Compassion and boundaries Caring without carrying the burdens of others: In a world where emotions run high and opinions run deep, finding balance between compassion and personal boundaries is essential. How do we care for others without getting entangled in …
What is blocking you?
Have you ever thought of your thoughts as weapons used against yourself or someone else, sabotaging the very things you really want in this life? Have you ever felt stuck in a cycle of frustration, judgment, or negativity? Do you …
Believing in Miracles
Do you feel like you need a miracle or two? What are some of your beliefs? Do you believe in miracles? Do you believe in Angels? Do you believe miracles exist but not for you? Do you believe miracles can …
Perception and Projection
There are two main teachers in this life school. One teaches from the perception of love and the other teaches from the perception of fear. Both of these “life” teachers give you lessons to learn; every single day of your …
What’s your WHY?
Whether you want to lose weight, break a bad habit, create a good habit, start a daily meditation practice, make better lifestyle choices or repair a struggling relationship it is important to know WHY you want what you want. Understanding …
Tooting my own horn
When you are raised to be humble AND also the youngest of 3 girls – you learn very quickly NOT to toot your own horn. Nothing deflates your 10-year-old sense of self-worth quicker than an older sibling squashing your attempt …
Universal Energy
Full Moon Energy, winter solstice shifts, end of year reflection time & going beyond the human experience to find peace within uncertain, yet very natural universal energy shifts. That is what this week is all about! How do you go …
The Dark Nights of the Soul
“When everything is lost, and all seems darkness, then comes the new life and all that is needed.” ~ Joseph Campbell Being human in this school of life is complicated and challenging. Especially if your Soul is seeking your attention …
The Essence of Truth
Feeling into my truth What does it mean to be in this world but not of this world? As a human being, I am in this world. As a Soul though – I am beyond this world – I am …
Freedom in Forgiveness
You need to forgive. I need to forgive. “We must forgive those we feel have wronged us, not because they deserve to be forgiven, but because we love ourselves so much we don’t want to keep paying for the injustice” …
Freedom in having an open, reflective, curious mind.
Awareness & Attention Awareness IS consciousness. Attention is the energy that gives your awareness focus. Awareness is simply being conscious. Conscious of your surroundings outside and inside of you. Being consciously aware of your thoughts, your emotions, your feelings and the sensations in your …
Healthy, energetic, thriving body.
Every BODY wants to be healthy, energetic and thriving. YOUR body is always letting you know how to achieve this. If you’re willing to listen inward you can hear its messages. If you don’t feel like you are living in …
Aren’t we all just doing our best?
I truly believe we are all simply trying to do our best. The deeper question is though; are you trying to do your best to survive in this life or are you actually doing your best to thrive in YOUR …