The Raw Reveal: Unveiling the Unhealed Let’s just dive right into it, “fixing” yourself gets a bad rep, like if you have to fix yourself, you’re not quite right, well, I say, let’s throw that out the window! Let’s change …
The Power Of Setting Your Daily Intention
I can 100% honestly say that setting a daily intention for myself has been the biggest game-changer in my life personally. This is a practice of asking myself every morning how I want to show up for my day. …
Where do I start? What should I do?
Are these the questions you are asking yourself? Are you confused as to what to do in your weekly workout routines? Are you overwhelmed with the choices? There are many variables to these questions but here are a few tips …
Yin/Yang Yoga & Meditation Virtual Retreat
Yin/Yang Yoga & Meditation Virtual Retreat Are you ready for your inner journey? Are you having a tough time dealing with our current world? The stresses of the unknown due to the current pandemic crisis? Are you fearful for …
My Journey and Why I Do What I Do
Thank you for visiting my website! When looking for a fitness instructor or fitness classes, I believe you need to know 2 things: What kind of experience they have and are they qualified to teach specific classes, and Why do …