You may not be able change what is currently happening in your life – but if you are willing to choose HOW you show up to deal with it every day – this  can make the biggest shift.

Purposeful living

Living life on purpose

Living each day, each moment and each breathe on purpose.

I am going to be quite candid here…If you are stuck in a never ending loop of a negative life story AND you want to get out of it – then purposeful living is a really good way to change this negative story.

Many people believe their purpose is their career, job or the work that they do.

It can be – but it doesn’t have to be.

I’m going to challenge you to seek a deeper meaning to your purpose here on Earth.

Your purpose really has little to do with what you do with your time, what you do for a living or what you do period.

It has everything to do with how you do it.

Living in purpose has everything to do with how you show up in every moment of your day.

“Purpose” wears many hats and has many meanings. You can believe you are living in alignment with your purpose and then life challenges you in some way and you question it. This is a big part of the “finding your purpose process”

What if just showing up – is your purpose?

And HOW you show up leads you down different pathways in life. Pathways that you’re essentially meant to go on in order to find a new purpose, a new adventure, perhaps a deep hole to get stuck in a long the way. And with every experience (good or bad) a deeper understanding of yourself surfaces.

Forgo judging your past as good, bad, right or wrong. Your past is your past and it does not define who decide to show up as today, neither does it define your purpose. Judging yourself (or others) for wrong-doings puts a veil over your eyes and creates an illusion. You cannot possibly be willing to see things from a different perspective with this illusion of judgement. This illusion alone will block your purpose…yet – perhaps that is all a part of your purpose and  your Soul’s Journey!

If you struggle – you are human. Struggle is a part of this human experience – your purpose is also in the recognizing of this.

For the sake of this blog post “struggle” refers to any type of; emotional pain, physical pain, sickness, illness, diagnosis, mental illness, betrayal, addiction, abuse, financial mishap, career encounter, failure, relationship conflict or any kind of situation that renders you a victim of the circumstances.

This is not to minimize any sort of trauma you have experienced. If you have experienced trauma to a degree of deep, deep pain – then I wrap you in the energy of so much love and compassion and I urge you to seek help and support from any source that serves and aids your healing process and journey.

This blog is simply to help you see things differently. You need to be willing to see differently though. This will require you to open your mind to curiosity, drop your judgements and read this from the perspective of an open heart space.


3 Perspectives to ponder…

  1. What if… your Soul came here into this particular struggling life experience of yours to understand and learn from the struggle?
  2. What if… your Soul came here not to understand struggle but to actually experience it – fully and completely.
  3. What if…your current life struggle is karma playing itself out in this lifetime? Sort of like paying a karmic debt and if you can “surrender to the experience” your debt is fully paid.

My personal belief is…if you are willing to see things differently – then you came here to live, learn and heal from your life experiences. You may feel like a victim at many times in your life – but you don’t stay there – you take responsibility for your life by being open to what you came here to learn from all experiences.

If you are not willing to see or even unable to see things differently – then maybe you are not quite ready for the lesson or possibly you came here to experience it. Period. Not to learn from it or understand it – to just experience it.

Many people live in a state of victim-hood their entire life. Others live in a state of trying to be a martyr and taking on the exhausting responsibility of fixing all that is wrong in their world. Both states have a certain “comfort level” for the Soul and therefore the human has no desire to change or heal. Let me clarify though – if you are a Soul who came here to experience struggle in its fullness form and not to learn from or understand it – there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. You are here on purpose! There is a reason your Soul chose that path in this lifetime.

If you decide you are one who came here to experience the struggle and not learn from it – know that this perception can change. You can be 25 or 85 years old and decide you now are willing to see things differently. Alternately you may never come to that decision – the point is we all have a journey here on Earth and it is not up to me (or anyone else) to judge, criticize or even try to control or steer you onto a different path. When I was a parent – I did not understand this Spiritual concept – there are times I wish I had known this while I was raising my 3 daughters – but then I realize that wasn’t my purpose at that time – so I drop those judgements of myself – which helps me to be less judgemental of others as I view their choices in life.

We all make mistakes. We are human. We all learn the purpose of the lessons when and if we are ready to. With every lesson learned, there is an impression of peace left behind. Peace of mind and peace in your heart. This is what this human existence is really all about.

If my words guide you in a direction of finding peace – awesome! If my words make no sense to you and it sounds as though I am talking nonsense – awesome!

I am simply following my current “purposefully path” and writing this with intentional purpose. Intention to speak what feels true to me – without needing you to believe or follow my way of thinking.

Can we be friends and disagree on this concept? Yep

Can we be family? Yep

Can we like each other? Yep

Can we not like each other? Yep

Can we love each other? Yep

Can we be strangers? Yep

We are all here on our own personal Soul journey and I respect yours as I ask for you to respect mine – in whatever form our paths cross.

Still with me?

Want to find some purposeful peace in your life?

Read on…

Learning, loving and flowing

If you are learning, loving and flowing with the ebbs and flows of your life – no matter what is currently happening – then you are showing up on purpose. When you notice you are out of balance (in any area of your life) and recognized your flow has taken a turn into struggle – stay open to learning and loving and you will stay in alignment with your purpose. This is the space in which you are open to learn a very important life lesson. These can be tough lessons to learn – so stay on the path with an open and compassionate heart.

If you fall into the depths of your struggle – you are also on purpose and you will understand this when you get yourself out of the struggle and can see what you learned about yourself. The struggles that take you into the deepest, darkest, places of your mind have the power to transform your life. When you fall into struggle and succumb to being, feeling and playing the victim – then that is what your Soul came here to experience and when you can see this – you are ready to shift it.

How long does this take? Days, weeks, months…maybe years.  You’ll never get it done – meaning even after you physically die – there will be lessons you didn’t learn. Those lessons are then stocked into your karmic library for your next life experience.

“Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment.”
― Eckhart Tolle

What I really want you to take away from this blog post is that your ability and willingness to see things and people in your life differently have the power to change your human experience from one of struggle and suffering to one of peace, even and especially if life is chaotic and seems purposeless all around you.

Life is too short to stay living in struggle. Maybe you don’t feel you have a choice and that could be your Soul’s journey but maybe this blog post gives you hope and you realize you are ready and able to show up differently every day.

If so…show up with a willingness to;

  • See people and things differently.
  • Learn something about yourself.
  • Think with your heart.
  • Speak your truth from a space of love.
  • Share your gifts and talents with the world around you.
  • Love deeper.
  • Forgive someone.
  • Forgive yourself.
  • Know and align with your core values.
  • Feel fully.
  • Let go of the idea you can fix others.
  • Become who you have always wanted to be.
  • Find balance in your life.
  • Stop trying to fix everyone and everything around you and focus instead on finding peace within yourself.

Show up;

  • In gratitude.
  • In enthusiasm.
  • In love.
  • In alignment with your intuition.
  • In curiosity.
  • In compassion.
  • In awe of the world around you.

Do your best to live each moment on purpose, in purpose and with purpose – whatever your current purpose may be.

Namaste my friends;


These blog post will return in Dec as I am away on my Tulum Retreat next week and then staying an additional week to rest, restore and possibly re-evaluate my purpose.

There are many blog posts in the archives – if my words speak to you on a deep level, click here to scroll & check out some previous blog posts and make sure – if you’re not already on it – to subscribe to my newsletter email list (I’m sure it has popped up a time or 2 while you’ve been reading this)



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