This week’s Meditation for you to try; 11 min Meditation – Ask your Soul Is the sub-conscious mind your ego or your Soul? It’s both and its neither. The question really is… “who rules the sub-conscious mind?” When you can …
The Seven Stages of Awareness
Did we find gratitude in everything we were complaining about last week? It was not an easy challenge! However, this month’s theme will help shed some light on how we can learn to see our complaints and our stresses as …
What is the purpose of this human experience we are having?
Do you know your purpose in this lifetime? Have you ever ask yourself this question and if so do you know the answer? The last two blog posts have been all about opening our awareness to seeing our life in …
Balance for our Body, Mind & Soul
When we are out of balance We feel stuck Whether it is our body, our mind or our soul that is feeling unbalanced, an awareness to these imbalances will essentially lead us to where in our life we feel stuck …