Spiritual Wellness is not based on what you believe in or have been convinced to believe in. How “Spiritual” you are is dependent on aligning with your truth. This comes down to getting really clear on what is most important to you. As always – we go inward for the next few weeks to discover our truth and get into alignment with our very own created core values.

Private coaching sessions are available if you would like to book – to discover, create or revisit your core values. These values align us with the core of who we are – they align us with our Spiritual Wellness. Contact Leslie at leslie@wellnessdefined.ca to book your session now.

Tune in to the video above and then read the blog post below to dive into this topic of…

Spiritual Wellness

This week’s theme is Spirituality

 What comes up for you when you hear the word Spiritual or Spirituality?

Spirituality is one of those words that can conjure up all kinds of stories in our minds. Whether the stories have been created by an actual experience you have had, something you have seen on TV and social media or the stories and opinions you have heard from others – they have all participated in the formulation of what Spirituality means to you.

These stories may create some peace within you or they could produce fear or any other form of emotion.

The bottom line is that YOU get to define what Spirituality means to you and YOU get to create the emotions you want this meaning of Spirituality to generate.

What does Spiritual Wellness means to me?

It means living in alignment with my truth.

What does living in alignment with my truth mean?

Allow me to explain…

My true Spiritual wellness journey began about 15 years ago when I took my first Life Coaching Course and discovered and created my truest and deepest core values. Thus began my journey towards living these 5 core value into my life.

Until that point, I knew I lived my life with certain standards and good values – but many of those were not truly mine. I was living a life based on other people’s values and opinions so it was time I dug a little deeper to find out not only who I was but who I truly wanted to be. I kept the values that felt really good to me and I let the one I wasn’t so sure about go.

This was my first true journey into my own heart, my own mind and my own Soul. This was for me a Spiritual journey connecting inward.

Honestly, I stayed away from the word “Spiritual” for the longest time as I thought it had everything to do with religion.

What I came to understand is that Spirituality only had something to do with religion if I wanted it to.

I decide what my core values are. I create my values. I create them myself based on what is important to me, what I’m passionate about, what gives meaning in my life and who I am becoming.

Living a “Spiritual life” has less to do with what I believe or had been led to believe and more to do with how I can create the best version of myself.

I will revisit my core values often – just to check in. What is important to me can and will change and shift over time. For example once Covid hit and the pandemic started – what was important to me, shifted dramatically.

Have my core values changed over the 15 years? The root core value hasn’t changed much (and some are exactly the same) however the meaning I put on that particular core value has changed over time.

Over the years I have learned many lessons in the contrast of my life. I have also evolved as a human being and as I learn more about myself and my world around me, my values and their meaning cannot help but to change and evolve as well.

Ready to begin your Spiritual Journey?

Once you have your core values in place, you begin the process of living them. You set your daily intentions around living in alignment with these values. You do this throughout your day as best as you can and eventually they become second nature to help you deal in rational and responsive way through all situations, problems and triumphs.

These core values become your truth. Your truth is who you are at the core of your being. These core values help you through the difficult times in your life, they help you to navigate the tough choices and to build resilience within you.

These core values will help support any new story you want to tell. They will help you release any old stories you are ready to let go of. They will help you become so much more aware and conscious of how you can live a better, happier more fulfilling life. They will help you feel safer in this life, in your body and in your relationships.

The core values you create for yourself (and put into practice on a daily intentional basis) will essentially shape your future. They will determine what actions you take and don’t take and will ultimately define who you believe yourself to be OR who it is you want to become!!

When you know what your values are, when you have created them yourself – you now have something to align yourself with every day.  Your Spiritual Journey has begun!

Spiritual Wellness is all about BEING in alignment with your core values. Spirituality is living in alignment with your truth.

I know when I am not in alignment with my core values. My body tells me and my life doesn’t flow as smoothly as when I am consciously living them. My moods suffer, I experience painful headaches and a lot of muscular tension. I question my choices and I easily fall back into old patterns and not so good habits. The good news is – when I am ready to get myself “back into alignment” my 5 core values are always there waiting for me to join back into the flow.

This week’s intention is to get very clear on what your core values are. This is an in-depth process of self-awareness and a willingness to be honest with yourself. Honest about what is truly important to you and what brings true meaning into your life.

For guidance on discovering and creating your own core values – or if you want to revisit the current values you have but you are not sure how to get started, contact me to set up some private sessions to get you on the road to your best life!

Your Spiritual Wellness

To book an appointment with me (Leslie) email me at leslie@wellnessdefined.ca in these sessions I will give you all the tools to get started and guide you through the process.

This Week’s Intention

  1. Discover and create 5 of your own core values. OR revisit your current core values and discover new meanings, any personal growth since you last reviewed them and make any needed changes and adjustments.
  2. “Sit with these values” how do they feel? Write about what they mean to you – really get to know them.
  3. Align your core values with your daily intention practice. Pick one to stay focused on throughout your day.

No one can predict what will happen in the future. We cannot avoid losing people we love, we cannot avoid certain illnesses or situations like a pandemic for instance – but we can always decide to do our best to align with our core values on a daily basis.

In creating and aligning with your core values, you are setting yourself up to find Spiritual wellness plus a whole new understanding of yourself, your inner strength and your resilience.

Enjoy these next few weeks of diving into your core values. Next week is a long week-end so the tap in video and blog post will resume in 2 weeks’ time.

Namaste my Spiritual friends;


P.S. Personal sessions are currently $85+gst an hour. This rate will be increasing soon – however if you mention you read this rate here in this blog – I will honor this rate for your first session until Oct 31st 2023

Contact me at leslie@wellnessdefined.ca for more information and to book.



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