You need to forgive. I need to forgive. “We must forgive those we feel have wronged us, not because they deserve to be forgiven, but because we love ourselves so much we don’t want to keep paying for the injustice” …
Taking Empowering Responsibility
Where do you feel stuck in your life? For me…my fear of change kept me stuck for many years. I kept myself in unhappiness for far too long because change was too scary. Blaming (others, my circumstances & myself) allowed …
Our unaware ego wrecks havoc on our life
When our ego is unaware of its own tendencies and reactions to everything that is happening all around us – in its ignorance of its liability – will blame others and outer circumstances for everything wrong in our life. But…we …
Getting your core needs met
How to get what YOU need How do you get your needs met on a regular basis? How do you attract all the things you want? The answer to these two questions is the same… GIVE to others whatever it …