Did we find gratitude in everything we were complaining about last week? It was not an easy challenge! However, this month’s theme will help shed some light on how we can learn to see our complaints and our stresses as …
Here is our Challenge…
Find gratitude in everything we are complaining about! Are you up for it? I think we can all agree that in our world right now – there is plenty that we can find to complain about. Whether our trigger is …
What is the purpose of this human experience we are having?
Do you know your purpose in this lifetime? Have you ever ask yourself this question and if so do you know the answer? The last two blog posts have been all about opening our awareness to seeing our life in …
Are you afraid of the dark?
I was. For many, many years I lived in fear of so many things. I have come to realize through my commitment to my own Spiritual growth over the years that all along what I was really afraid of was …
Lessons we get to learn
I am home safe and sound from our road trip to Vernon where I attended an amazing Spiritual Retreat with two of my very best friends. I nearly killed us all on the way there though – but more on …
Movement, Stillness, Recovery and Balance
Last week I asked you to acknowledge the thoughts you are thinking that do not serve you anymore Now, take right action in the direction of balancing your life Acknowledgement of the thoughts that lead you to (often) unconscious behaviors …
Releasing and Creating
This week as our awareness of our senses increases we move into releasing old thought patterns, habits and behaviors and begin creating new thought patterns, habits and behaviors. However…important to this process is Dr Phil’s famous quote… “We can’t change …
It is time to come to our senses
When feeling “off”, yucky, out of balance or simply at a loss of what to do to improve your health, reach your goals or eliminate discomfort in your body, coming back to your senses and practicing self-care is exactly what …
Emotional Wellness
Happiness is an inside job Sure the outside world can help contribute to our happiness but if we are solely dependent on outside sources for our happiness – then suffering is sure to be our experience This week we get …
Gut health & strengthening your digestive system
This week’s video centers around setting intentions to make different choices in your day to strengthen your digestive system and improve the quality of your life. The article below gives you more information and ideas to support these intentions. Gut …
Getting your core needs met
How to get what YOU need How do you get your needs met on a regular basis? How do you attract all the things you want? The answer to these two questions is the same… GIVE to others whatever it …
Raise your Vibration for Success
Throat Chakra self-expression for Success I am cutting right to the chase on this one today… Defining success in achieving your goals and desires comes down to the vibration you are emitting out there. Shake things up and change old …
Root Chakra Balancing to Achieve Success
A little background here for those who may not know what a Chakra is… What is a Chakra? A Chakra is a spinning wheel of active energy that each and every one of us has within our physical body. There …