This week is all about respect! Respecting yourself first and foremost! Respecting, loving & honouring yourself enough to respect other people and their opinions especially if they differ far from what you deem as right/wrong/good or bad. The last few …
Healthy Boundaries!
Having healthy boundaries really comes down to having a healthy relationship with yourself. It’s a self-reflection week! Ask yourself; Do I have healthy boundaries? Can I effectively set & assert my boundaries? Do the people in my life know, understand …
Recovering from perfectionism & people pleasing
Self-care and self-love is essential to get beyond perfectionism & people pleasing. Perfectionism leads to self-judgement, self-criticism, obsessive thinking, seeking reassurance and eventually anxiety and numerous other health concerns. People pleasing is the single most detrimental act to loving yourself …
What’s really important to you?
As you ask yourself what is truly important to you – make sure it’s not what you think SHOULD be important to you (or what others or society thinks should be important to you). This week go beyond “shoulding” yourself …
Living Life vs Surviving Life
Living your life versus surviving this life comes down to nurturing YOU. It comes down to finding balance in your self-care and your personal self-growth. The theme for this month is self-care and getting on track for your own personal …
Self-care and our Mental Health
This week taking care of ourselves is top priority Bring mindful awareness to how we can care for our mind and our body using our senses instead of depending on outward sources to numb or shut out the mental noise …