What if the best case scenario is beyond what your mind can even think up? What if everything you truly want is sitting in the unknown waiting for you? If it’s in the unknown, then how do you get it?
You let go of the known
The only thing in this life I am completely certain about is…life IS uncertain. What I have (slowly) come to understand and trust is that;
There is incredible wisdom in uncertainty.
This statement used to confuse me and for the longest time I didn’t even try to understand it because honestly it scared me. I wanted to control the world around me because it made me feel safe.
Until my “safe world” became unsafe and the known life I knew was too risky to maintain. Risky for my mental health, my physical health, my happiness and for those I loved the most.
Detaching from my known life and instead embracing the unknown has been the hardest yet most rewarding uncertainty that I have come to experience in my life so far.
What is the wisdom of uncertainty? The grander plan! The plan one can’t possibly dream up while stuck in their known.
Let go of the known!
None of us has any idea what the grander plan is. I personally had no imagination for “something better” at that time of my life and until I learned to love myself enough to let go – I feared the worst.
Learning to love myself has led me to trusting uncertainty – which still scares me half the time but each time I surrender to uncertainty, the Universe shows me over & over again that it truly does have a grander plan for me. This inner wisdom has definitely been the most rewarding part of this self-love journey so far.
This week’s above video Tap in is all about uncertainty and the “next step” to attracting (manifesting) the good stuff into your life.
Have a fabulously uncertain day my friends!
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