Mind your own Truth
Honor your truth and let others have their truth.
~David Hawkins
Truth. We all have many truths. What is true for you may vary from what is true for others. What feels true for me in my heart will feel different than what feels true in your heart.
Wounds. We all have wounds. Your wounds will look and feel different than mine. Honor your wounds and let others honor theirs. It’s not a competition as to whose wounds run deeper. It just is.
One thing is for sure though – we all deserve to be heard and honored for our truth, no matter what it is and how much it differs from others.
Today, simply honor your truths and let others have theirs and if you find it hard to do this… it might be time to question your truths, beliefs and judgements. Great insights come when one can drop out of the mind of absolutes and into the heart of curiosity.
Have a fabulous week my friends. Connect to your Soul through the breath and observe your own truths;
Class Schedule
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