We all have stress in our lives and many of us are even dealing with extreme stress. Whether it is the demands of a young family, a career, an illness, chronic pain, a loss of income, loved one, or a …
Are you afraid of the dark?
I was. For many, many years I lived in fear of so many things. I have come to realize through my commitment to my own Spiritual growth over the years that all along what I was really afraid of was …
No more “shoulding”
It is time to stop “shoulding’ ourselves and others Observation without evaluating Last week’s blog moved us into action after acknowledging the thoughts we have that do not lead us to desirable behaviors (Check out the last week’s blog for more …
What brings you joy?
What makes your heart sing? What are you doing when you lose all sense of time while you are doing it? These are indications that you are living (in that moment) in purpose. Living in purpose brings an authentic alignment …
Getting your core needs met
How to get what YOU need How do you get your needs met on a regular basis? How do you attract all the things you want? The answer to these two questions is the same… GIVE to others whatever it …