Simply BE this week by minding your own words! Truth, communication, throat chakra energy and creating a better YOU and life for yourself. Minding your own words is all about how well you communicate. Not just with others but with …
Healthy Boundaries!
Having healthy boundaries really comes down to having a healthy relationship with yourself. It’s a self-reflection week! Ask yourself; Do I have healthy boundaries? Can I effectively set & assert my boundaries? Do the people in my life know, understand …
The power of forgiveness
Forgiveness When you understand that you have no or very little control over the outer world and the people in it – doesn’t it make sense to forgive others and shift your focus into recovering your life from the inside? …
Appreciation shifts everything
Life is full of struggles. It can be difficult some days to think of anything but what is going wrong in your world. Looking outward is the trap. Shifting your awareness inward and tapping into appreciation is the key to …
What’s really important to you?
As you ask yourself what is truly important to you – make sure it’s not what you think SHOULD be important to you (or what others or society thinks should be important to you). This week go beyond “shoulding” yourself …
Living Life vs Surviving Life
Living your life versus surviving this life comes down to nurturing YOU. It comes down to finding balance in your self-care and your personal self-growth. The theme for this month is self-care and getting on track for your own personal …
Detaching from outcomes
The more meaningful a certain outcome is to you…the more important it is to detach from that desired outcome! This takes patience and trust to let go of the powerful pull of any desired outcome. Our Soul has this trust …
We GET to live this life
When the responsibilities of life control what we HAVE to do, how much time and energy do we have left for what it is that we WANT to do? One of the biggest energy drainers in our day is when …