Do not underestimate the power of the breath Focused breath-work can change your life, your health and your mind-set The breath is the first thing we have when we enter this world and the last thing to leave us when …
No more “shoulding”
It is time to stop “shoulding’ ourselves and others Observation without evaluating Last week’s blog moved us into action after acknowledging the thoughts we have that do not lead us to desirable behaviors (Check out the last week’s blog for more …
Movement, Stillness, Recovery and Balance
Last week I asked you to acknowledge the thoughts you are thinking that do not serve you anymore Now, take right action in the direction of balancing your life Acknowledgement of the thoughts that lead you to (often) unconscious behaviors …
Releasing and Creating
This week as our awareness of our senses increases we move into releasing old thought patterns, habits and behaviors and begin creating new thought patterns, habits and behaviors. However…important to this process is Dr Phil’s famous quote… “We can’t change …
It is time to come to our senses
When feeling “off”, yucky, out of balance or simply at a loss of what to do to improve your health, reach your goals or eliminate discomfort in your body, coming back to your senses and practicing self-care is exactly what …
Emotional Wellness
Happiness is an inside job Sure the outside world can help contribute to our happiness but if we are solely dependent on outside sources for our happiness – then suffering is sure to be our experience This week we get …
Gut health & strengthening your digestive system
This week’s video centers around setting intentions to make different choices in your day to strengthen your digestive system and improve the quality of your life. The article below gives you more information and ideas to support these intentions. Gut …
Balance for our Body, Mind & Soul
When we are out of balance We feel stuck Whether it is our body, our mind or our soul that is feeling unbalanced, an awareness to these imbalances will essentially lead us to where in our life we feel stuck …
The Powerful Practice of…
Mindful Awareness What is mindful awareness and how can we utilize this super power to change what isn’t working in our life? This week we are bringing our awareness to our habits, tendencies and most importantly to our habitual thought …
What brings you joy?
What makes your heart sing? What are you doing when you lose all sense of time while you are doing it? These are indications that you are living (in that moment) in purpose. Living in purpose brings an authentic alignment …
The Universe always has a plan…
MY plan for this blog post was the same as always; Do the “Tap In” class Monday morning with my members Elaborate on the teachings in my blog post later in the afternoon Put them both up on the website. …
Is it time to tell a new life story?
Today we have the chance to shake things up. Take a snapshot of your life currently. What in your life isn’t currently working? What are the things you worry about, or cause you stress? Take a moment to sit back …
Getting your core needs met
How to get what YOU need How do you get your needs met on a regular basis? How do you attract all the things you want? The answer to these two questions is the same… GIVE to others whatever it …