Interestingly some delayed “energy” going on today (hahaha) my words are just slightly off with my mouth movements. The message is clear though – mind your own energy and stand in your full power! Are you aware of your energy …
The sub-conscious mind
This week’s Meditation for you to try; 11 min Meditation – Ask your Soul Is the sub-conscious mind your ego or your Soul? It’s both and its neither. The question really is… “who rules the sub-conscious mind?” When you can …
Myths of Meditation
To say that the practice of meditation has changed my life completely is an understatement. Meditation, if I am going to be perfectly honest here – saved my life. And as I continue to practice meditation it has transformed my …
Meditation helps us “Sit with it”
Sitting with ourselves, our thoughts, emotions and sensations can be a scary (often avoided) practice. Meditation is a powerful practice to help us find this process easier to do. On the plus side of “sitting with it” we find healing. …
Freedom from our Triggers
Speaking to and about ourselves with love was the theme of last week’s blog post and not only will this daily mindful practice help create immunity to our own personal triggers, it will shine a lot of light on our …
The Seven Stages of Awareness
Did we find gratitude in everything we were complaining about last week? It was not an easy challenge! However, this month’s theme will help shed some light on how we can learn to see our complaints and our stresses as …
It is time to come to our senses
When feeling “off”, yucky, out of balance or simply at a loss of what to do to improve your health, reach your goals or eliminate discomfort in your body, coming back to your senses and practicing self-care is exactly what …
Getting your core needs met
How to get what YOU need How do you get your needs met on a regular basis? How do you attract all the things you want? The answer to these two questions is the same… GIVE to others whatever it …
It is a challenge this week!
Who is up for a challenge? It won’t be easy, however the benefits will be worth it Your relationships will begin to feel different (better) and you will get moments and flashes of inner peace. Caveat… We will need to …
Tuning into Nature
To be completely honest, this morning’s Tap In felt a bit “uncomfortable” for me… Why? This whole “nature attunement” stuff is so new to me and I wasn’t sure I was confident enough to bring it into our tap in …