you live, work and drive in – keep all clean, free of clutter & negativity.
  • Cleanse your digestive system – do a fasting cleanse (again many different cleanses – check in with a naturopathic practitioner for specific healing options)
  • Do Chakra balancing work.
  • Slow down. (Go to a weekend retreat – better yet make it a silent one)
  • Choose love. Ask “what would love do?” Listen for the answer (remember self-love here – this does not mean you’re a door mat)
  • Feed your mind positive thoughts and best case scenario’s.
  • Align with your core values – live them daily.
  • Speak your good intentions into being.
  • Work with the rhythms of the Universe.

I could continue to list more ways but you get the idea. Start to implement some of these into your life today! As you do… begin to tune into the wisdom and intuition of your body and you will literally feel these inner healers firing up and aligning in your body.

Learning to connect your chakra energy centers with the elements of nature aligns you with a very powerful inner healing system.

The Chakra’s are your connection to nature and how you can reclaim your pure, natural flow. Chakra energy is always moving and shifting in and out of balance depending on what you are facing. So is nature. The elements are outside of us and inside of us physically and energetically.

  1. Root Chakra & the earth element; when in balance creates stability, protection and safety within.
  2. Navel Chakra & the water element; when in balance creates emotional stability and the ability to feel and flow with any & all emotions while maintaining the rhythmic connection to healthy emotional responses.
  3. Solar Plexus & the fire element; when in balance creates a warm inner confidence and strong will to follow through with good intentions. This is the source of transformation that aligns the ego with the Soul. In this alignment digestive and metabolizing inner healers are abundant.
  4. Heart Chakra & the air element; when in balance creates healing for the wounded heart. Air represents change and you can move, shift and change ANYTHING with the power of love, gratitude, forgiveness & compassion. Breath deep, keep your heart open and allow the air element to move you beyond the ego and into the higher realms of unconditional Spiritual love.
  5. Throat Chakra & the element of space; when in balance creates the space to speak a new story (your story) into being. Let go of past stories that no longer serve you, align with your core values, speak and stand in your truth and let others stand in theirs. Space represents the potential for deep healing when you communicate your truth and take the time to hear the truth of others.
  6. Third Eye Chakra & the element of light; this is your 6th sense. Many of us were taught not to trust this sense, but this is the light and energy that creates worlds. Shine the light of your intuition, insights and inner guidance on the darkness in the world around you and be willing to see everything from the higher perspective of love.
  7. Crown Chakra is beyond all elements. This is where the inner healer is activated when you tune inward to the deep wisdom that resides in the intelligence of your body. The answer to all grievances and illness’s lies in this energy space and goes far beyond the ego-minds ability to understand its knowing. No words can describe it.

NOTE: These inner healer alignments are in no way meant to replace modern medicine. There are so many benefits in aligning with your inner healing system & intuition and from there choosing the best medical route for your body, mind and Soul.

Often when modern medicine cannot find a problem or solution to what ails you – your inner healer has the answer. From there medicine can work with the energy alignment and rhythms of your body to find the balance and inner stability needed to heal.

Align with the inner healer first and the outer medicine will help in ways that you never dreamed possible.

The connection of the Chakra’s to nature and the 5 elements is explained in the video “tap in” above. Make sure to listen in to get the deeper understanding of this profound and balancing alignment.




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