I truly believe we are all simply trying to do our best. The deeper question is though; are you trying to do your best to survive in this life or are you actually doing your best to thrive in YOUR …
Mind your own Energy!
Interestingly some delayed “energy” going on today (hahaha) my words are just slightly off with my mouth movements. The message is clear though – mind your own energy and stand in your full power! Are you aware of your energy …
Mind your own words
Simply BE this week by minding your own words! Truth, communication, throat chakra energy and creating a better YOU and life for yourself. Minding your own words is all about how well you communicate. Not just with others but with …
Simplify your life
Mind your own business! One of my toughest and ongoing lessons in this life is remembering that it is not my job to fix, heal or judge anyone (including myself) My job is to accept. Accept myself, others and the world …
Finding Your Freedom
Find freedom in your life and incorporate positive change As nature unfolds around you, find your freedom by tuning into the energy of the trees. As nature begins its transition from summer to fall, all human being can benefit from …
The Big “D”
DEATH What if death wasn’t so scary or so final? What if death wasn’t as scary as us humans make it out to be? Death is a reality. The death of the human self happens to everyone. It can happen …
When life feels like a struggle
Judgement vs discernment Fact vs truth Human beings are conditioned to see the world through judgment. The need to find out the facts, analyze, fix and come to a conclusion all without taking any time to drop into the space …
Challenge your inner critic!
It’s a challenge week! How do you talk to yourself? How do you talk about yourself? Are you nice to yourself? Are you respectful, compassionate, loving & kind to yourself? Well, if the answer is no – this week’s challenge …
Healthy Boundaries!
Having healthy boundaries really comes down to having a healthy relationship with yourself. It’s a self-reflection week! Ask yourself; Do I have healthy boundaries? Can I effectively set & assert my boundaries? Do the people in my life know, understand …
Recovering from perfectionism & people pleasing
Self-care and self-love is essential to get beyond perfectionism & people pleasing. Perfectionism leads to self-judgement, self-criticism, obsessive thinking, seeking reassurance and eventually anxiety and numerous other health concerns. People pleasing is the single most detrimental act to loving yourself …
Watch this every morning to transform your day!
Every morning you have a choice to transform your day and you are the only one who can do it. It starts by re-setting yourself and it only take a few minutes to do and when you get used to …
The Wisdom in Uncertainty
What if the best case scenario is beyond what your mind can even think up? What if everything you truly want is sitting in the unknown waiting for you? If it’s in the unknown, then how do you get it? …
Manifesting Happiness!
(Short article) Today I tackle a big topic – Manifesting! This video above & summary below is my experience of manifesting and what I have come to understand about attracting what it is I truly want into my life. (Which …