Did we find gratitude in everything we were complaining about last week? It was not an easy challenge! However, this month’s theme will help shed some light on how we can learn to see our complaints and our stresses as …
What is the purpose of this human experience we are having?
Do you know your purpose in this lifetime? Have you ever ask yourself this question and if so do you know the answer? The last two blog posts have been all about opening our awareness to seeing our life in …
Are you afraid of the dark?
I was. For many, many years I lived in fear of so many things. I have come to realize through my commitment to my own Spiritual growth over the years that all along what I was really afraid of was …
Lessons we get to learn
I am home safe and sound from our road trip to Vernon where I attended an amazing Spiritual Retreat with two of my very best friends. I nearly killed us all on the way there though – but more on …
What brings you joy?
What makes your heart sing? What are you doing when you lose all sense of time while you are doing it? These are indications that you are living (in that moment) in purpose. Living in purpose brings an authentic alignment …